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Tony D

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Everything posted by Tony D

  1. No special canister is needed, under vacuum the cannister pulls the breaker plate in one direction, under pressure it pushes in the other. But in the 'push' direction the travel is limited. You have to open up the slots to let it retard further than 0 degrees. The website I am thinking of is related to 510's but it's the same for the six cylinder models. Then again, getting an E12-80 distributor off a European Turbo Car would do the same thing, it retards under boost... No ECCS timing control on thos cars, they they have 200HP stock, no catalyst, and standard EFI style Computer on it! Good luck finding one of those!
  2. Since the other 'debate' went away, I didn't get to mention something that was grating on me but that I couldn't confirm till just recently. In September 2009 issue of Onschatbare Klassieker Magazine, there is a little blurb celebrating 50 years of the crumple zone as introduced by Mercedes Benz on the W111 Series Vehicles 11 August 1959. And this goes back to the ocntention that 'crumple zones' were some 'new safety development', the W111 was around $13,500 at the time, whereas a Cadillac (62 Series was it? Esentially the same as the Bel Air) was around $5,000. Mercedes made a decision after patenting the design not to enforce their patent rights, and to let others use their safety advancements freely. John Coffee mentioned that Mercedes had a cost structure to support the implementation of these safety designs...but really the costs for crumple zones are not that great. What it comes back down to is in 1959 there was a choice to make: Buy Mercedes (designed by engineers, marketed by engineers) or Buy American (designed by engineers, decontented by accoutnants and marketing wonks). There really was no reason for a 1959 Bel Air not to have these designs incorporated, but for reasons that have become all to painfully clear these past two years, GM didn't like to jump on any bandwagons when what they sold was selling just fine. But the choice was still there, you could choose what you wanted. Today you can't... Everything is held to a ridiculous (IMO) standard of 'crash safety' I would really like to see the following crash from the safety people: 2009 Malibu and 59 Mercedes W111. (That one might not make such a dramatic propaganda point for them, so likely they will never do it.) 59 Bel Air and 59 Mercedes W111 (interesting to see 59 'krukelzones' on the Mercedes work against a contemporary vehicle...) And as mentioned...to see what would have happened if the Bel Air Driver was wearing the Seat Belt provided in the vehicle...which I think kind of skewed the test.
  3. I saw a Halibrand Knockoff wheel split yesterday. The results were the breaking in half of an original Ford GT40 into front and rear pieces as it went off the Eau Rouge corner at speed and hit the wall hard...BANG!
  4. "You guys get pulled over a lot" Interesting observation...but like I stated, I quit a job because it EXPOSED me to police too much. I got pulled over in the carpool lane of the 10 freeway on memorial day weekend because "i was following that transit bus too closely"... Transit bus was going 40 on the interstate (Illegal, below the minimum speed) and his 'coast light' was not functional, so when he abruptly slowed down to 15mph, I closzed the gap (somewhat unexpectedly, admittedly) to pass him in the next car pool lane opening... I was petrified to pull out on a straight section of the roadway as the flow of the intermittent traffic was well over 80mph and I didn't want to get reaR-ENDED. Cop was a noob. Wanted to know why I was in the carpool lane alone as well (CNG Vehicle with appropriate stickers)... When you get exposed continually to the lowest moron on the totempole your chances of getting pulled over during 'enhanced enforcement periods' is greatly increased. That encounter cemented in my mind the decision to leave that company. I had been pulled over more in 6 months working there than the entire period between 1993 and 2003 after leaving the job in Brea where I got tagged the 7 times in 6 weeks. It's exposure to people that have something to prove that increases your chances of getting pulled over. Most of the time, there are far more important things to do... but midnight to 2AM on holiday weekends? Oh, they're playing odds, I just wish when a stupid noob makes a clear mistake they had enough sense to just let it ride. Got pulled over leaving a club meeting by an obvious 'training day' scenario, rookie and training officer. Sez 'you can't have green headlights, sir...nobody will see you'... 1) Thought in my head immediately: "Your partner sure did a Woodsy Owl twisting his head around when he went through the intersection looking at me!" 2) Second thought in my head: "This is contraindicatory to the studies showing that humans have more yellow-green rods and cones in the eyes to better distinguish those colors, my headlights are likely to be the BEST seen oncoming lights from somebody LEAST likely to see any other color!" But I keep it shut. Go through the motions, with the training officer realizing they were just parking lights, and LEGAL. But Rookie HAS to write me up for something, even after I demonstrate the running lights (same as in a Mercedes E300 at the time...) and his partner says "Oh COOL!" So he writes me for 'illegal headlamps' --- I sign off my own fixit ticket, then go to the court and plead not guilty for the judge. It ends up getting thrown out as it's black letter law in the CVC on colors the lights can be when 'off' and my lights were 'off' as demonstrated to them, and to the court. I hate noobs with something to prove... Does it show?
