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Everything posted by skib

  1. thanks JSM, ill give it another try tommorow and get back
  2. the rear mount is off and its far enough from the block that i can see the fly wheel and part of the clutch so im pretty sure i got all the bolts so far iv been prying it and i looped some metal bailing wire threw the holes on the rear mount and giving it some good yanks. im gonna get another set of hands tomorrow and give it another try.
  3. ok, so i just swapped an L26 into my 73 240 and thats turning out to be easy part. the clutch wasnt alighned when i put it in so im trying to drop the trans to i can fix it. the drive shaft is off and everything is unbolted but i cant for the life of me get the tranny to slide back and off. is there some trick im missing? i need some Z god help.
  4. Anyone notice this thread is from '04?
  5. as far as my understanding goes, high comp = good for N/A motors and low comp = good for turbo. i think the stock L28et is at somthing like 7 to 1? how would SU's do keeping up with the fuel demand of a turbo motor? in my opinion running 10 to 1 with a turbo could be a good combo for a grenade. running low comp and FI seems to be the safe and reliable way to go prob less of a PITA to than getting SU's to work with the turbo to thats just my 2cents mate
  6. Sorry to hear than man, glad you managed to not hit it head on. Any pictures of the damage? The same thing happened to me on a 280zx going about 70mph down an on ramp for the freeway. I managed to slide it down the ramp and pull it over w/out destoying anything but my rotor and ball joint.
  7. Ok heres a bit of an update, the camera is with somone else so I dont have all my pics untill later today but heres a few teasers. This the the first motor swap Iv done on a Z and the first one i had to do more than just bolt it up to the trans. and mounts. Iv got plenty of busted knuckles and blood blisters to prove it to lol Me (left) and my younger brother (right) pulling the old L24. Almost 200k and burning oil . Repairs would have cost me $800 Cleaned up the bay and gave it a coat of black. the new L26 (L26 + extra 4 speed trans= $200. just needed some cleaning and a fresh coat of paint) Thats all for now! i started tearing things down Friday evening and got it in and running well Sunday evening. somewhere along the way the muffler got cut off and so its rockin the header with full 3in strait pipe right now . ill try and put a sound bit up before i put a new muffler on. the cluch needs to be allighned and then its driveable again.
  8. just finished the swap, ill have some pics and updates tomrrow:wc:
  9. i have had mine bolted to the top starter bolt and to the trans bolt right by it and had no problems with eather
  10. lol film crews are a PITA sometimes, they dont get paid enough and spend half their day sitting around waiting or setting up things for hours only to shoot it for 3 min and then have it edited out later. geat pics by the way, i might have to put a hoodie and sunglasses on to and go see it (just dont tell my friends:icon55:)
  11. well good to see its in good hands now and hopfully ill spot this Z in the NW some time, im interested in seeing it in person
  12. Hey duder was this on craigslist a while back? nice to see another NW zed head around! check out the Z car club of WA [zccw.org] and NorthWest Z [Northwestz.org] dont miss the Canby event in June!
  13. sorry to hear about your dad jerry, that sucks. iv been swaping out my L24 for an L26 this weekend and i thought the massive blood blister i got was a PITA lol. i hope he heals up well mate
  14. its second day of pulling my L24 and dropping in the new L26. both motors are preped to go in/out and are just waiting on renting the cherry picker. but i thought id start the day off right, now thats good coffee . and the new motor...
  15. damn, i just need 9,995 more dollers. lol i just need to win the lotery or be in the will of some long lost reletive and then we could have a badazz NWZ race car
  16. idk if its a repost or not, but do have this on DVD
  17. agreed, i had a little less than a year left in film school before i changed my major. the film industry is a stange place but you will meet some cool people to.
  18. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/7BSA02 MSA - FG and CF ZG flares
  19. skib

    "new" L26

    thanks Daeron. iv got it all nice and clean and just about ready to go:-D just needs my polished cam cover
  20. skib

    "new" L26

    hey guys, the L24 in my 73 is coming up on 200k and its starting to burn oil. i did a compression test and all that and figured on the valves. the local datsun shop quoted me somthing like $800 so i found an L26 with 5k on a rebuild, has round top SU's and a trans. im not sure if its a 4spd or not but im assumeing its stock. all for $200. im just wondering what i should detail, replace ect. before i drop it in and if ill have any problems with my current trans. its a 280ZX 5 speed. i plan on replacing the cam cover gasket since ill be putting my polished one on along with the exhaust gasket. i also plan on replacing the cap, rotor, wires, plugs, vac. lines and any hoses that are looking worn. i also plan on cleaning the bay and giving it a shot of paint. should it be unreasonable to think i can get this done in a weekend with some help from a friend or two?
  21. the one i made for my car is a little bit bigger than a soda can, i used a can as the mold. but it could be made into any shape really.
  22. as long as the ash tray is the same size i think it should, i made it as a direct replacement for the ashtray in my car
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