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Everything posted by Mauisnow13

  1. I talked to Kim, but everytime I see him, he says he's all but retired, and won't really help me all too much. I'll get a copy of Maximum Boost. I've meant to for a while now. Thanks for the tips guys.
  2. Thanks for the info. I appreciate the help, I have NO experience in blow through (obviously). I'll search for that SU thread and read it through. Thanks.
  3. I have a 240z with an L26 in it. I recently got some free parts, consisting of a turbo intake and exhaust manifold, and a turbocharger, among other things. I have searched for weeks, with little information found. I was wondering how a blow through setup is hooked up. I would like to use the intake and exhaust manifolds to hook it up to the L26, if I even need the turbo manifolds. If anyone has any kind of pictures of a setup similar to this, or any helpful links, or anything to help me on my way, I would HIGHLY appreciate it. If you have any questions or opinions, just let me know. Thanks everyone, Amren
  4. Maybe some pictures of the mirrors you got? I was going to get some of the bullet style mirrors for the fenders of my 240z. Like these: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2-S-S-Bullet-Mirror-s-Kit-Car-Datsun-240Z-280Z-Imp-Vee_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33649QQihZ008QQitemZ180217293647QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Are these like the ones you have? And will these even work as fender mirrors? Where else can I get chrome fender mirrors shaped like this?
  5. TRUE STORY. So I was getting ready to leave for work one day when I go out to my porsche and it has a flat. I pumped it up but it started going flat again. I had like an hour and a half before i had to be at work, so I decided to head to les schwab. I take it in and say I have a flat, I just need it dipped. He was like ok cool. So I gave him my keys and sat down to wait. I waited for a bit, maybe 20 - 30 minutes. The guy comes in and asks me out. Once out there, he asks how to get my center cap off. I was like uh....pull. He pulls and it comes off. Ok? I let it go. I go back in and 10 min later he takes me out again. He asks how to get my tires off. I say I dunno (never had to before, new car at the time). He asks if there's a key. I say probably, it would be in the trunk. He was like ok cool. I go in and watch them. They are tearing apart my trunk. I go sit down, look at wheels, etc. I wait and wait. I've now been there an hour. I call into work and say I have a flat, I'm getting it taken care of, so I'll be a little late. she was pretty cool about it. The guy finally brings the car around. I walk out and he's like you're all set. I said so you got it dipped then? He responds with, uh....no. We couldn't get your tire off. Are you kidding me? An hour to figure out you couldn't get the tire off? I was like watever. I left for work. I knew it would stay pumped up until afterwards. I get to work, open the hatch. And guess wat was sitting there. Yup, THE KEY. Omg. It was like in plain site. how could they take an hour to not see that?? I go to work, go to Big O afterwards, and they get it off and dipped fine. I was a bit upset and disappointed.
  6. So in my dream i traded a dealer my 240z for a porsche 928. I was pissed when they were like, you already signed, the 928 is yours. Then I came back a bit later to the dealership and they had done a VG30et swap into the 240z (it still looked bad though), and then they wanted 30,000 for it! hahahaha
  7. Definitely get back to us! I'm so excited for an S30 to be in a movie. Hopefully it'll boost the recognition without raising prices dramatically. Hopefully it'll be a decent role so it gets noticed. I hate when there are cars better than the leads rolling by in the background so you can barely see them. haha Keep us posted. remember, try to get us some inside pics. haha. A car with a lead role possibly??? haha CONGRATS!
  8. I wish i had enough money to drop an LS1 into my Z. Maybe one day......
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHA. OMG i laughed SO hard when I saw the ice on the sidewalk. then cam the "I'll have to shovel it tomorrow" and I laughed even harder. Nice...............nice.
  10. no. I just put it in like a couple weeks ago. And the cables. I just took off the old, cleaned the bolts, then put on new cables. I guess it's about time to take off the dash and start following wires. I hate wiring......haha
  11. I finally found my manual for the Z line (and a check for 25 bucks in it! haha). I read through the whole starting sequence section. great book, it lists everything, how it works, pretty much the whole start up. Anyways, i figured out that i think i need a new ignition switch but I really have no idea. This just showed more of my symptoms on the list of problems for a bad ignition switch than anything else. My symptoms: *Key won't start the car, but I can jump the car with a screwdriver by crossing it over the bolts on the starter/solenoid. This just takes a little while. *When the problem first started, I could hear the accesory relay (at least i think) under the passengers dash clicking. Now the clicking has stopped too. *The headlights turned on but dimmed out one night. Now won't work at all. *Now, the blinkers stopped working, except for the hazards. When I push the brake though, they blinkers turn on. I am not sure if the brake lights are still working, but they were. May have stopped. I'm still checking grounds, cause this may be the problem, but I am not sure. Also trying to check fusible links and such. I'm new to wiring so all of this takes a while. New battery cables and battery so I don't think it's that. ANY ideas, the problem started out small, but is growing quickly. Starting to think it may be easier to just buy a new harness and replace it all. haha. getting frustrated. grrrrr.
