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Everything posted by Ivan280zt

  1. Man to be honest I have had same tag on my Z for past 4 years and I have no idea what it is from top of my head well I do know that first digit is 2 lol. Unless your car had custom tag or if it had some extreme work done to it your chance about fiding anything about it are very slim. Ivo
  2. Yeah that guy Garrett sure is nice fellow!!! Nice job on the adapters Austin it sure is nice to work for place that has all the right tools and having trade helps out too lol. Hit me up with price on those adapters if you make another run. Ivo
  3. Damn thing ran for while but what started as changing exhaust gasket two months ago turned into "while I am at it" so motor came out took everything apart changed all gaskets, installed kameari timing kit... did I say that I also fixed leaking exhaust gasket lol. She will be running in about week or two : ) Ivo
  4. WTF!!! http://compfused.com/directlink/4423/
  5. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  6. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  7. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  8. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  9. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  10. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  11. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  12. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  13. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  14. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  15. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  16. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  17. Ivan280zt


    From the album: Ivan

  18. Doc, I really dont know how to do that but if you can please feel free to move it. Ivo
  19. I am very interested cant wait to see finished product!!! Ivo
  20. Ok so far three people want it and it looks like its going to be either Justin or Yasin. I guess that now there wont be need for ebay. Ivo
  21. Doc, You cant be anymore right I just looked under my bed and I found custom tranny adapter L-28 to any GM trans, my haltech manual, some coil packs and aeromotive fuel pump LoL. Gabe, I bet you would like it ; ) I might be selling off my L-28 stuff soon so you can have dibs on other header and w/g setup. Yasin, If you look at the last picure of header sitting on the tire you can see two runners getting together and thats where the w/g was. You would have to weld flange on there and whats nice about this header is that it has tangerine sp housing so w/g bleeds exhaust gases evenly from all six cylinders so boost creep will not be an issue. I would really like to sell it to you because I know that you will put it to good use so if you want it its yours. Ivo
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