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Everything posted by BurnoutZ

  1. Someone told me blu-ray is better. It is able to hold more information than a hd dvd and able to project more pixels than an hd dvd. Im not saying hd dvd is bad... its just that blu-ray is alittle better... but isnt hd dvd cheaper?
  2. Nitto racing is one of the best realistic drag racing games. It is free and its kind of like World of Warcraft, being massivly online. No single player. www.nittolegends.com . You start out with just money and you work your way up like you would realistically do in the world and buy cars and win races. All the cars are modifiable. This game has been around for awhile... i use to play it about 6 years ago... When i saw this topic it brought back memories of when i use to play some people on an old dissambled car modifing forum i use to regualarly post on. I went back to the nitto website and it looks like theyve changed it around alittle, better graphics, style, everything. Have any of you guys heard of this? Or am i the only one? When i use to play it they would have like car clubs you could make and recruit members to and you would have like a "car club money pot" and each of your racers could donate money to the club. It's been so long since ive played it but its very addicting. IF you started playing it, it would dominate your life(yes it is one of those games).
  3. limewire/kazaa dloading a torrent? didnt know that could be done?
  4. you use bitorrent or in my case i use utorrent. theres many options bittorrent.com i think id google it. type bittorrent or utorrent.
  5. So im looking at buying an alarm system for my z to prevent theft. Anybody done this before? Any expirence? Which one is the best/most reliable/(comes w/ keyless entry maybe?)?
  6. MSA is the way to go... they wont screw you over either and are very helpful.
  7. Thats good. Staying healthy in older age. There are 60-70 yr old body builders so its never too late...
  8. just trying to stay in shape or are you going for size?
  9. Is anyone on this board involved in muscle building/working out? Just wanting to see if im the only one...
  10. the hard part is, I dont have a scanner. It looks like a s30 jap drift spec body kit.
  11. You could probably find a dload off of a torrent site of any program for free. And yes they usually work...
  12. Hello, I dont know if any of you guys read/recieve Modified magazine, but the latest issue has a car (looks like a 240z) that has a gnose with more of a racing airdam. Might be what your wanting. If you have the january 2008 issue flip toward the back to the jap car show section. It is red.
  13. Maybe hes trying to be a thug/gangster....
  14. Very Descriptive piece of infromation there buddy. Everyone reads japanese?
  15. These are very similar to my plans. I am alittle farther along than you are at the moment though. I have a 260z w/ 280z diff.(R200) and i have a L28et that i am getting ready to drop into the 260z. Its been quite expensive accually for a person with a budget(me).
  16. Ok. So I'm preparing to complete some rust removal. I have read some people say por15 bubbles up when applied over rust. Some people on here give me the impression that you apply por15 straight over the top of rust. I bought this stuff, forgot the name, but it supposidly turn rust into black primer... i was planning on using this to destroy the rust... then maybe put por15 over the top of the "black primer" to seal it. Comments?
  17. And one more for your entertainment.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VORQ1daWQI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yCQfQ69WdI Not really... If you want a good laugh watch all of these... impressive... videos. The last one i think has an orange z in the background?
  19. sequential seems like a difficult setup to engineer
  20. I have heard things about a new z.... the 370z coming out in 2008? They said the "nismo" edition marked the death point of the 350z. Also kind of off subject but... Infinities G35?... its almost like a copy of the 350z in my opinion... just more "luxury" I guess.
  21. Very helpful. So as I see if i were to keep it totally stock it would be ignorant to get a diff. turbo... because the stock turbo can go up to say 12psi? As for the fuel rail, What is the difference between the types.. ie-"o-ring", "barbed"....
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