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Tony D

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Posts posted by Tony D

  1. Get it all clean and dry, then coat everything 4' up the wall with UGL. That's what I did in michigan, and for the first time since 79 when the basement was put in, the place stayed dry with only a single dehumidifier. NO liquid moisture at all, no 'sweating walls' nothing!


    But yeah, put in a sump pump. Really, our other place in Michigan had a 'french drain' around the edge walls---basically moved the entire floor up 6" and left a tapered drain around the edge.Sweating walls went into that channel, to the 55 gallon sump under the stairs where a sump pump pushed it out and to the sewer. We had a water powered backup (highly recommended if you have lengthy power failures in the area---basically a jet pump powering the eductor with water pressure, you pull out 5-10 gallons for every gallon you push through the orifice.


    I make the assumtion this comes in through the wall...


    A drain arrangement like that, even if you loose 6" of height, gives you back dry floor for stuff. We were the only people in town with a full basement. An old german engineer built the house in 1947 and that was his solution. Worked great! Always have two pumps in your sump, if it really starts pouring in (we could get it from flooding in through the basement windows from standing water!) you can pump like crazy and never get a level in the actual flooring. And if the first one craps out, you can tell by the sound the backup is on. If you hear water running like crazy, you know both the electrics pooped out...and your water bill will be a tad higher that month (ironic, huh?)


    Or build the place on stilts... :huh:

  2. I did most of the floors in our livingroom---reinforced appropriately and insulated. No creaking at 365# on it at midnight thankyouverymuch.


    When it was time for the covering though: called the carpet guys, called the laminate flooring guys. They did in a DAY what would have taken me months of weekends to finish.


    Now, the Man Cave...


    I'm telling ya, concentrate on the garage, it's all you will have left!

  3. "As for the ITB/venturi discussion, 36mm venturis aren't remotely comparable to 45mm ITBs in my opinion. ... Not a fair comparison; one is moving very fast and one is not. We agree carbs need a venturi, so we would literally have to flow test whatever venturi could keep up with a 45mm ITB. "


    That's why I said 'exact same engine'---that was an example of our engine and what happened when WE went from Carbs to EFI. We needed to be able to run the engine below 6K rpms, and the way a 55MM DCOE works....


    We could have gotten that HP from the 55's, but look at what size carb you have to use to get it.... is that 'fair'?


    And therein lies the point behind my 'they all stop at some arbitrary rpm'.... I don't see someone taking a similar sized carb and ITB... And by that I mean Physical Size. Sure carbs can make HP on my L Engine, but do I want the 55's? Do I want the custom intake manifold---that doesn't seem to be cricket to me either!


    What we did was pull the webers off, put the TWM's on, and then run it. The only thing changed was the metering device. We could have gotten 40mm TWM's... they still would have made more HP than the 45DCOES as they STILL had a 2mm per barrel bigger orifice.


    What people never clarify is '750CFM Holley -vs- 750CFM ITB' --- does anybody know where that comparison exists? While terminal HP may be similar (? May ?) the power under the curve, etc will wash out some advantage.


    I was just stating the for all the people who say Carbs and EFI make the same HP when in 'ultimate' application, by my experience there needs to be some serious consideration on exactly WHAT efi they were using, and what carbs.


    55 DCOES and 45ITB's may be 'the same' but it's not a direct swap fitment for existing 45DCOE's! 45 ITB's are, though.

  4. someone curbed the car, bet the LF Strut insert is different than the RF! May have bent that strut and replaced it.

    If it's straight, run it.


    MY 260 had a bad curb case, measured everything and replaced the K-Member (steering rack had holed the oil pan...) set the thing up according to the FSM, and then took it to be aligned. They made no adjustments.


    30K leater, no tire wear issues, and three trips across the USA in the car, I think it will be fine!

  5. someone will figure out that RHD thing soon enough...


    T3's would work, just go with some smaller A/R's. Hell, a pair of stock T3's would support what? 400HP? And spool would be not so bad with 0.43 A/R on the hotside.


