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Posts posted by Clifton

  1. Clifton, you also have SDS on a RACE car, I bet it is NOT quite tuned as well as your street car is. You have had ALOT of problems with Flyback circut related. Its real easy I think.


    Ya, some flyback problems with MS, another drawback of MS. They shouldn't even offer it. It's another one of there experiments.


    It took me 10 minutes in my garage to get the SDS accel close to perfect, 1/2 hr on a dyno for load. It has taken a year to get the MS accel setting close to ok without it bucking. I know sds doesn't compare to MS as far as tuneablity but there are much better systems out there now if someone wants to spend a little more and doesn't want to have to learn every single aspect of MS. I have no idea how SDS works but if I spent the time working instead of learning about MS which is pretty much required, I could have bought Motec:mrgreen:. It is cheap but it's cheap for a reason, 12x12 window, one configurable output. Maybe more if the led outputs can handle the load, but to find out it takes a day of research. I'm happy with it as it was cheap (I'm a cheap guy) and better than the Toyota system but if I was busy and wanted easy to hook up I wouldn't have done it.

  2. If you have to ask, it's probably going to turn out bad. I've done quite a few and I think it's easier rebuilding an engine or trans than setting up a diff. You need a press, bearing seperater, dial indicator, calipers or mic, and an assortment of shims to adjust the pinion height and backlash. Then you have to get the pattern right and with out experience that can take some time to get right. I would guess 95% of professional mechanics haven't set up a diff.


    I would either buy a 4.36 diff or bring it to a drivetrain shop that does alot of diffs.


    The question is how much time do you want to spend debugging problems vs tuning and or driving.


    I second that. Once MS is running it's fine. It's just having to learn every single thing about it (pages of info), loading it, and setting it up. I spent less time installing and tunning my SDS than just setting up MS. Tunning MS is easy though, it's just getting it to that point. If you don't have a lot of time to spend, I would not do MS.

  4. I have seen threads were people say you can run cop with the waste spark ignitor, if they don't have built in ignitors. I don't know how well it charges the coils. I have also seen threads were people run dual edis. I would try firing the cop coils with the edis but check the MS forum. I haven't been on their boards in a while.

  5. okay, now, more pertinent to the discussion at hand, I would say that the most likely option is going to be 240SX engine and trans. I would call an older 200SX engine and trans the BEST option; possibly an early 80s pickup truck and 2wd trans. (unless you WANT 4wd?? :D)





    NAPS-Z engine, if you find a way to fuel inject it, WILL be your ultimate mileage nissan four banger.




    Naps Z's did come with efi on atleast 3 models. If it were a decent engine they would not have scrapped it for the better KA.

  6. As far as lean-tuning, that can get very dangerous. You can lean an engine well past Stoich, and it'll run great on a flat road, but run into even a slight uphill, or romp on the gas by accident or in an emergency, and you can find yourself with catastrophic detonation.



    You wouldn't tune it to be lean under all conditions, just cruise. No different than tunning an engine to be stoich at cruise. Under load you add fuel.

  7. My $.02. If you did a good job on the body work, spend a little more and do it right. Auto paint is uv resistant. Rustoleum is cheap for a reason. I painted my trailer with rustoleum about 6 years ago, it's a trailer so I didn't care. It used to be gloss white. It's not so glossy now. If I did this on my Z I would regret the few $100 I would have saved as I would be doing it again.

  8. I've run RA1's, Pirelli Corsa's, and V700's on the street. They all grip better than a non R comp on the street, even cold. Mine isn't a daily driver but I do get enough mileage out of them that that's all I'll run on it, I don't even think twice about driving from Az to Ca every year. I was autoxing about 5 times a year. I ran my ra1's on the street until they had less tread than your V700's until I flat spotted one beyond driveable. Arz on here has run V710's, V700's and R6's on the street. I know he runs them until they are slick too, it doesn't rain here. He did run a Falken Azenis on the front but wanted softer and went with R6's, even on the street.

  9. Why is that so?




    I should say unless it's a track car. On a street car, 15's IMO, don't fill the wheel well that great without lowering it lower than you will want on the street. There's also not a lot of options in 15" perfomance tires. I would look into what brand you want first and be sure you aren't going to want something softer later as it may not be available in the size you want, also check other brands, the one you pick might discontinue and then you'll be even more limited. In the early 90's I had 15x7 Rikens and wish I bought 16x7's after seeing them one a Z. 15" tires were pretty easy to come by then too.

  10. I guess I got off topic.



    What are you trying to say here, Clifton?


    If you think the only place that someone in authority over you deserves respect is in school, you will probably have a tough time of it in life. That situation happens in the work place, out on the road, just about everywhere. It's a strange concept to some, but respect for authority is a method of self-preservation or at least a method to lower the problems in your life.


    I and the other admins DO have authority over the members here - it's a simple fact. It's something that we don't like to often point out to the members as it sets up an uncomfortable situation. But when rebels feel that they can ignore this fact and make public posts against the admin's actions, they bring the topic to the attention of everyone. It's happening more and more in the past few years, and it's been getting to be more of an issue as of late.


