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Everything posted by MJLamberson

  1. I was going like 10 other driver said he was going 40mph, I think he was speeding.
  2. Have you given it a chance to warm up? def check the timing and compression, another thing that might have to do with the hard start things is there is a wire that provides more power to the injectors while cranking, that might not be wired in.
  3. Thanks for all of your advice and tips, Here is an update, with a twist: Thos other driver is lying to his insurance company (or maybe he does not have insurance) He is saying that he was a passenger in the car and his friend was driving, which is bull, he was driving, and there was no passenger, his "driver" also has two whitnesses that didnt exsist. For whatever reason the police did not file a report, but I am getting in touch with the responding officer so he can tell the insurance that there where no passengers in any car... we will see where this goes. But yeah, Ill post some pics of the Z in a few minutes.
  4. I could handle a fine if they could work out a payment plan, but I coundnt handle Having to repair the other car, I have been on my own for a while, parents arnt in the picture, and they couldnt afford to help even if they wanted to. If the insurance decides Im not liable everything will be better, but Im not 100% sure they will.
  5. Two days ago I was involved in a pretty bad car accident, My Z, and the other drivers honda accord are totaled. I was driving without insurance, (bad choice I know, but dare I say I had to? times are tight), The other driver has insurance. The police did not file a police report for whatever reason I do not know, I will be calling tomorrow to find out why. I think He caused the accident, He thinks I caused the accident, and the one whitness says the accident was caused by another car that did not get hit yet caused the accord to swerve around and into me, that car did not stop. The insurance has not yet settled on who is liability, but they are appraising my car tomorrow. I was put in the hospital because my knee got jacked up, Im having to take time off work, the other driver was fine. I have no idea how this is going to turn out. Will I loose my Drivers license for driving without insurance? What if the insurance sides with the accord driver? I have no way to pay for anything! hospital bills for me, repairs for him... Bankruptcy ? My Z is completely gone, the frame is so gone it isnt even funny, My driver side front wheel is practicaly in my firewall. But thats the least of my worries.
  6. Id think you would have enough spare parts from your 3 other Zs to do all that, lol.
  7. I think a bad ring can, lower compression, could sound like a bad miss.
  8. If it is the crank angle sensor the light on the ECU will not come on, is your light coming on? also, try just hooking everything up how it was before, even if it was a mess, could have a short now or somthing.
  9. I had oil on a spark plug from bad piston rings, the car smoked and the compression on that one was 110, compared to the 170 on my best one... maybe you will get similiar results...
  10. Headgasket perhaps? how is your coolent level and how does your oil look?
  11. I kinda thought the driveshafts were mostly interchangable, you must have one lying around that will work.
  12. I totaly agree on driving it quite a bit before taking the trip, whatever setup you choose, find the bugs, funny, NH was where I was planning my trip to.
  13. I think that would look great all the way up the hood. but idk about in the rain, lol
  14. Well I pretty much never update this, I seqam to just make new threads whenever somthing happens worth talking about. So here is an update of what has been going on with my Z... Boosted... Broken... Repaired... broken. Blew a turbo, got a new one, Fried my rings. Driving around like that untill I get a new longblock to put my turbo stuff on. Not much of an update but hey. Oh and new wheels, enkie 92s!
  15. I had a thread awhile back about driving coast to coast in a s30, I never got around to it myself, decided to fly, but there is a bunch of good info in there you should look up
  16. Man that looks clean! Id leave it flatblack
  17. That thing is going to be insane, I want to see vids aswell, lol
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