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Everything posted by dhp123166

  1. That's also why the price is $65.00. I usually get $75.00 for a no rust California door.
  2. These are old pictures and I have already pushed it out. The guy who bought the passenger door didn't have an issue with it ( meaning it was fixed well enough to pass his face to face standards).
  3. Here's a picture of what I pm'ed you about. Remember, I am in Ventura an hour north of you. I can deliver (for a small fee).
  4. I have a driver door shell from a '76. Good metal, no holes or rust. $65.00 + shipping which should be about $40.00 Passenger door is not included.
  5. Does any of this stuff interest you? It's from an '82 turbo.
  6. ...for jury duty on Monday. I am looking forward to participating in our great nations' legal process.
  7. Altec has what you need.
  8. I have the rod, the plastic ball is intact on this part. It's from a '72.
  9. Gary, good luck with your door. If you have any questions with installation, you know where to reach me. Thanks, DanielP.
  10. I think my emails are going into peoples spam folders...
  11. I use a little 200w heater/ blower to defrost my windshield. It works but only on the drivers' side of the windshield and it has to be connected right up to the battery otherwise I'll fry my wiring as it draws so much power and needs thick gauge cable to contain it.
  12. Centurian 5th wheel hauler van/ sleeper factory conversion. 500 of these made each year for three years in the late eighties. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250581950095&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT
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