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Everything posted by djbit

  1. Sorry, couldn't resist..lol
  2. I bought a 1988 240sx throttle body at the yard, pretty sure it's a 60mm it measures around 2.36inches. I bought the TB gasket for a 1989-1995KA24DE engine, but does this look right to you? The gasket hole is bigger. Check out pic. I intended to use the gasket to outline and port out my N42 intake.
  3. Yeah, I just bought me an HX35w too. I thought the turbo just bolted right up but I guess not. The fun never ends.
  4. Got a Holset HX35W and a 24X12X3 FMIC (a la bigphill). Still need surge tank, both fuel pumps, fuel regulator, megaquirt and all the valves and tubing......I'll get there eventually....someday. In the mean time I am still driving my car with the dual SUs and it is running great.
  5. Doh, someone just bought it off Ebay. ergh!
  6. One would still need a low pressure fuel pump with this set up right?
  7. It's a HE351 but has that solenoid thing. Has anyone used this same turbo and how did you deal with the solenoid. Still gathering parts for the Holset+ MegaSquirt route I intend to pursue. Here's a pic.
  8. djbit

    Dash Cap

    DOH! Sorry, I totally didn't see that coming.
  9. djbit

    Dash Cap

    Looks great (and nice shirt)..
  10. djbit

    Dash Cap

    They should print the right size but you will need to do a few test cases cutting your circles around the speedometer and tach. So use regular paper and a fast draft mode on your printer (save ink) until you know how big the circle needs to be. I recommend having your gauges out and test the fitment as you experiment.
  11. djbit

    Dash Cap

    My dash was cracked pretty bad. I just cut the parts that formed an uneven surface and I didn't fill the cracks with anything. I probably could of used that product called "Great Stuff". It's a spray on foam that dries hard filling the cracks. I did paint the bottom portion of the dash with black vinyl interior paint. Although you can't really see it, it still made it look waaay better than before. If you are interested in repairing your current dash and not use a dash cap, you must follow this link: http://classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23919&highlight=dash+repair I also used alligator clips all around once I glued the dash cap on. They are pretty cheap at harbor freight. I left it over night to dry. I used a motorsports full dash cap. It was like 89 bucks when I bought it like 11 months ago. Attached is a picture of my cracked dash.
  12. djbit

    Dash Cap

    Templates I used.
  13. djbit

    Dash Cap

    I made them myself. Photoshop, photopaper, and glue spray. I have the image templates if anyone wants them.
  14. djbit

    Dash Cap

    Here are a few pics. I plugged all the electrical stuff back in but I screwed up the position of the leds behind the tach and speedometer. The right signal arrow stays lit when I turn the key. When I activate the right directional light the entire gauge blinks, doh! Same with the high beam. The blue slit in the speedometer stays on and when I hit the highbeam switch the entire gauge get's brighter. I really hope I can fit my hand from under the dash to switch the bulb plugs!
  15. Well, I'm going the Holset route with Megasquirt but you will have no problem selling any of that.
  16. Got my fuel rail + 470cc injectors, looks great. Still collecting parts for the turbo build.
  17. djbit

    Dash Cap

    I'll take some tonight. edit: My camera needed charging...tonight pictures for sure. Overall, it looks great compared to the old cracked dash. I designed the white faces with Photoshop, nothing crazy. I added the Datsun logo to all gauges and put the word "turbo" on the RPM gauge. I used photo paper to print and a circle cutter thing to for making nicer cuts (not perfect). I did end up scratching the cap in a few places during the three times I had to install and uninstall.
  18. djbit

    Dash Cap

    So I redid my dash with the full cap, and also installed white custom overlays on the gauges. Yes, it was all a pain in the butt and more so now that I routed the wiring incorrectly and have to take off the dash again. The center air/temp controller console is so annoyingly in the way. Sorry guys, just venting a little. I'll post some pics when it's done and in place again. 72 240z.
  19. Is it me, or does the front look like a sad face? Anyways, I love it overall.
  20. It's still for sale on craigslist.....
  21. Thanks man! Is HKS the only company that sell the 2mm head gasket? It's pretty pricey but yeah, it's very motivating that others have been successful going NA to turbo. I'll be looking out for a good holset turbo but I will probably be able to afford it until July.
  22. I'm debating which route to take on turbo. t3/t4, t4, hy35(w), or hx35(w) , others? I don't want to blow my engine but my goal is 350-450 HP. The car does have a worked p90a head. Should I get the 2mm head gasket to help to lower compression? The car has ~4000 miles on a fully rebuilt engine (how a bought it). I don't know what pistons it has, most likely, the l28na oem Flat tops. What do you guys recommend? Thanks
  23. I went with the supra 440CC injectors:) okay, so I think I know which fuel rail to get too now. 11mm with O-Ring. Did you go with the 6N or 8N?
  24. Thanks Pr0! Yes, I'll for sure contact Pete, probably the best way to approach this. I ran into these injectors, they seem very economical: specs: OHMS 2.4 LB/HR 42 CC 440 link: http://www.fuelinjector.citymaker.com/catalog/item/4511825/4545870.htm#image_1 I'll be checking out your signature links, your car is more or less what I hope to someday get to:)
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