Two days ago I was involved in a pretty bad car accident, My Z, and the other drivers honda accord are totaled. I was driving without insurance, (bad choice I know, but dare I say I had to? times are tight), The other driver has insurance.
The police did not file a police report for whatever reason I do not know, I will be calling tomorrow to find out why.
I think He caused the accident, He thinks I caused the accident, and the one whitness says the accident was caused by another car that did not get hit yet caused the accord to swerve around and into me, that car did not stop.
The insurance has not yet settled on who is liability, but they are appraising my car tomorrow.
I was put in the hospital because my knee got jacked up, Im having to take time off work, the other driver was fine.
I have no idea how this is going to turn out. Will I loose my Drivers license for driving without insurance? What if the insurance sides with the accord driver? I have no way to pay for anything! hospital bills for me, repairs for him... Bankruptcy ?
My Z is completely gone, the frame is so gone it isnt even funny, My driver side front wheel is practicaly in my firewall. But thats the least of my worries.