    So if I or the other admins expect some respect because we're "in power" we are asking too much? How about if we just don't moderate the forums and let all the flamers and spammers just run over the site unfettered. Maybe we'd get some respect after we let that happen? What if the police all quit doing their jobs and tried not to catch all the murderers and rapists - I bet you might respect what they do (except for victimizing citizens with speed traps, etc.) more if you thought about what they do every day. Do you have a problem with authority in general?


    Everyone deserves respect if they act like mature human beings. That's how I go through life. They get more if they are nice, helpful, etc. They get less when they act like a rebel without a real cause, if they go against any authority just because they don't like any authority.


    This, I would think is really simple and obvious, but some just don't get it and it's why I wrote what I did:

    If someone acts like a rebel against the hosts at a party they will get unwelcome attention from the hosts. For the simple fact that SOMEONE has authority in that situation, they deserve to be shown a bit more respect in public, no matter how much you dislike them or dislike that they have respect. If you instead show disrespect to them in public, then you should expect some kind of reaction that you probably won't like in the end, as well as the other people at the party glancing sideways at you and thinking you are the fool, or they might even come over and tell you to knock it off.


    If someone here acts like a child that needs parenting, we are inclined to take on the parenting role - that's our duty. But for the VAST majority of members, we don't have to do that and we just act like gracious party hosts and try to be helpful as much as we can. So, no, we admins don't always talk to guests as if we are parents. We only do that if we need to fix things if a rule was broken.


    Do you really think that the admins talk down to all the guests that much? Out of my 5000+ posts, I can guarantee you that most of them were either me asking a question, answering one, or throwing out a bit of humor. Up until a few years ago, we had basically nothing to do as far as "parenting".


    It is hard to express some things on a forum without it coming across in a way that it was intended. I wasn't trying to point to you, I hope you didn't take it like that. I've never seen you talk down to someone and I hope you didn't think I was pointing to you or anyone in particular. I have seen quite a few posts that weren't so friendly from others that could have been handled alot better, if the intention of this board is an information party. I'm not talking about posts by rebels either.


    The school thing is a reference. I have seen some mods talk to poeple as if they are 12. When you are 12 it may work, but when you are an adult and someone comes across like that it doesn't work as well and usually makes things worse. Talking to someone as they are your equal but a little out of line will get people further. Yes, I know there are many people with authority. I am old enough to know this and have made it through life so far without too much trouble. If someone feels they deserve automatic respect because of there title, job discription, social class, or whatever, that's were I have a problem and butt heads. Respect does not go hand in hand with authority. One can obey the rules but still have no respect for those that make them. This goes for the real world or Hybrid.



    And what does this mean, Clifton?

    "Without the guest there isn't much of a party"


    Without the rebel guest, the party is fun for more people.



    I meant, the members make the forums. If half of the high posting, knowledgable, helpfull ones left. Hybrid wouldn't be quite the same, other than the name. The attitude some take is, if you don't like it leave. If we all left there wouldn't be much left to moderate. This may be a dictatorship but we don't need a visa to go somewhere else. The way some actions are taken, the guests don't always seem apprecaited.


    I do completely agree that rebels aren't wanted.

  11. The content and the value of this site comes from the members.


    This couldn't be more true.





    If you don't like how the admins are acting at the party that they are throwing (i.e., allowing you to come to HybridZ and post), you can leave or you can PM or email them and see if you can politely explain your complaint. That way, you are much more likely to get them to listen to your complaint and possibly apologize and/or rectify the situation if they agree they should have dealt with something another way..


    Without the guest there isn't much of a party.



    If you weren't taught to respect authority (whether you agree with the authority figure or not), then we really don't care if we have to teach you here. This is NOT a democracy.





    I know this is the view a few mods on here have. I respect those that treat others as equals and give respect back. Plus, this is not school, it's party:-D. Those that feel they deserve respect usaully treat and talk to others as if they are the parents. That can cause problems with the guests and isn't the best way to approach a guest. I rarely see the party throwers talk to someone as they are a guest (friend). I have seen them talk to people as though they are the cops, not very host like.

  12. Apparently it's not backfiring now? Either way, if it had too much fuel it wouldn't be backfiring except on decel. It would just chug if it was way to rich everywhere else. If it's out the intake it's lean if it's fuel related.


    I am willing to bet that the electric fuel pump is overpressuring the needle and seats in the fuel bowl thus over flowing the fuel bowls.




    This is why the problem is the same on both sets of inducitons. Do a search here on solutions to this problem, fuel pressure or carb inlet pressure. I have responded to several posts so I know they exist.


    During testing mode, get a good quality fuel pressure guage and test the pressure first to confrim the potential problem and I bet your pushing greater than the required 5 P.S.I. Be advised that even with such a low pressure that with old or used needle and seats you can over flow the fuel bowls.

  13. If you suspect your vac adv, put your timing light back on and disconnect it and see if it moves. You can also check total timing and see if your mech adv is working.



    Is it backfiring out the intake (lean or timing way off) or the exhasut on decel?

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