    But using internally gated turbos on a header set up for an external shows one of those "I want this all out of my garage" kind of sale, more than any appropriately selected application specific turbos.


    It came with KKK or HKS units as I recall... (back when it was new)

  6. Yep.


    My standard answer is that vacuum is the absence of pressure---not the relative dearth of it. How do you make an absence of pressure? Where does the pressure go, how does the piston 'consume' the pressure?


    Proponents of the 'vacuum' theory have never answered that one for me yet.


    The only 'vacuum' that exists in reality is in space. Here on the earth, pressure is produced by virtue of the weight of air to the atmosphere's limit, pressing down. The ONLY thing you can do with that is control where that pressure goes.


    In space there is a vacuum not for 'making' of it, but by anything lacking a frame of reference to produce pressure.


    Dealing on earth, we have pressure from the atmosphere, and that is the source of all filling. An ICE doesn't work in space because if the piston created vacuum, it could 'draw in' something out of the vacuum of space. But the closer you get to space, the worse an N/A engine works. Why? Less atmospheric pressure----the motive force that makes the engine breathing apparatus go!


    We all look for things that make us go!


    post-380-086745500 1299541927_thumb.jpg


    As for the EFI/Carb difference, it's having to do with the way the flow ratings are derived. You don't need differential for atmoization of the fuel in an EFI T/B, you will always need some in a Carb, and therein lies pumping loss. Generally the tests done for HP are limited to the same RPM from what I've seen. And again, from what I've seen EFI runs the exact same engine to a higher peak rpm to make the power. A carb makes 217HP at 7500, the exact same engine with comparable EFI (45TWM ITB's on a Cannon Manifold -vs- 45DCOE Webers with 36mm Venturis) makes 257 at 8250.


    The Weber engine ran to 8250, but it's power was WAAAAY down compared to the EFI. I think the limiting factor may be something mechanical in the engine which is limiting terminal flow in and out, which is aside from the induction system. Just my thought on it. It's a 'they say' kind of thing that I've not replicated in my testing and it confounds me. Lord knows I would have loved to stick with carbs! But when you look at 55 Webers in comparison to 45ITB's the pricing is attractive, and you can then use your ITB's on your 2 Liter, whereas having 55 Webers kinda sticks you in a pidgeon-hole! (And there is another hint00the 55 Webers have venturis near the size of the TWM ITB's, 45 to 48MM---flow dominated by pressure drop across an orifice!)

  7. For the header and the Type 2 that's a fair price. The turbos were eye dressing, more of an "I want all this crap out of the garage NOW" than any practical application.


    Now, if they were 2.0 L20ET turbos with .48 A/R hot side housings....that may have been interesting!

  8. " We are all controlled: the FAA, IRS, Cops, HOAs, Parents, City Hall, and the erection of the moment all control our actions."

    Well, you don't have control over most of those situations, you CHOOSE the woman you are going to be with. You might choose an HOA, and if you haven't figured how to think 'dead puppies' for the last one then all hope is lost. But 'choosing to be controlled' is one thing, and most people don't CHOOSE that option. I don't know if it's psychobabble, but I know in every case of divorce I have been associated with, the guys all called me at differing times after it all ended with the exact same question, paraphrased as such:


    "I did what she asked me to every time. I gave her everything she said she wanted. When I look back on it, I think she just wasn't satisfied no matter what I did, is it me, or did you see any of this along the way?"


    In one case, the last line was "I think she's just stupid!"


    When I respond in the affirmative (like to the 'she's stupid' guy) the response is either relief, or 'MAN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?'


    Look man, what was I supposed to say "Larry, your wife is dumb as a box of rocks and looks like the Clyde the Orangatuan on 'Any Which Way But Loose'! She was your wife man, it wasn't my place and besides you never asked!"


    He kinda laughed and said "she does kinda look like Clyde, doesn't she?"


    Four or five guys, all with the same basic question. Some guys go through hell for three years racking their brain trying to figure out what they did wrong.


