On the stock tank? Yes. I haven't started the poly tank install yet. I'm convinced Nissan added the vent on the left side of the tank to deal with the situation. There is no other reason for it to be there. You have to be in just the right climate and usage for it to be a problem. Cool morning fill up, and then parked in the sun all day. There is a real potential to form a vapor bubble there and it expands at a greater rate than liquid. Since I have that plugged the vapors path to release is to force all of the gas that is in the upper section of the tank out if it can. A proper check valve system in the vent line to atmosphere would probably solve it but I'm not crazy about having a pressurized tank.
I've just finished testing some polyurethane tubing submerged in gasoline for a few weeks with no sign of degradation. I have a plan to use that as an in-tank vent line. I'll post pictures when I finish it. I also ordered a Tanks Inc. 6" backing ring and I'm going to machine my own custom top plate to provide the inlets and outlets I want.