  5. Yeah, my question would be when you say 'lost' valve springs, did they break? That may be simple metallurgy, and if they only replaced the broken parts, then the rest are ssupect and likely on the way to the same fate. Springs are cheap, they go as a set. After several sets, using a spring scale and keeping track of 'hours' may allow you to assemble a full set of 'emergency trackside spares' for future short-term use of already broken in and shimmed correctly springs for quick replacement should something bad happen. Arms being chucked usually comes from a pivot that works loose and lets em fly! This your case as well? Good Luck, stuff like this can suck when you're trying to nail it down.
  6. But if I don't spell it with a PH then Big Fil might get upset... Just spent the first evening in Amsterdam with Frank280ZX, Xander, and, well...the Boy. He will tell stories they will never believe back in California when he goes back to high school. And tonight, I guess the plan is 'repeat'... Frank also says "HI" to skib...as he has an affinity for any errant Dutchman, on the far ends of the earth... I love the blog! That about summed up the post!
  7. UPS Ships nationwide. What are your issues?
  8. In 85-89 I was spewing genes all over asia. Notably Korea and the PI. None of you guys are Korean, Thai, Okinawian, Phillipino immigrants, are you? "I could be your father"... That would explain a lot of our similarities in outlook and bitterness.
  9. Following too closely is never the car in front's fault... That's about the time you wish you had a reds hydraulic kit to flash your brakelights and pump your butt up in the air like you are braking hard...but ACCELERATE AWAY. They hop on the brakes hard and wet their pants... Then, oh then you're really in for it! But man I would set up a camera in the bumper to take a flash photograph of their face. I would look at it whenever I wondered why I was standing in line to pay whatever fine it was... The look on their faces would be WAY worth it! What can I say, I'm warped...
  10. A 20? Didn't they change the rating systems for the ACT, or was that the SAT? I remember our old business manager at Getty was a Harvard Grad that played ball for them (Gary Quantoch)---his joke was that Harvard required a 760 on EACH section of the SAT, and that The Big 10 required 760 combined. We all got a laugh about that. At least some of us did. The guy who was the Texas Aggie was not amused. Curiously he was the only one the company retained when they sold out... I know some of the guys I hung around with had to retake the ACT because the USAF Academy required like a 26 to get in...and they didn't have it. I was like 'you didn't get a 26?' They were kind of shocked when I had a 27. Barely eligible... So they both ended up going, geting booted out on honors violations... one became an Exotic Dancer in Florida, the other went to MIT for post grad work. The exotic dancer went on disability for falling off the stage and injuring his knee pretty badly...so he got a free retraining package and was able to take time off and complete school. I think he sells insurance products. The MIT guy still makes jokes about our sliderules and pocket protectors and whenever we coordinate a meeting we make sure to find a vintage pocket protector to one-up each other. I have a NASA/COSMODYNE/APOLLO 11 that shut him down bigtime last time we met. I think after that he's been avoiding me. You all know what happened to me! LOL "We Digress"
  11. John Coffee can confirm where this occurred: Lambert Road as it enters Carbon Canyon, with the light at Valencia. Stop #5 I was heading towards the canyon, the cop was coming out of the canyon. 2AM on a sunday morning, cop has his light on 100 yds in FRONT of me coming the other way. Tells me he stopped me because I didn't have a back bumper on (it was in the back) and I told him I did an engine change earlier in the day, and didn't want to put it back on before I made sure it was all good and I had a couple of miles on it. I was planning on putting it on at work on Monday, anway. Showed him the bumper in the back of the van. Takes about 15 minutes. He releases me. (How they saw I had no bumper on in back while they were 100 yds in front of me is still up to interpretation, I call BS myself...) I pull from the shoulder, to the left turn lane as the left turn light to Northbound Valencia comes on, and I start up the road to the dump (which is were my Generating Station was located). Cop lights me up, and SCREAMS through the intersection against the light. I'm like "WTF?" as I wait for the SAME COP that JUST STOPPED ME 100 FEET BEFORE come up and ask: "Why are you going down this road?" I mean, at that point...'my cup was full' and I didn't think I owed him ANY damn explanation. ESPECIALLY if he thought I was so stupid to be pulling down a drug corridor with him there WATCHING ME. He ends up tearing everything apart in my van looking for crap. After abour 45 minutes, I hear the noise of the generators coming through the canyon making the cyclic noises they make just before shutdown. At which point I kind of suggested to him "I hope to hell