    In the end, (and I hate to say this, but...) Dr. Laura is right: Women control the relationships. If they decide they aren't going to be happy, then they won't be. it doesn't matter what you do! That's not to say you just ignore them and do what you want, but you have to be DAMN SELECTIVE AS POSSIBLE UP FRONT and look for women who aren't looking for excuses to be unhappy about something.


    One thing I did was give a copy of Dr. Laura's book to someone having issues. It was eye opening for him. He saw the patterns, he saw the writing on the wall. And like suggested, left the book out where she would find it.


    When dating, if they start giving problems over small stuff like this (like I said, DATING and MARRIED are two different things!) then that bodes ill for the future. Find a girl that looks for common ground, one that looks for ways to get things done, and not for excuses not to do things.


    If all else fails, fly to the Philippines find a good woman, sling the hammock outside the Nipa Hut and spend the rest of your days on the beach drinking, laughing, and procreating. Simple things mean more than complex things. People make life very complex, and when you get down to it, that isn't what life is about---it's about simple things.


    The more complex you make it, (and YOU make it complex!) the harder it is to make decisions like this. Distill your thoughts, simplify.


    Don't be the guy calling me after the divorce asking me "what could I have done differently?" because I'm going to tell it straight: she was unhappy all the time, and no matter what you were going to do, that wasn't going to change!


    (In one instance, the woman's family disowned her, and invited HIM to Thanksgiving dinner, and APOLOGIZED for her behaviour! I mean, when your own family thinks you are screwed up by bailing on the guy after what he's done...)


    Cool Hand Luke: "Some people, you just can't reach!"

  9. 28" Hg for all intents and purposes is an atmosphere for the purposes of head flow porting.


    This gets into the argument of 'does the engine create a vacuum, or does atmospheric pressure fill the cylinder'?


    I'm in the 'atmospheric pressure fills the cylinder' camp, and therefore realize there are some inefficiencies in the intake manifold that will likely add up to 1"Hg somewhere along the line---and that makes 28" a good number to approximate N/A flow.


    What would be interesting is to see what the ports flow under pressure (real pressure, not pressure differential)...


    Basically the flow bench makes a region of low pressure by moving air out of the intake tract, other air is pushed in by atmospheric pressure to fill that void, and you measure it's rate of filling... It's become a Standard for 'best case flow simulation' since most carburetted engines operate around 9" Hg restriction at WOT and peak rpm/load. It's nature of the beast for carburettors, they require differential to operate.


    Now that same engine on EFI can operate at WOT and 2"Hg (or less) which means less pumping losses and more potential flow through the orifice. If you can mate the fuel to it, and get it all burned you will make more power.


    I'm glossing over this because we went through a couple of bottles of Scotch at the KTV this evening and this is a postscript to the events before I hit the hay...

    Hope this is helpful in some manner... :blink:

  10. Life is Terminal.


    Many people haughitly/arrogantly ignore that fact.


    If you become obsessed by all the 'if' 'why' and 'could' scenarios on everything, you are already dead IMO. Then, what's the point?


    I recently saw a very nice Taiwanese commercial where these guys in their 80's or 90's all declared 'lets ride motorcycles' and did a tribute ride around the island in memoriam of their passed friends. An old B&W photo of them all on their old 60's era Hondas on the beach was shown quite a lot.


    They had to prepare for a year. But they got out of the rest homes, threw down their walkers, got out and DID something.


    Inspirational or generational? I think I'd rather be doing something which wrung me out at the end of the day, that simply sit and watch the world go by...and my life with it!


    Kind of digressing off topic here, but some things and some people will as mentioned above 'suck the life from you' and you must guard against that. I don't know how many guys I watched throw 20, 30 years of their life away kowtowing to a manipulative harpie shrew of a woman with indecent demands. Like a dark force, she repelled the circle of friends: we knew if we came by to ask "can Drew come out to play" it would make for an unending hell for him that evening when he got home (by 10, no later, 9 was better....)


    Ah well, time for breakfast.

