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Everything posted by Challenger

  1. I had a CRF250r and for 250 it really had pep, always wanted to spin the tires or lift the front end. I couldnt imagine a 600!! Fun fun.
  2. I think the main purpose of it is to get out the large portion of iron (block) to be recycled seperately.
  3. You dont see many 21 year old high schoolers.
  4. Yeah It was nice in spokane last weekend (installed carpet) and most of the rest of the week, but as we got into this weekend it got cooler and today it was snowing in Post Falls, and we received a little snow early this morning (in spokane).
  5. Wow, the one time it didnt even lift the hood.
  6. ^ He might pay you to take it.
  7. I hate you. What are your plans for the rest of the parts?
  8. What kind of person videos it and puts it on youtube????
  9. Anyway to get a picture of just the hatch area piece?
  10. Well I installed the wheel wells and shock towers and what do you know they sent coupe wheel wells. They fit fine except they leave a area visible right above the rear seat. So now there sending me the 2+2 ones and I have the old coupe ones..... any one want them Id sell them cheap.. There in perfect shape except a small installation casualty on the very bottom. (trimmed where I didnt need to had to sew it back on) Luckily my mom saved me with some sewing and you can hardly tell. $15+ shipping and you can have them. Id get pictures but my dad ran off to another country with our camera.
  11. No, the glovebox I have is in really nice condition but its a different color/texture than the MSA cap. I dont think its easy as some paint.
  12. For $84 you can get a dash cap that glues on top of the dash. Makes it look like new. www.thezstore.com search for dash.
  13. I believe theyre talking about 1/4 trim or window channel trim.
  14. Im doing the running start program and am going for mechanical engineering. Its alot of work, all I do is eat sleep and study. Right now I have Polsci 125 Eng 245 WClass and Calc 1.
  15. I had forgotten about that.... I had moved on.... Just kidding. I pulled If off a 280z myself, or was it a Camaro? I guess I didnt specify, I meant the color doesnt match.
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1977-Datsun-280z-2-2-for-parts_W0QQitemZ180234306254QQcmdZViewItem Flares look nice.
  17. I was wondering that looked like a weird Z.... oh its a Suby.
  18. Well I finally got my dash cap in and set it on the dash to see how it looks and it looks great. But..... my prior concern was regarding the glove box. Although mine is in excellent condition it doesnt match the dash cap. Does anyone know a good methods for matching these, does anyone sell a cover?
  19. Not really, these camaro spoilers sell for $100 new. There dirt cheap.
  20. Just wondering doesnt cf use a clear gelcoat? How would you be able to apply it if your in a way making the spoiler from a positive mold. (just laying the cf on top).
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