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Everything posted by Corzette

  1. HAHA they all do donuts for a sec or two then dart off like a bat outta hell...too cool. I know Im too old but I dont think so... Terry
  2. I went to the store again and got these. These are already taken by a couple members but I can get more. Also there is a special edition Toyota 2000 GT that have limited supplies and will never be made like this again. Its special 2006 valentines day over stock sale. Anyways heres the list... TOYOTA 2000GT---------------CROWN POLICE CAR OLD FAIRLADY SPORTS CAR-----R33 Skyline S30----------------------------HAKOSUKA GT 350Z --------------------------RX8 PM me if anyone else wants these. Sorry MODS if this is too big. Here is the link in case... http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL83/533777/2388447/179555445.jpg Terry
  3. Hmmm, well I got a Sparrow and and earth worm on my right arm when I was 19 in Jacksonville North Carolina. I weighed 165 then. Now 25 years later and 60 pounds heavier that damn thing turned into an Eagle and a snake!!! So aging isnt all bad I guess......hehehehe. Terry
  4. DANG....A lawn chair was fused to the roof!!!! hahahaha....
  5. Bloz up, Im still rolling on the floor on that one!!! I can just picture it!!! I think its a great idea!!!! Terry
  6. I guess Home Depot is kinda addicting. I got it too!!! Nice and cheap and effective...........PROXLAMUS your car looks fantastic! Nice color combo!
  7. Yep, its simple but shows the dedication!!! I like the idea of a full blown Z somewhere....a little hard to see under the Heart but its there I swear!!!! Terry
  8. DAMMIT!!!! Bob is that the IMSA flare kit? Im getting that set if so....I have a GNOSE!!!!!! What wheels are those again? 4 lug? Terry
  9. I love em and Ill try to get the whole line up next weekend... TErry
  10. Well I found these today shopping in the Toy Section of a Japanese store. I have 3 mini ZGs and the hood opens. Would look cool on the dash and actually looks like the profile icon of some of our members. If anyone wants one PM me. They are $4.00 and you pay shipping...Ill try to find more colors etc later. They have Skyline Ken MAry, old GTR and new as well. Terry
  11. This isnt the best pic but the engine bay is clean I tell ya!! Terry
  12. Awesome car. Man I just realized that that kit will allow you to put on over fenders in the rear if you wanted to. You could bring the tire out another 2 inches or so to match them. That would be sweet and mean at the same time. You could go mild or wild....just a thought. Terry
  13. Here is the pic of the tat but its all scabby still. cant see the colors yet.....ewwwww. http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL83/533777/8772482/170210253.jpg Terry
  14. I agree, we need to compare apples to apples,... Terry
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you guys are killing me! I will be back home Saturday and take a pic. Its simple and just says HybridZ but its for life now. I also got Okinawa in Kanji on the chest. Hey I had TEXAS on the forearm so why not some Kanji on the chest haha. The tatoo guy says "DAMN YOU GOT ALOT OF MUSCLES" for an old guy:confused2 . I didnt think I was that old....LOL! Its been 24 years since I got a tat and man that crap hurts!!!! PIcs coming soon. I may get crazy and get a tatoo of of a time slip or something on my fore head next time....gotta run a 9 first. DOC you ready to do some welding????? HEHEHEHEHEHEH...... Terry
  16. Well I just got a new tatoo. HybridZ on the left arm. Sky blue Hybrid and a red Z. Looks cool. Ill post pics when I get back to Mainland. I am in Okinawa till Saturday.... Anyone else do this yet? Terry
  18. Our Sun's name is SOL. Pretty cool I guess???
  19. Corzette


    Where can I get a set of those?
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