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Everything posted by Austin240Z

  1. I've towed cars with towstraps more times than I can count, longest trip was about 100 miles..... There was one time when I towed my buddy's Third gen RX7, and i forgot to mention to him to leave the keys in the "ON" position...... we took a right turn.. the wheel locked and he kept going right, we were going slow, and when he didnt straighten out i stopped and so did he, so it was ok. But yeah, it happens... gotta be careful.
  2. I'm running EIKO bulbs in an APC housing, they arent half bad, much better than sealed beams. Going to upgrade the wiring and wiring harnes and get ome Silvania Silver Stars... Or the new Silvania Ultra's when I finally have access to them (I work at a parts store) The ultra's are out in pretty much every bulb but I havent seen any of the 9003's or H4s, not sure if they are out yet.
  3. I think it's illegal pretty much everywhere if you dont have a rear window, or a way too look out the rear... but dont quote me on that
  4. $500 It sat in a Police Impound lot for 6 years, then a used car lot for 4... Finally wound up in a junkyard I used to frequent. Started right up.
  5. Hey, I'd pick you too... you have a kind face... wait.. wait... I've never seen your face.... WHO ARE YOU!?!?!
  6. Ouch... Autozone sucks.. they never get anything right.... I work for Advance Auto Parts.. we actually supply the Z Clinic of Austin, we actually have decent parts... most of auto zones parts are turds in a box.... I agree with BRAAP on the Clevite bearings, they're pretty darn good
  7. It's not illegal in this case, it's "exceeds mechanical limits" it says my car has 16,000 miles on it and the title says "exempt" in place of the odometer reading. the title also says "Austin Police Department" as the original owner. But yes, otherwise it is illegal
  8. the Odometer on my 240 is "past it's mechanical limits" and I'm putting a new engine in in the next month, I wanted to turn the odometer over to 00000, so I have a record oth the actual milage on the new engine. Anyone done this with theres? I havent pulled the guages out yet to look at ways to try, but I was hoping maybe some one had done it before and could suggest a way to do it without damaging anything Thanks
  9. I had a friend with a '92 240SX, originally was automatic, but when he bought it, the guys who he bought it from swapped in a supposedly "rebuilt" manual tranny. It sometimes had problems with first gear... When it got cold... First gear almost never worked, and Second gear kinda worked.............. First thing we did was drain the transmission... the gear oil was burnt to a crisp, you could smell it across the shop. Added new gear oil, shifted perfect, no problems since. My suggestion is check the obvious things first(which it sounds like you did), if that doesnt work, drain and replace fluids. Then go from there. It doesnt sound like that's your problem, but it's a good idea to check. Think of all the things that could possibly effect the clutch and transmission, write them down, and just go down the list.
  10. That's a big problem... Where did you get your bearings?
  11. Are there any superchargers avalible for L24s? I'm pretty much done building my stock L24, and I'm going to build the old one i just pulled out into a preformance motor over the next year or two. I've always prefered superchargers and carbs instead of turbos and EFI, but i havent been able to find much on superchargers for the earlier Z's Any info or links or pictures would be greatly appreciated!
  12. i think that one needs to be cremated
  13. I definately agree, I've got two L24's one I've been building and one i just pulled out. The one I had been building had a machined crank, .10 under. The old motor had a stock crank, but no telling how much wear, probably 216,000 miles on it. I debated for a long time about putting the old crank and bearings in the new engine to save time and money, but finally decided to put the machined crank and new oversized bearings. Better to take your time, send a little money and be safe about it in the long run than to mix and match and risk blowing an engine you just built.
  14. In this case they also used a Lawn underneath the lawn edging and the car. sorry, couldnt help it
  15. Ok, so I bought my 240 on 06/06/06, had been sitting 10 years, engine turned over, but the gas tank was clogged, brakes didnt work at all..... I live in an apartment complex, so there was no way i was gonna be able to work on it there. I stuck it in a storage facility where i could sorta work on it occasionally... A few months went by with very very little progress.... then I lucked out! I managed to find an engine and what was supposedly a 5 speed (turned out to be a 4speed) trans for about $150. So for the last few months, I've slowly been building my engine, though I had been missing some parts. Then about 2 weeks ago, i worked out a deal with my parents and towed my Z to their garage to work on it. Here's my progress so far: I still need to fix my rusty rame and paint the engine bay before i put the new engine in, but it wont be much longer till I'll be driving my Z
  16. It's not too hard, I've only been working on cars for about two years, and rebuilt my first head a few months ago. Putting my new motor in next week actually. If you're gonna replace a spring and have the head off, I'd suggest taking all the valves out, replacing all the springs(since one is already broken), the valve seals, and go ahead and lap the valves. Just DONT MIX THEM UP. If you take them out, PUT THEM BACK IN THE SAME PLACE. When you put everything back together, adjust the valve clearances. Get a feeler guage, the clearances are: .08 for the intake .10 for the exhaust I cant think of anything else to suggest at the moment, though i know theres more to mention... Hopefully other people will chime in with some good suggestions to help you out as well. If you have a digital camera or anything I'd love to see how your engine's looking, and once again, good luck to you!
  17. Organic were standard on cars way back when.. They were replaced by Semi-metalic, which have been the standard up until recently.... Semi-metalic pads are now being replaced by Ceramic brake pads. Approximately 75% of cars produced in America in 2007 will be equiped with Ceramic brake pads. The main differance is stopping power. Basically, Semi-metalic pads have a shorter stopping distance than Organic pads, and Ceramic pads have a shorter stopping distance than Semi-Metalic. If you have the money, my suggestion would be ceramic pads.
  18. That's also true. I'm actually helping a guy with a civic out tonight who's also backfiring through the intake, ironically enough... In his case, when we first got the car started a week ago, before the backfiring problem, I could hear the valves tapping, which makes me think his case is probably valve float. If your old Z isnt having other problems, starting out with a tune up is a great idea, but i would still suggest pulling the vavle cover and checking out the condition of everything on the head anyway. Especially since it's an older motor.
  19. Gonna be a problem with an intake valve... Could be a flat valve, or a valve that's stuck or damaged... But my guess is that it's most likely gonna be something like incorrect valve clearance keeping an intake vavle from closing, or valve float due to weak springs. Regardless of what it is, you're gonna need to take the valve cover off and inspect everything, My guess is that it may just be incorrect clearance, and in that case all you need to do adjust the clerances. If it's something like a stuck vavle, or a flat vavle, you'll probably have to take the head off and try to figure out which vavle it is. Then depending on what's wrong, you may need to talk to a machine shop and/or your local part's store. Good luck to you!
  20. Mine sat for 10 years without being started.... My gas tank is clogged, i pulled the fuel line right below the fuel filter and stuck it in a gallon tank of fresh gas and it started right up. Granted, it coughed and grumbled for a few seconds first, but it started up right away, the throttle plate and float in the rear carb were stuck and took some adjusting with a hammer, but it ran great. If anything is wrong fuel wise, I'd be more likely to bet the fuel tank is clogged, but you could be right though too.
  21. Hey, out of curiousity, has anyone seen or heard of any of the S30's with either a supercharger or a Tripple Webber + Turbo?
  22. Yeah, i was talking to a few knowledgable parts people down here in texas and they were saying the same thing about the paints going to water based, first in Cali, and then it's going to spread across the states... Supposedly, the spray paints you buy at like AutoZone, Oreily's and Advance Autoparts are going to get replaced with waterbased as well....
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