you TICKET ME OR SOMETHING QUICKLY! Hear that noise? That's the sound of 5.5 Megawatts getting ready to go offline because of your paranoia. I'm going to have to explain this to my A-H boss in the morning, thanks to you!" He let me go shortly thereafter (plant now totally shut down). I get to the dump main gate, and there's four or five cars parked around a station wagon and a bunch of teenagers. They are all nervous, until they realize I'm not a cop, and just a guy going to work. "Hey, we're running a train on my buddys sister, you want to join?" Er, no thanks guys, but you might want to post some lookouts, the cops just stopped me TWICE at the entry to this street, and they probably will be coming down here in a couple of minutes to check up on me! Yeah, I'm a real menace to society. That had to be '93, just after a couple of Brea Cops were shot. Definately after the Rodney Riots for sure (reason below). The NEXT weekend on stop #7, I voiced the opinion that the reason Brea Cops were being shot was because they were making BS Traffic Stops on citizens doing nothing but going to or from work. I refused to give them my I.D. and insisted the field supervisor report to the scene, and suggested strongly that if they didn't want litigation, that the rookie over my right shoulder with his service weapon unholstered and pointed at my head from a quartering view of the van (guy who came to the door had his service weapon's holster strap unsnapped as well) should holster his weapon, that the guy making the interview put his safety strap back on his holster, and that they simply go back to the car and call in supervision and whatever backup they thought they needed. When the supervisor arrived (sgt) I asked him if all of Brea's Night Shift Cops were responding to my traffic stop, because I want to make sure THEY ALL KNEW that I WORK ON THE DUMP, that I'm subject to call out at odd hours, and that this was the 7th time in 6 weeks they hassled me over being on the street between midnight and 3AM. And that I was making a formal complaint with the police watch commander, as well as someone on dayshift over the incident. I was not speeding, I didn't have lights out. I was simply a guy with long hair, a beard, an old Fatigue Jacket, and was driving a VW Microbus at 2AM on a Sunday Morning... Yeah, only some 'minorities' are profiled, right? After that, I wasn't stopped again. Funny thing was during that last stop, they uncovered a whole LAPD Training Text on PPCT and various control and cuffing (speedcuffing) procedures. They were very interested in why I was in posession of them. I told them the truth, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I worked at the LAPD Los Felix Location (Academy) training new and requalifying officers in these techniques. The look on their faces was 'Oh, man, I'm glad I didn't try to take this guy out of the car and cuff him...' And they're right. It would not have been pretty. Especially with their poor approach and panic control. Hell, LAPD wanted someone that wasn't 'like all the other cops' (meaning different body profile) to instruct because they were all about the same and weren't taking training seriously and it was going to get them killed on the job. My exact instructions were 'kick these guys a$$es and show them why they need to take this training seriously'...yeah, give me carte blanche to whomp on Cops? He he he, a dream come true! "Thank you sir, may I have another" was what came to mind as they got chucked around. Mind you, I was probably 60# lighter and continually training then, but I was literally sending guys flying. My cup was full, and if they had made the mistake of pulling me out of the car on that stop #7...well...I probably wouldn't be here typing this right now.
  12. Oh Mag... you are on course to be called a "Bitter Old Man" by your contemporary youth some day! LOL
  13. if cost of repairs exceed 50% or so of the vehicle's worth, you get a payout and the car is totalled. 'copious ammounts of cash' would not be how I catagorize what you get left with, though...
  14. 7 times in 6 weeks, pulled over and had guns drawn, driving home from call-outs at work in a remote area of Brea known for drug dealing. Long haired, bearded white guy driving a 62 Microbus... Last time I was stopped it got into a full to-doo with me demanding the watch commander come to the site and lodging a formal complaint with the police the following morning. One time, (6th stop, less than 300 ft from the 5th stop!) my reply to 'what are you doing going down this road?' was 'because I can, it's a free country!' (prepare for total strip of the car searching it...) 7th stop put me over the top, after stops 5 and 6 and the searching... Any contention of distance and 'not stopping you' is urban myth. It's like saying you can't get pregnant if you do it standing up. It's all about safety, though. The farther they follow you, the safer you are! Why would someone not want a cop following them? You would never get rear-ended, right? (some arguments seem silly when in one context, yet seem proper in another context...shouldn't they be considered silly in both contexts?)
