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Everything posted by roninjiro

  1. white from what i can tell (shouldnt be headgasket b/c new head shave, new hg, block not warped). it just doesnt make sense i pull the plugs and they are black?? but it runs smooth, what gives!!
  2. bump, still smoking but just took it out for a drive last nite. drove it hard and big cloud of smoke behind me and it stinks from what my wife said. again, the car idles fine, has PLENTY of power, but this time i just rebuild the su carbs (running super rich, or super lean?). btw i have SM needle in this thing
  3. i personally know its possible b/c i had no choice but to do it, but i used to weld and fabricate for a living. for first timers i highly DO NOT recommend a flux core welder for Panel work, but you MIGHT be able to get away with exhaust and boy it WILL look ugly.
  4. looks like a modified table lift. pole goes vertical to put up wire, pipe?
  5. i did mine like the first post except i just resently broke the speedo (shattered)
  6. set of 4, $225 per wheel? thats way out of my price range!!
  7. i got these from summit racing and i asked if they could make 16x10's they said no, i ask if they can make it 15x10 and they said no, and told me the biggest i could get in my lug size that they offer is 15x8, i said fine and ordered a set for $240. cheap i know but they had to special make it b/c the manufacturer doesnt keep these in stock. months later they come to my door and i DO NOT regret the style at all b/c im old fashioned when it comes to styling. i was going to orginally paint the centers but its just too popular to do that now, and EVERYONE i know does it. and plus it just so freaking nice in my eyes and i luv em. the fat lip is one of the reasons i got this rim.... just my style. THANX ALL FOR THE COMPLIMENTS!!
  8. you get those off of golf carts?, i want to get one but i dont know where to get one
  9. you did a really awsome job, you should come down to tex and visit!
  10. yea i should have got a different style, ohh well. the dish got me sold, as i can always make the center "invisible" with powder coating
  11. finallly my special order 15x8's made it home just wanted to share pictures. it took 2 months to get here and it was worth it!!!! LOOK AT THAT DISH!!!! I THINK IM GOING TO ORDER ANOTHER SET.
  12. "Got my money?" http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1300371217
  13. good to hear the pros and cons. i want to really pursue this early as i am 21 next month and really dont want to wait decades later to do it. i guess i need to start savin up b/c i do have a wife and child to care for <-----makes me nervous to do this>. btw great site jon! btw, jimbo what do you do? hunt you do a lot, how long have you been doing that kind of stuff on your property? right now i guess is a good time as any to get a business plan going, huh? QUESTION FOR ALL, WHAT WAS YOUR START UP COSTS?thanx a bunch, i will regularly check on this thread for any late comers.
  14. as the title says. i ask this b/c i want a career change; i officially can say i hate welding, wrenching (currently), autosales, cyclesales, and unemployment careers!!! i would love to work at home (probably learn to hate it) via computer. so if you work from home post your experiences and recommendations!!!!!
  15. first off, the 280zx studs are going to be short becuz most of them came with aluminum wheels that required long shank lug nuts that dont damage the rims. you are going to have to take the hub on the front off and knock out the studs and get longer ones. as for the rears you have to take the rotor off and knock out the studs and replace with longer ones also. this is gonna cost you about $2-$5 a stud. i know this b/c i had the same problem and resolved it. dont blow a gasket as it will be worth it in the end. and you should be able to get it at any autoparts store, make sure you have one of your original studs with you.
  16. i wish my family was like yours, thats amazing!
  17. works with bare or primered. OTM i do believe just sanded the old paint down a bit?
  18. 240zv8... are you still doing this on a test piece or are you doing the car? if you are doing the test peice, i noticed it was galvanized. i say this b/c galvanized steel require a special paint from what i read recently and that may be why you can almost scrap the paint off with your fingernail. if you are not describing your test piece disregard this. b/s that how is your compressor handling the spraying?
  19. just bought a new camera, going to make a vid of what mine is currently and what it looks like inbetween steps,i just dont know where to post them
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