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Everything posted by MY77Z

  1. sorry to hear that, just fix the dents, after all, she's your sister
  2. i built a 500Z powered by a 5.0 Ford because i love mustangs and been in the Ford world long enough. also because i had the engine/tranny/mods for free out of my 1989 mustang, if a build another Z, it has to be a LS2/t56 powered one
  3. sorry to hear that, had the same problem back when i had the L28, changed everything but nothing changed the crappy way she ran, i took it to a Z wiring wizard here in kuwait, he told me nothing is wrong with the car, its a wiring problem, next day, she ran like a new car.
  4. i think mine looks better LOOOL J/K i think your car is awesome, just to know that it has a BBC is making me go crazy. the air dam looks great and i love the hood, not huge like mine and dont look stock neither. can't wait to see it when painted and with new rims.
  5. MY77Z

    wheel spacers

    jeff, did you roll your inner fenders lips? and BTW, where to get some high quality spacers?
  6. hahahahaha nice joke well, you know what, it wouldn't be a bad idea to use a heat shield between them, maybe i'll do it, thanks for the idea
  7. Aziza Z is one of my favorite Zs ever
  8. Pyro, now it's 45C because the summer hasn't started yet, in july, august, it will be 55C, last year the highest temp recorded was 59C well i ordered a 160 degree high flow T-stat along with the water pump and radiator, a shroud??? not sure i'll be ablt to install one since its really tight between the fan and the WP pully.
  9. what is a water wetter? never heard of it before.
  10. Chicken... Ferrari ENZO or Saleen S7TT?
  11. speedgato .............. well, so far it looks awesome dude
  12. looks awesome, i think weld drag lites would look stunning on your ride and post your before and after photos here: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=120522 you'll find alot of before/after photos in this thread great job
  13. hi guys, Flow Kooler high flow water pump/ 160degree high flow thermostat/ griffin 24*19 radiator were ordered today should receive them here in kuwait in 5-7 days thanks for all your help guys
  14. hi guys, Flow Kooler high flow water pump/ 160degree high flow thermostat/ griffin 24*19 radiator were ordered today should receive them here in kuwait in 5-7 days thanks for all your help guys.
  15. thank you in english merci in french gracias in spanish shokran in arabic ALOT FOR YOUR HELP bed time for me, i'll order it tomorow and should receive it here in kuwait in a week or so.
  16. i cant use your setup since my alternator is bottom mounted, its almost next to the crank pully. but thanks though for the idea:)
  17. LOOOL ok ok i'll go to bed one last question, 0.625 is the stock Pilot Diameter ?? i wanna make sure before i get this part shipped to kuwait because its a one way trip. P.S. thanks alot bro for your help and you time
  18. http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=BRA%2D1653&N=700+4294908331+4294924930+4294840126+4294822066+4294903555+115&autoview=sku i found this, its a high flow pump that rotates both ways, what do you think?? its 3:30AM i need to go to bed but i have to solve this problem first
  19. http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=FMS%2DM%2D8501%2DG351&N=700+4294908331+4294924930+4294840126+115&autoview=sku i found this on summit's site, it says that its for V belt applications, can i get this pump and keep my current belt arrangement? now, a 302 has what rotation type?? the cranck pully rotates which side?
  20. i need to understand a thing here, my stock water pump should rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?? on the march site, they have so many kits, which one should be the one i want??!!! can't i just chenge the water pump and get one that roatetrs as my belt does now??? what is a standard rotation? what is a reverse rotation?
  21. i'm still confused what shall i do? i know all my pullies rotate the same direction but what can i do about it since i only have 3 pullies? i really dont understand. sorry guys. i need to understand a thing here, my stock water pump should rotate clockwise or counterclockwise??
  22. well i'm sorry but i dont get it, what do you mean by a v-belt?? and what is a forward rotation water pump ? i didnt change a thing, i only have 3 pullies, Cranck, WP and alternator, thats all, my water pump is stock one. my engine comes from a 1989 mustang
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