  11. I put bamboo flooring in one of my shipping containers to use as an office. Made finished insulated walls, etc...


    But in the house...screw that, pay the guys to come do it while you're away and be done with it.


    I find the hassle of making everybody happy with a renovation tiring. Me? I like my bamboo is 45 degrees to the wall because that's the way I wanted it!


    Same for the false wall in back, and running conduit for the wiring instead of Romex. Hell my CONEX box is nicer than the study in the house was when I worked from home. I think this qualifies as a true "Man Cave"...


    Face it, you can do what you want, but you'll only have a say in the garage. B)

  12. When I am spending money on my car again and my wife gives me a hard time about it, I usually tell her "men with hobbies don't cheat on their wives". That usually shuts her up :D


    Generally, this is true, 3AM out in the garage beats 3AM out....where?


    Not necessarily 'ugly' but its true that personality and compatibility are a lot more important than physical attributes. Basing things on transient superficial gauges that can go away will lead to things getting harder as they go along.


    Getting a bike when you're MARRIED is a TOTALLY different thing than when you have a girlfriend.


    I had bikes for years, until my son was born. Now that he's an Eagle Scout and in College I can consider it again.


    In the interim there never was any discussion, it's just the responsible thing to do.


    People making concessions during dating are all backed up. That kind of incompatibility needs to be the FILTER for long term relationships. If you are fighting over this, what happens when you loose your job and have a kid and she decides it's YOUR job to support the family and no, she won't be going to work as you discussed earlier...


    Manipulation through emotional mechanisims and games really pisses me off, and it scares me when I see people twisted about by the tactics. It's like a Monty Python Sketch, I just want to scream "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!"


    Seriously, get the bike you want, let her pout all she wants. Find someone else if it comes to it. Preferably at the roadside with a flat on her Ducati. I'm laying money a couple of days with Ducati Debbie and you will forget about Manipulative Mary.


    So what if she's only got one leg from a bike accident, do you know what kind of coin it takes to get the shifter and brake moved to the same side of the bike on a Custom Ducati? She's loaded! Stick to her like glue.... ;)

  13. You guys are so jaded and cynical that you refuse to accept the possibility that maybe this girl's intent by nagging and prohibitions is merely to protect her guy. "Not allowing him" to purchase the motorcycle is perhaps a benighted form of expressing love, as opposed to jealousy that the bike would overtake the relationship or censure that it's an irresponsible spending of money.


    Have a reasoned conversation with her, explaining with cogent statistics that more displacement in a motorcycle does not correlate with risk of highway injury. Then explain that having considered your options, you are convinced that buying the bike is in your best interest. Her reaction will expose the nature of her sentiments: frustration or fear = OK, reluctant acceptance = excellent, disgust and exasperation = bad.


    The second paragaraph is diametrically opposed to the first. If she is so concerned, there would have been conversation. Are we so dysfunctional that manipulation and coercion have been bred into our acceptable cultural norms? "Benighted expression of expressing love" sure, and an abuser says it with a good fist to the face! Are you serious? The girl, by saying one thing, then doing another is showing some issues.


    As I said, 'weed out the chaff time'---there is nothing wrong with LEAVING. Don't deal with her, find someone else more compatible. The problem people have is they get all hung up in 'investment in relationship' and start screwing themselves over the thought that maybe this person IS NOT the one, and instead put in on time what should be put in on finding someone RIGHT for them.


    Sadly, I don't see the second paragraph working out that way. reluctant ecceptance is usually followed by 'resentment' as well, and that is where the problem starts. If she doesn't accept it you can't make her. Trying to will ultimately lead to failure.


    Frankly, the Jeep Analogy, while some think a bit ackward, is pretty good advice. There ARE women out there like that. There is nothing wrong with them. Maybe they aren't smokin' hot models...but when you find someone like in the Jeep Example, you find yourself not looking at the hot models any more. And frankly dysfunctional women with needy-whiny-manipulative games really start to piss you off. To the extent that you suggest you find someone else and 'weed out the chaff'!