  15. Agreed! After having posted the answers to that guys questions at LEAST three times previously (in detail) I was just shocked that anybody could, in good concience, post that question. It showed me there was not any searching involved. And the gist of the 'beat down' was this: If you aren't willing to expend effort, why should anybody take time to answer you---it will never happen so our time would be wasted. The gist of any answer was: Give me what I want! You are an a$$ for not posting exactly what I wanted, when I wanted it, in what format I wanted! I mean, the guy called me an a$$ for posting 'wow, shocked...' With salutations to Mag58 for kindling this next jewel from his post phrasing, to paraphrase the words of the old TV setup: "This is a test, for the next 5 posts this experienced forum member will be conducting a test of your mental reasoning and congnitive abilities. Remember, this is only a test." "FAIL!" The first answer set the tone for the rest. There are plenty of situations where I have given detailed answers to noobs after posting the stuff countless times before. There are people who come to LEARN, and genuinely need that first little nudge to get started. Then there are guys like this, who aren't interesting in learning...they want it spooned to them. I resent that:fmad: Now, to get these damn expense reports submitted so I can pay my cc bill before leaving for Spa.
  16. But don't you feel safer with all that scrutiny? Wouldn't you feel better knowing a law enforcement person was that close with your kids in your car? ...
  17. After buying a 1990 7.4L TBI engined dually, I rue the day I didn't get an OBD2 compliant (read newer) GM EFI system. The Newer stuff (say an LT out of a 94 Camaro) is programmable through the OBD Port using a program called "Tunercat". I have toyed with it on my buds conversion, and IMO with the OEM fuel trim component and ability to change just about anything you want...I'd spend the $$$ on a newere drivetrain and use it for the swap. Tommy (my bud) got his driveline complete for $1800. That car went 18 miles from the dealer to a telephone pole! Killer deal, and now resides in his 74 Camaro. The tunercat allows you to alter all those pesky things that might throw a code and get you in Dutch with the CAL SMOG people. (Always important)... As for the HEI----with a later engine like the 94...you go "HEI? We don't need no stinkin' HEI!" LOL There are a lot of sites out there devoted to HEI and it's maladies, no need for me to parrot their research here. My main jist was is I was considering a drivettrain or EFI system to go into a car...I'd use the later stuff simply because it's lightyears ahead of the TBI stuff. Not anything against TBI. I have it on the Dually, it's great. It's relatively versatile as I have seen the same system on VW's and Corvairs...if you have a way to burn the chips. The newer systems don't need a prommer to make mods, and you can essentially work them just like a standalone with a cheap software package and a $40 cable to make the OBD2 interface. Good Luck.
  18. You got me beat! I've been in the office 8 days since 2 January 2009. How can I get on this cushy two-month home schedule that you got, man? LOL I should be back in time for JCCS. My plan is to return the Tuesday before JCCS, and then the evening of the 4th, I'm back out on a Flight to Kuala Lumpur. That will give me days 9, 10, & 11 in the office this year. If I go into the office. I think I got "honey do's" stacked up at home for the past few months...
  19. WOAH! That looper aroudn the back of the head to the water pump inlet is not doing you any favors, as a matter of fact you'r putting the hottest water in the head back into the inlet of the pump---terrible! That needs to go to a COOLER before being recirculated to the inlet of the pump!
  20. Welding saves many things... And a photo would be nice.
  21. WOO HOO another dumb kid just found out the hard way the 'anonomity of the internet' is really a myth when someone is determined to get you! I hope he drops the soap.
