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Everything posted by dhp123166

  1. When I had problems with my fan controls, I wired the fan motor to a relayed switch so I had off and high only. It worked.
  2. Here's the clock you ordered...
  3. Thank you for your business, it's on its way let me know how you like it!!!
  4. This is purely opinion and what the OP asked for (I wouldn't want to be accused of not knowing anything), but I find that as long as I religiously change my oil and filter every 3000 miles FRAM and BOSCH filters work fine with organic oil. I just started using synthetic oil and have been told that I can up that time between oil changes 5000 miles.
  5. Which 240 z front bumpers are more desirable, 70-72 or the 73? I have two 70-72 and one 73 which I will be bringing to market soon after a little cleanup. I was just wondering, thanks.
  6. In my opinion it is easier to hide things and reroute things than it is to remove them entirely. OP, I see you're in California. Unless you have a '75 or before car removing emissions devices can come back and haunt you when it comes time to Smog Check your car. That is unless you have a friend who is helping you pass. If not you are at the mercy of the Smog Check Technicians and guess what, they have no mercy, they want your money. Anyway here is my cleaned up engine bay.
  7. Cool, then I won't even bother with a single. BURLEIGH'S got good stuff.
  8. I'm also junkyarding today so I will see if I can find a single drivers' side lens of good quality...
  9. [attach][/attach] That black spot on the drivers side lens is some gummy residue from who knows what. If you're looking for a complete set you're not going to find a better quality pair for a lower price. Thanks!
  10. Nice looking Z (your dad's). I like the way it sits in the last shot.
  11. Here's the link for mine: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250538632391&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT Thanks!
  12. I can't say enough good things about flat black laquer.
  13. I have the fan blade of which you speak. $25.00 shipped
  14. I have a good one; good steel, good chrome, good rubber, and comes with treated mounting brackets. $150.00+ shipping.
  15. I filled the front bumper channels in as well. A bumperless front end just looks...unfinished.
  16. It's true try the 240sx, there's always a bunch in the yards down here. Also I will be taking possession of a turbo intake manifold & TB in the near future, so I will keep you in mind if you want a turbo TPS. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
  17. Is a TPS a TPS a TPS or is a Turbo TPS different? If not I have one off of a '75 280z. That's assuming you still need the part.
  18. I got rid of my spare 11 years ago, it's kind of pointless with two different sized tires mounted on the vehicle. I carry around a puncture kit and one of those 12v mini air compressors and these have sufficed for the tire malfunctions I have had. COCKERSTAR; Thanks G!!
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