I'm all for keeping the L6/RB/alternate forums. There are a lot of good members here who choose not to V8, or are modding their L6 before going to a V8. I think they add a lot to the site, and would hate to see them leave.
Forum consolidation? Maybe, but I don't see huge benefits there. Another car board I really like, moparts.org, has only two sections, Tech and general discussion. It works well, but you skim thru a lot of posts you may not have any interest in.
cc.com style moderation? While I really enjoy cc, it is not for everyone and a long way from what hybridZ has historically been. ANY slight sign of ignorance there results in being thrown to the piranhas, and they are well fed. I fully support firing both barrels at people who don't search, use poor grammar & spelling, and don't keep their posts concise and to the point. Long winded circular diatribes are a sore point with me, as some of you may have noticed yesterday. I think stepping up the level of moderation here would improve the site, but not to the cc level.
This is a great site. Let's keep improving it.