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Wedge last won the day on November 9 2012

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About Wedge

  • Birthday 01/25/1982

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    Alma, Québec, Canada
  • Interests
    Everything with a engine .

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  1. Problem I see with the SilverMM kit is parts can get expensive to finish the kit. For me in Canada the SilverMM kit gets expensive real quick.
  2. Does this plate moving the shock back and flipping the left and right control arms help with the scrub radius and the kingpin axis issues brought up by D1t in his thread?
  3. NOOOooooooooo ! I was goi to get this seemed like the shit ! What happened? No time ,interest not enough to be bankable?
  4. So your saying the 1-3 inch wopuld be enought for the car to drag on pavement ?
  5. I bought a cheap MIG welder at Canadian tire and started practicing on sheet metal the trick is to take your time because sheet metal gets very hot, so I tac wait 1min another tac wait 1min etc and for me it worked great. And the grind the weld even if its not perfect looking u can still grind it in the end. Oh and buy splatter sheild spray if you dont get a gas with the MIG. I have a home made spot welder made with a microwave PSU works wonders on sheet metal wear you can reach both sides. Good luck.
  6. Didnt someone on here did this before ? It was a convertable Z ? Or a GTO replica...
  7. Just check google new engine oil prime and you will get a general idea. My 2 cents.
  8. Good thing you like it ,but not my cup of tea it looks to big reminds me of donk. Really love the 370z brakes.
  9. I'm sad to report that the shifter doesn't line up center in the hole its in the back like I measured but not center. Stay tune for the solutions.
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