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Everything posted by Corzette

  1. Welded to what? That wouldnt allow you to put the engine in without EXACT alignment on the flanges to block....Maybe he had a different setup...sorry but my brain hurt thinking how that would be.... Terry
  2. Warachaimasu! Kore wa tottemo okashii desu! Doko kara katta no??? Terry or Te Chan in Japan!
  3. Corzette

    BBZ 396

    Sitting Pretty
  4. Corzette

    396 BBC

    awesome ride man!!!!
  5. You guys need to stop it...your making me homesick! ZFAN and DOC please beam me up, Im tired of this place.... PS. I just picked up a GNOSE..... Terry
  6. I think some of us would also like a CF rear mountable hatch made as well. The only current available one is WAY too expensive IMHO. I would take one. I would also be interested in a modified rear hatch with a smaller window, like half the length of stock similair but not a duplicate of Terry the Ox;s rear hatch.... Terry
  7. I want the rear tail. The bigger one....how much? And how will it mount? Terry
  8. Having two is great...I will have three soon! Terry
  9. Looks like a modified RX7. Ive seen these in Japan here at ATsugi... Terry
  10. Thanks guys!!!! Im glad you got the mail Vinny!!! Yeah Im a little bummed, getting old sucks. Harder on the wife. Poor girl is getting alot of grey hair and I feel bad for her. Another 20 years will be even worse appearance wise...damn it. (I mean for both of us....) Man I cant get off this stinkin Mountain long enough to go parts shopping. Fuji sux.... P.S. Ive been buying loads of supplements and working out everyday. Damn Im getting big as hell again...lol. Nothing else to do. I weighed in at 221 at only 5 foot 10. I gotta diet....joints are aching.. Terry
  11. Go here....I like the flight jacket style http://www.nextag.com/buyer/outpdir.jsp;jsessionid=C0B5A794F372BEF41892F4F20A9F672D?nxtg=11280a1c050d-8C5B658E353D6B08&search=dickies+jacket
  12. Mat, I got mine...thanks for all your efforts... Terry
  13. Holly crap batman....why does this always happen when Im in Japan....dammmmmm. Terry
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