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Everything posted by 240z72

  1. Right on..I just see alot of people wanting it. Is it for an upgrade? Like for a n/a 2.8? Thanks..
  2. Update. Problem solved. Wires at back if ignition switch were crossed. Thanks z heads for what help you provided.
  3. Update! Got her runnen. But I still have switch troubles. I've swapped the switch with one that I know is good and itsthe same thing. It will crank on start and fire. As soon as I let off the key it dies. If I put the key inbetween off and acc. It will stay running but so dose the starter..I have to disconnect the signal wire to the starter solenoid. And it runs great..lights guages tach all work.
  4. ok i got the short fixed. but now the car will try and crank inbetween off and acc. in the on position i have no heater fan, hazards or hand brake light. i have all thoses when in the start position. or just past off befor acc. i cannot find a fsm with testing steps for the ignition switch. ive found a site (xeones30)with fsm's. but no luck on a how to. thats where im at now.
  5. Sorry I was on my cell phone. The typing for it sux you cant see what your typing. Also auto text correct is a pain...
  6. What is the big fuss with the dizzy shaft? Why are they on such a demand? I may have a source..ill be in touch if I can get it..
  7. update ...i got it to crank...now just trying to figure out the short for the ignition..the grenn and whit wire is getting hot..i looked it up and from some help on hybrid. i found it runs to the coil and to the tach..but i did an ohm test and there is no resistance to gorund..
  8. Ok where to start...I have a 73 240z project that im working on...it had a auto. Trans in it before. I installed a rebuilt 2.4 and a 4turbo speed trans. It ran fine before I did this. All electrical worked..started wiring it up yesterday. Last thigh to do is hook up the coil in the bay. I went to see if I could crank it over and nothing just the relay clicking under dash. Found the neutral safety switch bypassed that..then had smoke commingle from under the dash..for the 5motor wires going to my ignition switch tore up and shorting out. Replace them exactly how they came off. Hooked back up and boom..car cranked over...called it a day disconnected the battery and went inside...today I went out and hooked that battery up and went to crank it and nothing...no power at the starter solenoid. Check over everything..can't find anything..now my hazards don't work..and my heater fan will only turn on when the key is held in the start position..along with the hand brake light on the speedo..the green and white wire on the back of the ignition switch is getting really hot. Traced it out in the book and it gose to the tach. It was working fine yesterday now its acting up..also if you position the key inbetween the off and acc. Position the hand brake lamp comes on. This is very frustrating because it was fine yesterday..now its acting up really bad to the point I just want to quit and sell it for next to nothing and loose all my time and money I've put into it..so if somebody could help me out on this id be much in debt.
  9. Hi im looking for a set of cables for a 72 240z that connect to the heater controls and open/close various flaps and vents. If anybody has some really cherry un modified one please pm me. Also if somebody has a source let me know thanks!
  10. Napa has it all just use emissions or vapor or fuel NOT HEATER HOSE
  11. Ok no prob..ill look for ya ..what style are you looking for?
  12. Ive been having trouble getting hold of my friend who has my doner car on his property..I will be in touch as soon as I get hold of the fuel rail/lines..sorry about the delay
  13. Im in the bay area but I need a fuel tank thanks!
  14. Yes its complete no bends cuts or crack. Ill get a quote together for the shipping and I will give you my paypal ok
  15. I have one if you are still in the market...
  16. I have the studd and fuel rail...25$ and it's yours plus s&h. Your talking about the hard line that goes around the valve cover right?
  17. I have the fuel line and Carb studd all yours for 25$ plus shipping
  18. I think I can help you out.. let me see what I got ..idk about the mirror but I look and just to be Shur ur talking about the four stuffs that stick out of the intake that the carbs bolt to?
  19. In need of a 75 280z tank. Please pm me if anybody has anything and we will go from there. Thanks
  20. awsome ride dude congrats on your first! let me know if you need help tuning your carbs!
  21. The pistons are ITM. And they are aluminum.
  22. sorry people forgot to show you my car im building...like them plates ????? take a look at whats on the roof in the pic with the doors open....its an old can "sealed still" of gtx 20-40..found in rear cubbies...
  23. ok....i think i got the picture thing all figured out soory for that...updates on the build im moving right along..got the timeing kit installed front cover waterpump manafolds thermastat turbo and oil pan along with some other small thing like oil pump and cooling accs. heres some pics from previous posts..and current ..enjoy!
  24. Nice build bud did you get all the edis stuff off that same ford
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