    I know far toooo many guys who had hot wives, and how constantly are on the move and looking. Skin Deep is the phrase... and it's true!

  14. " In a court that's being run properly, you are innocent until proven guilty and really there is no way for him to prove how he got your speed unless the equipment has some sort of logging feature that he can look back and go "see 107 right there". "





    "I pursued the vehicle and paced him for a distance of XXX and determined his speed to be XXXX"


    That's it, they're professionals, and their testimony is taken as such. Unless you have a good solid reason ("Sir, you testified you heard me shift, how many times? '2' Two times, so you reckon I left the intersection in 2nd gear, or first? 'I wouldn't think 2nd, your first shift was very short, and your muffler very loud' Then I would have been in thrid gear, is that a reasonable assumption? 'yes it is' Then sir, would you tell my what my possible speed would have been in third gear at redline according to the owner's manual of the vehicle? Isn't it 35mph, and as you recall I stated when you asked me at the start of the stop if I knew how fast I was going and I said 35mph? At that time I opined that you stopped me for a loud muffler, and that I would take that ticket, but if you wrote me for some BS speeding ticket that I would see you in court? (Judge harunmphs) Shall I ask that my personal voice recorder be admitted to evidence to compare with your note source, because my notes state something different from your notes..."


    They now arrest you for recording traffic stops apparently...


    I love it though how the parsing of the ticket goes 'I know I wasn't going 107' which leaves the impliation that you weren't going 70. If this is out by Irwin, and you got tagged by CHP you were well in excess of 85 and you might do well to consider everybody in the court knows that as well... B)

  15. what is the resistance at the back of the gauge now, and before you changed it?


    You have just learned why old timers suggest "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"


    You fixed yourself from a compatible sensor and gauge, to incompatibility...


    Have you verified EITHER gauge with a meat thermometer in the cap, or I/R gun on the T-Stat housing?


    How do you know this one is wrong, or that the other wasn't right>>> :huh:


    Back to the drawing board!

  16. Who says what?


    "Rebel?" seems the only person constricting what you are doing is you.

    Got kids? Got a ring? If not, consider that this is 'weed out the chaff' time, and likely sexual companionship will be found elsewhere with less drama and even more 'liberation' once you realize controlling personalities can be very coercive.


    She has you believing she has a say in whether you ride or not, and you comply! :blink:


    Ask yourself why, and what would the outcome be if you chose to do it. If you don't want to listen to her...don't.


    Sooner or later she will get the idea. If not, spell it out.


    Liberation comes in many forms. Who restricts someone they 'love' from something they truly enjoy. Ask yourself 'why'?

  17. Michael has a very good point. I got a super-duper 10MP camera, but it took worse photos than my former 4MP!

    The 4MP would at least allow me to go almost to full resolution before seeing some loss at the corners of the photo (which is fine since I usually crop them for work anyway.)

    When I got my 10MP, it was terrible even in the center of the photo (plastic lens!)


    My latest camera, another 10MP is much larger, back to the size of my old 4MP camera, but it has a large lens, and can actually use the 10MP setting to full effect. Much better lens.


    Nevertheless, I restrict day-to-day shooting to 3MP for most photos. That is about 2X larger than what I used on any of my former cameras for point and shoot shots(1280X960)


    Most of the time I will crop out from the higher MP shots, and resize in Erfanview to a 640X480 shot for inclusion into a report. Here, I usually post full size and let it resize smaller. I could post much larger now thanks to that better lens, but I fell the card space is wasted on HiRes when 3MP is fine for most 'print' photos on paper if you are making a presentation of old snapshots to send to grandma and grandpa for their album.


    Though grandma comments that the higher-res photos do appear 'crisper' on the digital picture frame she got for christmas some years ago...


    I'd agree, for gawd's sake, don't overshoot your lens! Most of the point and shoots can go by a simple rule: If the lens is the size of a Dime (20mm diameter or smaller) don't waste your card space shooting to the full capacity of the photosensor! It's why most guys apologize for their camera photos! Crappy Lens, even for 1280X960! :(

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