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Pop N Wood

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Everything posted by Pop N Wood

  1. angle = arctan( drop / driveshaft length) = artan( 1" / 22.5625") = 2.5 degrees
  2. That exact engine came up before. Look at the guys feedback. Has had more than his share of problems. Looks like he builds them in his garage. Good price, but buyer beware!!
  3. Water sucks. About a month ago we got 30 inches of snow. The next weekend a tropical storm comes in and dumps 2 inches of rain on top of the 30 inches of snow. My backyard quickly turned into a slurpee version of Lake Superior. A few questions: 1) Guess where all the water decided to go? 2) Guess who got to stand in knee deep slush in the middle of a thunderstorm shoveling 3 back yards worth of snow to get the water away from my back door? 3) Guess what it takes to get over mild frostbite? 4) Guess what no insurance companies cover? 5) Guess what I had to pay some criminal carpet cleaner to half way suck 70 gallons of water out of my family room carpet which originally cost $800 installed? 6) Guess who had to move all of my funiture to pull up the wet carpet and dry it out, then put it all back down again? 7) Guess who gets to spend this evening rerouting the sump pump discharge to be further from the back door? Answers: 1) In my back door. 2) Me and 2 neighbors. 3) A fifth of gin and a bottle of advils. 4) Surface water coming in your back door. 5) $1100. 6) Me. 7) Me, after I get done with my Chiropracter appointment for the back I threw out. BTW. If you are truely out of the house that much, they sell water cut off valves that automaticaly shut down the house if the water runs continuously for an extened period of time.
  4. I have thought about it too, but postings on this board have talked me out of it for a daily driver. Apparantly the "chirp chirp chirp" of slow speed turns gets real annoying after awhile. One guy complained about needing a floor jack to ease positioning the car on a trailer. On the plus side, it is the spider gears that are first to blow on an R180, so I would think welding the gears would make the R180 as tough as the R200 without the weight. I am suprised the search came up blank for you. There are some good threads on this subject with lots of different opinions.
  5. Just additional speeding tickets and new tires
  6. For $150 you will be shopping the pawn shops. A good, new compressor is probably $400 or more. If you look back through old posts you will see most guys will tell you to stay away from the Craftsman oilless units. They are tooo NOISY!!! Also I don't think they live as long. Get a belt type with at least a 5 HP motor. Larger if you can afford it. This means you will have to go 220V. Be careful, some compressors are rated by "peak HP". Not the same thing. Best way to compare two compressors is to look at the CFM ratings. If you don't have 220V available (and absolutely no way can you add a 220V line to your shop), then I think 4 HP is the max you can run at 110V. A large tank means the motor doesn't have to cycle on an off as much. I think the same thing can be said for 175 PSI vs. 125 PSI. But for continuous run, Horsepower is King. If you have to go with the smaller motor, then the compressor probably won't be able to keep up with things like a sand blaster or air hammer/grinder. Thats OK, just more beer time. One thing you can do is mount your compressor in the rafters of your garage then run copper pipe about the garage with quick disconnect fittings. Don't do like I did and use PVC pipe for compressed air (I am heading to the Depot tonight to buy copper!). Although the PVC is rated at something like 600 PSI, it is brittle and one tap can cause it to shatter and explode like a grenade.
  7. I know the FI engine needs a high pressure pump, but why can't it use the stock tank? Isn't there an external pump available that allows the use of any old tank?
  8. Pete Paraska has a circuit diagram to upgrade the Z headlight circuit to use relays. Quite a few people on this board have done his upgrade. The switches on these old cars are a serious weak point. Try taking the turn signal switch itself apart and cleaning it up. Pete's relay upgrade is a big help here. Takes the high current out of the switch and routes it through relays were it belongs. Since you have a dead short to ground, try hooking a test lamp or buzzer to the turn signal circuit (remove the fuse and hook clip the test lamp to the fuses output terminal), then start wiggling and disconnecting things until the lamp/buzzer stops gong off. Bulbs could be corroded into their sockets, but chances are you have some insulation worn off causing the circuit to short out to sheet metal somewhere. Maybe pinced a wire?
  9. One member was working on an LS1 kit with them that sounded promising. He was quite happy with the potential outcome, but don't know if he every got it finished. I would be more than a little interested in such a kit if it makes the LS1 install as straight forward as the JTR.
  10. Fuseable link? Some of the "wires" are actually rated to open up with excessive current, just like a fuse, but they look like wires. You need to find and check those bad boys. Also make sure your ground straps are connected. If there is such a thing, you have one of the easier wiring problems to figure out. Using a wiring diagram and a test light, start at the battery and work your way down the wire until the light goes out.
  11. Hey, V8ZRACER260Z. Impressive thread. Keep us posted. One question though. Why did you set the small block back as far as you did? An LT1 in the JTR position has a slight rearward weight bias. What do you project your weight distribution will be?
  12. I guess I should have been more clear, a hand POWERED drill. You know, the old turn crank type. But, from your post, it sounds like you don't have the clearance for any of this stuff. Can't get nothin past this group.
  13. Sounds like you don't have all the air out. You need to bleed it some more. Some guys like to bench bleed the master cylinder first. Also make sure all the connections are tight and of course replace the hoses if there are any signs of cracks.
  14. That was a truely interesting thread!! The internet sure makes the world a smaller place.
  15. If you can do TIG, why would you want to do MIG?
  16. If SPIIRIT is going big block, then the Ford 9 inch should be a piece of cake. Here is a link to a couple of maniacs you should be able to relate to: http://www.fastassdatsun.com/ Engineer a complete subframe then tack the Z body on top. You could even go Mustang II front suspension. A street rod with a Z body. There are guys on this site who have the Ford 9 inch and tub (do a search). But so far I have only seen one write up on a big block Z, and I don't know if that one ever got finished.