  22. He's involved in carbonated beverage industry?
  23. Soon, we will both undoubtedly spontaneously evolve into self-levitating brain sacs with tendrils in which I can ensnare beautiful girls... you can do what you want with your tendrils. I'm ensnaring girls! I most assuredly DO NOT have an MBA. Nor a Masters of any kind. My father was a public school administrator who had educational requsites comparable to a doctoral degree, but never pursued the title like so many of his friends did because he was not out for a title, and knew with it he would be excluded from some of the more interesting small districts in the state. As it was, due to his qualifications school districts were not offering positions, and when he asked they said "we can't pay you what you're worth"---it's kind of a compliment, but it really upset my dad because there were places he really thought he could help, and really would have taken those jobs for whatever they could pay just to DO that job. I have taken a job for HALF what I previously was making at a 'lower title, higher pay' situation because I thought the job would 1) Enrich My Knowledge Base, 2) was an area where I didn't know what I thought I should, 3) was 'interesting'... I can't say I've made top dollar anywhere I went, but that was not my concern. If I wanted to be rich, I'd start my own business. That's a fact, you won't get rich working for someone else. But what I have done is take positions where I was interested in what they were doing and thought they could give me something to work my brain. Like I said, I had fantasies about design work at one time. I ended up landing a job Drafting brackets for MJ1A Bomblifts (something I worked on while in the USAF) and after 6 months I was through with that...forever. Not day in day out. An occasional bracket. An occasional tool. Overhung load calculations... sure fine... But sitting in a cubie all day at a workstation (then again, this was before internet availability and desktop surfing...hmmmmmmmmmmm) I'd take the axe and do 'Jack Nicholson' on the cubie walls. By the end of October this year likely I will have spent 12 days in my office in Diamond Bar. WOO HOO! I hate going to the office. But I digress. Learning is not something that is quantified by the paper you present to them and validate your CV. Learning is something you do continuously and in every facet of your life. Curiousity is contagious. The best time in my life was when I was going to technical school in the USAF---I got PAID to go to school, and had a fully outfitted gym at my disposal. Right, I knew about automotive mechanics at the time, ended up going into support equipment with the logic "I already know about jeeps and cars, this looks interesting"... That got me on the flightline, where F15C's and D's were, and guys who were 'mechanics' because the USAF told them they were...not because they did anything more than score about a 25 on the ASVAB to qualify for the spot. When a guy with support equipment training walks out and troubleshoots your weapons release problem without ever having seen the schematic before.... that was the time I started figuring maybe I should spend time at U of Md classes after work. Believe it or not, 'Asian Studies'... And even then, no matriculation formally. Close, but no cigar. Some upper level composition and history credits were lacking and I wasn't there long enough to wait for them to open up and complete the coursework. Minor in Business Admin since that's about all they offered overseas. Sucked. Then, when on the road with Atlas Copco I found 2000 hours a year in hotel rooms in such senic places as Keokuk Iowa, and Worland Wyoming. So there was this outfit associated with Penn State called "ICS" a correspondence school that had done work with the Military. I started the associates program in ME Technology, and completed it. Except for that three weeks you needed to do at Penn State in the lab. Meh, I was too busy. I just paid for the next course (Industrial Eng) and did the same thing... After a couple o five years I had done four of their programs, all associates degrees, but never the three week program to complete and officially matriculate for any of them. I asked for time off once and my dentally challenged supervisor made gruff commentary about not wasting the company's time...and since I only was entitled to TWO weeks vacation at any given time what was the use? Hell, as long as my GPA was above a 3.5 they paid 100% of the course cost anyway---wether I matriculated officially or not. Knowedge for knowledge's sake I suppose. Didn't cost me anything but time in a hotel room that I would have spend reading history books anyway (this trip from Australia got me over $175 worth of books on Aussie History, making me overweight on baggage for British Air!) Hey, I got time to read. Starting to make sense now? I am reminded of Blutarski in "Animal House" as he exclaims 'Eight Years of College Shot to Hell'... Basically I've been learning continuously since I started to read. I have taken applied classes here and there, technical courses and seminars, and probably another 2000 hours of vendor-specific training...and likely some diploma mill someplace would complie all the stuff and give me some sort of "Life Experience Bachelors" that I could hang on my wall. I considered it when I realized that my compatriot at the company in our controls group confessed to me he had a double associates out of Penn State (ASEE, ASME) which was combined for a bachelors somehow. I started going to myself "hey, I got four of those, plus 20 years in the business..." I guess if I totaled it all up maybe it's more than a simple bachelors. I haven't really run across anything I couldn't figure out yet. One of the things I've always ended up gravitating towards at work is the training aspect, I ended up being selected for training because I could pass on what I learned. Many times I was picked to be a trainer. Much of what I do now for Distributor Support can be defined broadly as training. It really was all I wanted to do...but remember my father was a school administrator, and former teacher and he said at a really young age: "You don't want to be a teacher..." Well I did...and curiously now he's sending me articles from Michigan where retirees in hands-on trades are now being accredited as teachers by the state (like they formerly wre allowed to do before the NEA Union was entrenched, you could apprentice to be a teacher in Mighigan at one time!) because the skills they have from 30+ years on the job just can not be taught by someone who is 24 and just out of university with a teaching credential. From the martial arts, you couldn't progress beyond shodan unless you spent time teaching younger students. It was a lesson learned well, because I saw in teaching others I learned more---or more importantly I questioned what I thought I knew more---and until you do that, you are merely regirgutating something you read in a book, or had thrown at you in some lecture. There are PLENTY of people out there who can recite stuff from rote, or reading...but what insight do they have beyond what they speak? One of my favorite shows on TV at one time was 'The Pretender'---the last scene of the opening credits where the old lady in the bed looks up at Jared and says 'are you a doctor?' His answer is what I've said to customers ever since: "I am today!"
  24. who is kanye west? bouncy is the girl in the dancing-lizard pepsi commercial, right? whats the tie-in between them? what am i missing here...seriously!
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