  12. Yes definately nice. I went to a local junkyard today to get some cheap tires for the rear. They were pretty bad. One was practically blown but still inflated for a bit. Well, it ended up that I got TOO cheap cause i went to put them on and they wouldn't even do it. The wire was almost sticking out of the side apon further inspection! I go down tomorrow to trade or get my money back. I'm kinda mad at the yard but what do you expect i guess. The Z is at the school and about to get the work done. I found a little bit of rust on the drivers dogleg section. I'm wondering if I should have them replace it. Probably will. I am pretty pleased with the low amount of rust overall though. When i get it back I'll sand it down and start paint i think. I'm still considering welding on some old VW flares, but cutting them down a bit so they aren't so drastic.
  13. So tomorrow I am going to either start or tow my Z to my highschool shop. There, my friend is going to cut out and replace the floorboards, battery tray, and section of wheel well i believe. We will also be throwing on the new tires i got for it. The rears are blown. I would be doing it myself, but the school wouldn't let me into the shop program because I didn't have enough years left to finish it. Sad...... Once I get it back from that, I will sort out the starting issues, at least the major ones. I'll be swapping in a L28et anyways. I'll also start sound dampening and begin piecing together my interior. I will most likely give it a black rustoleum paint job. It is already spray painted black, so this shouldn't take too many coats. I'd like to get a Xenon/MSA front dam and chrome fender mirrors also, all in good time though. haha. I was also thinking of doing the VW flare, but not sure yet. For now it stays without. Well, wish me luck, I'm super excited to get this project underway. If anyone has any advice, feel free. I'm open to everything. Anyways, just thought I'd update you guys and throw out some future plans. Thanks. See ya
  14. I live in Idaho, so a lot of the parking lots, and back roads, have huge dips, or speedbumps, or severe inclines. The JTR conversion seems to lower the oil pan kinda low. This makes it hard to drive it safely around these places. Especially in a lowered car. If I ever go to V8, I think I'd like to go Scarab. I'd love to see performance stats between the two. I've heard the pros and cons of both, but i think most of that is kind of opinion, at least the stuff I've heard. I think a nice article would be awesome. A good read, and a good reference.
  15. Thanks guys. That helps a lot. I'll get it started and test this info out. Thank you very much.
  16. Ya, My RPM guage does not work at the moment so I'm wondering if anybody knows the SPEEDS that you should shift at for max performance. It usually says in the owner manuals. thanks
  17. I have a 1970 240z with a L26 4 spd. My tachometer isn't working at the moment, and it feels like I am losing power in my high rpms. I was wondering if maybe I was just shifting too late. I can't find my 240z - 300zx manual book at the moment, and was wondering what the max shift speeds are for the 260z (or L26). I would appreciate any information, Thanks
  18. I have a 1970 240Z. Where exactly on the car are all of the ground wires located. I have been told I most likely need to clean them all out, but I only know where one is, which is the one inside the passenger fender in the engine bay. Any help would be appreciated.
  19. I have a 1970 240Z. Where exactly on the car are all of the ground wires located. I have been told I most likely need to clean them all out, but I only know where one is, which is the one inside the passenger fender in the engine bay. Any help would be appreciated.
  20. I painted all of the black accents chrome and the spoiler white. haha. It's a bit closer to what I want. For now my Z is going black but it'll probably end up white.
  21. ya, I thought it did too. Thanks guys, I know this may be kinda silly, but I was wondering.
  22. I call it my inspiration. haha. I look at it, and it keeps me heading towards my goal of a nice Z. Anyone know anything about that rear bumper? Or is it custom? I thought I've seen it on a Z before, but I don't know where.
  23. I like this kit, but was wondering which one it was exactly. I have this model that I have customized but it's a lot like the one MSA sells. Here's a link. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/ZCM/50-3034 Any one know what kit this is? Front Dam looks like Xenon or MSA but skirts and especially rear I can't figure out. Thanks everyone
  24. Just my opinion but I think you should tilt your spoiler a bit flatter. I know it has nothing to do with the hood issue but It was the first thing I noticed. hahaha As for the hoods, I think 74_5.0L_Z's idea is a great one. Especially if it could be a longer scoop. hell, Ferrari and the Ford GT use this kind of design, it must work to some extent, right?
  25. I have been considering the flares from Black Dragon Auto. They look very similar to the MSA/Mark Rolston look. His car is by far my favorite that I've seen. I too read that VicZcar article about getting them at Al's Bodyworks. Dissapointing they don't have the molds, I LOVE those flares. I was wondering if the flares from Black Dragon are any good. What do they look like on a Z? Is anybody on the forums running them?
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