  17. Just stay with the stock suspension. For a V8 swap in a daily driver this will be fine. You don't need to incurr the expense of coil overs. Beyond that, just make sure the suspension is in good shape. I would strongly recommend a complete urethane kit to replace all the rotted rubber in your 30 year old car. This will really improve things, V8 or not. (There was a recent thread with several low buck sources. Do a search.) Also chances are the springs are worn and sagging and the struts may not be much better. New, slightly stiffer springs can be had from any number of sources (I run the Datsun equivalent of european spec springs from MSA). Struts cartridges can be had with all different performance levels, from your basic KYB gas struts to adjustable units. As someone pointed out in a different thread, technically a stock Z already has "coil overs". The term "coil over" is used generically on this site for a mod where you cut off the stock spring perch and weld on an adjustable collar in it's place. The advantages of the coil over upgrade is they allow you to adjust the car's ride height, the springs have a smaller diameter allowing wider tires (in some cases), and there are more options in terms of spring rates. All this helps you tune the car's suspension. Coil overs are particularly nice if you plan to lower the car more than a couple of inches (which usually means cutting an inch or so out of the strut tube and using shorter strut cartridges). There are some knowledgeable people on this site (not me, I just read a lot) who feel coil overs are not appropriate for a street machine. It all depends on what you want to do.
  18. http://www.dailyillini.com/sept00/sept15/news/news03.shtml My bad. I guess technically hemp is legal to grow in the US by permit, but the US government has not approved such a permit in over 60 years. Good to know Illinois has better growing conditions than Hawaii.
  19. An impact screw driver is a handy tool for screws. Absolutely essential with a motorcycle. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=37530 Penetrating oil, heat, hot wax all work to help loosen up the screws. Since it is near fuel can't you just drill out the screw head with a hand drill?
  20. subdermal You obviously did not read the whole thread: hurricane2k1@hotmail.com wrote: Sounds like some people want us to believe it is harmless. You also missed some of my previous statements: You aren't arguing the right thread. The original supposition was legalizing it. I am the one that brought up decriminalization. Unfortunately, marijuana will not be legalized unless someone can convince the majority of the people in this country that it is in their best interest to do so. I merely tried to point out a few hard realities that any legalization effort will have to address. Trying to say it "isn't as bad as alcohol" is a self defeating approach given the high cost of alcohol in our society. Some of the arguments stated in this thread are unfounded. People have a way of only seeing what they want to see. For example, take the options in the original poll: Why is it so unconceivable that someone who has used marijuana in the past could only want to legalize it? I guess the guy who wrote the poll doesn't realize there might be more than a few former addicts that see no benefit in legalizing it? And just what are the benefits? I cry bullshit. Cite a reference. In many states possession of a small amount of marijuana is only a civil fine, similar to a littering or jaywalking ticket. If you get caught doing a Nate Newton then I have no sympathy for you. Old Nate had to have known the potential cost when he got started. Guess what? It is already legal to grow hemp in the US. No change in the laws are necessary. The government is well aware of the uses of hemp. Why do you think there is so much marijuana growing wild in the Midwest? The government planted it back in the 40’s to ensure a supply of rope after the Philippines fell to the Japanese (and we lost our major supply of manilla). Not true. See the link I posted earlier. Also not true. See the earlier link. Yes, we do. And unless you also want to legalize crack, heroin and human slavery, then legalizing marijuana will not reduce the cost any. We will still have to patrol our borders. This is a non-issue, especially in this post September 11th world. And legalizing it would lead to additional expenses to try and regulate it. That leads us to: The one argument that makes sense. Create another stupid tax, just like lotteries, cigarettes and slot machines. However you have to look at the full cost. In my opinion the added tax revenues will not offset the increased cost of social services to mitigate the effects. Know what else? I don’t mind paying taxes as long as they are not wasted. I like living in a free country with nice roads, clean water and good schools. But that is just my opinion. This particular logic thread just doesn’t add up. Lets see…. Pot is already completely illegal, yet it’s use is rampant among people under 21. So if we just legalize it, make it openly available, but then create a new law making it illegal for people under 21 to possess or buy it……. What? What am I missing here? And #4 won’t work because the stuff is too easy to grow. And the major problem with #5 is you can’t enforce “under the influence of marijuana” laws the same way you can alcohol because there is no equivalent of a breath test. Piss tests will ring positive if you smoke a day or two before. Too imprecise for “under the influence”. Someone correct me if I am wrong. This is also something I think about. I don’t believe in seat belt laws, mandatory air bags or motorcycle helmet laws for the same reason. Hell, I am a card carrying member of the NRA! However, society has a right to protect itself and in situations like this you have to weigh what might be gained over what might be lost. And, in my insignificant opinion, I see marijuana laws as a minor infringement upon personal liberties. Especially in light of the alternative.
  21. Thanks Grumpy. Another bookmark added to the homework list.
  22. JTR does sell just the aluminum spacers https://web9.tdl.com/jags/Datsun_Order.html Like you I will make the set back plates but for $35 the spacers will add a professional look.
  23. A very timely article in todays newspapers: http://www.theantidrug.com/marijuana/openletter.html But I suppose the message will be lost on those who choose not to hear it.
  24. Doesn't http://www.barbie.com have a miata chat room?
  25. CR of 8.21:1. Sounds like the start of a good blower motor..... Of course, the significant other factor would probably kill that idea.
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