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Everything posted by peej410

  1. tokico is under new ownership and they no longer can just write up a form and send out the parts, paperwork has to be filed from the original purchaser, ie their distributor, and it could take weeks!!!!!!!!!
  2. ill be calling them sometime today thanks everyone!
  3. well the ones i have now are 150oz and .16 transit time i also need somethng with metal gears, the crawlers servos see alot of abuse. the thing ways 11lbs and i need to be able to turn the wheels when the load is fully applied to one wheel or two...
  4. hrm i probably should order them from tokico, if not then ill get them from you Mat73GNZ
  5. http://www2.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXH304&P=7 i looked real quick, that would work but this is what i was looking at http://cgi.ebay.com/Hitec-HSR-5995TG-Titanium-Gear-Digital-Servo-417-oz-in_W0QQitemZ6046696627QQcategoryZ34056QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem i just cant justify spending 200 on servos
  6. here are videos of my RC rock crawler. they are both the same video just in different formats. http://www.autosportfab.com/movies/PetesRC.mp4 http://www.autosportfab.com/movies/PetesRC3.mov http://www.autosportfab.com/rccrawler/ and heres pics of my crawler now heres where i need hybridz help. the steering servos everyone uses are either weak or expensive (100 each for good ones) i was thinking of building small linear actuators, does anyone on here have experience with linear actuators who can give me some advice? i can have parts CNC milled but i was hoping someone could shed some light on wether or not they would actually be better before i even start drawing some schematics... thanks in advance!
  7. could you measure the outside of the thread with a caliper or ruler and ill go do the same
  8. well my customer ordered the parts from ross at modern motorsports and the part numbers are correct (i already verified) i had this happen with my car too but i didnt need new ones they came apart easily. if the struts were wrong they wouldnt fit in the tubes... ill try and call them monday and see where i get... thanks guys
  9. Im building up a 260z from a customer and the gland nuts that came in the tokico strut box are the wrong size, the old ones i almost had to destroy to get out (despite lots of PB blaster and a little heat) so far i cant find any source, i did find some threads that said people got them from auto zone but those also didnt fit right, does anyone have any suggestions?
  10. hehe by the time shes done with her car she will also be a fabricator and a painter! ill talk to her about pics on the net hahaha
  11. hehe, well guess what 2 weeks ago she bought herself a 280z to restore, its parked right next to mine buried in 22 inches of snow!
  12. hehe thanks, its got its share of rust luckly its not too structural, ill have the before and after pictures of that up soon too good luck with your Z !
  13. hey guys im building a 260z for a client of mine named Daryl i figured i would post all the photos in my gallery so you guys can watch the progress and critique my work. anyways heres the link... http://www.autosportfab.com/gallery/260z_daryl/ most of the parts are MML some are MSA.
  14. sounds easy enough! ill try it out in a little while. would the fact that its only 30 degrees in my garage effect it also ?
  15. Im in! ill send you an email shortly
  16. hey guys, i just aquired an older IDEALARC 250 lincoln TIG, im having some trouble with the arc starting intermittently, sometimes you have to touch the tungsten to the work to get the process going other times you dont. i was wondering if any hybridZers had heard of any problems like this. also, im worried that my household 220 current isnt clean enough, the TIG really doesnt act like the one that we have at the shop i work at, (an old hobart) but the hobart is squarewave. is squarewave different enough that i would (being somewhat inexperienced) notice the difference?
  17. theres always those ceramic plug boots... why not go onto one of the camaro forums and ask people with those heads what they use?
  18. my Z had all sorts of problems when i first started it up, first problem was that i was off a tooth on the dizzy (distributor) second was a valve was way too tight, (bent a valve) third was the distributor. my car did the exact same thing the first time i drove it, huge explosion through the carb and very little power, there was no hood on it and it was running open headers, it really lit up the night sky!!! check compression, re-time it, check double and triple check your firing order, make sure you dont have any tight or loose valves. check all your plug wires, use wire seperators, only let the wires intersect perpendicular to one another. look for manifold leaks on the cylinders that are running really hot. check to make sure that all the needles in the carb are clean. make sure your accelerator pumps are squirting evenly (visual check) make sure also that nothing crawled up your exhaust (happens to us all the time) and clogged your mufflers with dog food or insulation. when trouble shooting a problem like this eliminate EVERY possible variable and youll find the solution in no time.
  19. i have a miller 135 that i pretty much learned on (had a few quickies in hs but nothing in depth) i love the miller over the lincoln (i use a lincoln at work) its quicker to change spools, the construction seems a little bit better (larger electrodes in the box and such) ive run probably 35 lbs of wire through my miller in the last 4 years with no problems. when you start off start with .023 wire in a 3lb roll also pickup a .025 and a .030 roll with the appropriate tips, using the different wires will help you understand the heat transfer between the different sizes of wire, the speed in which to move (puddle size/speed relationship) also go pick up a book at your local bookstore, it will help more than you think. if you ever need advice or have a problem, pm me. oooh and your local welding shop will probably teach you how to weld free of charge if you buy the machine from them. (mine offered me that) goodluck! -pete
  20. hehe yeah she drew it on paper, shes hoping it will help motivate me ! she is definitely a keeper! she can drive a backhoe loader, we are fixing up her gokart thats got a nasty race motor in it haha. she did my website, http://www.autosportfab.com. im one lucky doood
  21. hehe thanks guys, yeah shes awesome she helps me with the car all the time, she helped me triangulate my front cross member, when im working on the car she will sit inside it and work on her lap top. shes very attractive if i can snap a decent picture of her tonite when shes not paying attention i will. i hope you all have a great holiday.
  22. her names alissa (aleeesa) and as you can tell i am very lucky i almost got teary when i pulled it out of the wrapping. let me know what you guys think. sorry if this doesnt belong here but i didnt know where else to post it.
  23. my dash my engine bay my cage my baby sitting outside waiting for the motor. more at http://www.autosportfab.com
  24. now you guys have made me nervous hahaha, i have ALOT of metal in my Z http://www.autosportfab.com/gallery/240z/index.html
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