hey guys,
the L24 in my 73 is coming up on 200k and its starting to burn oil. i did a compression test and all that and figured on the valves. the local datsun shop quoted me somthing like $800 so i found an L26 with 5k on a rebuild, has round top SU's and a trans. im not sure if its a 4spd or not but im assumeing its stock. all for $200.
im just wondering what i should detail, replace ect. before i drop it in and if ill have any problems with my current trans. its a 280ZX 5 speed. i plan on replacing the cam cover gasket since ill be putting my polished one on along with the exhaust gasket. i also plan on replacing the cap, rotor, wires, plugs, vac. lines and any hoses that are looking worn. i also plan on cleaning the bay and giving it a shot of paint.
should it be unreasonable to think i can get this done in a weekend with some help from a friend or two?