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280zx 2by2

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Posts posted by 280zx 2by2

  1. It is on the bottom of the intake manifold and has a small vacuum line that comes from the top of the manifold that goes to it, it also has a large air line that comes up from it along side the manifold and tee's off and one goes to the throttle body, this line is about 7/16 ID or so. It has a pressed steel canister with a nut on the bottom of it, it has 6 screws that hold the pressed steel canister to the aluminum housing, the whole thing is held on by two 10mm headed bolts. Any ideas what it is??



    definatly not PCV

    pcv has one hose and is not bolted to mani


    yeah its the bcdd that hes describing but tapping on the intake manifold could have loosened up the pcv, because I don't see how a bcdd could effect idle unless one of the vacuum hoses has a hole/crack...


    could just go outside rev it and see if the bcdd is actually working

  2. my $0.02 after having an extractor brake off into my head (insert an emoticon that expresses INTENSE frustration) i say drill it out (i cant remember the drill bit size) re tap it with a 10x1.25 tap and put a 10mm x1.25 stud in that mofo, i did this after one of my new 8mm studs broke not a week after i finished installing everything... if another breaks im converting to all 10mm bolts for my intake exhaust(the 4 intake bolts are already 10mm)


    if you want to go this direction ill go out and see if i can find that drill bit and get you the size


    but i will always try using extractors first (by hand not with a drill dohh!) because its a beautiful sight to see that broken stud make its way out

  3. I plan on doing this swap in the future.( If that car will stay at the pick-n- pull until i get the time heh.) When I do I'll post pics and such on the project. I think i can make it work w/o too mush hassle. i guess I'll find out.


    the only thing im not sure of when it comes to swapping bumpers is weather 82-83 coupe side bumper trim will work with 2+2s extra rear "girth"


    i think nismo told me they would work though...

  4. Plus if or when you send it back, you have to do all the labor of pulling your manifolds again and unbolting your exhaust. (unless you weld to the y-pipe)

    Not fun. Then your car will be down for who knows how long. If they replace it then maybe only a few weeks. If they don't want to replace it...

    im going to go get it fixed tomorrow... going open y-pipe though a metropolitan city...


    this supposed "bolt-on" kit is well... not bolt-on, there's an extra 2 inches in the system that they say "works for everyone else"

  5. I just hope when you try to send it back and they say welll......

    They were warped by you using them.

    Not saying that they are tiring anything bad, just usually when you use something....


    Good luck.

    i will use this thread as evidence :mrgreen:


    i started it up today and it ran good, a little leak at one of my gaskets but ill tighten it up tomorrow


    Sure it's nice of them saying they'll replace the header and studs if it breaks, you just better hope the stud doesn't brake off IN the head, because that will be a livid b!tch to fix.

    it already happened twice, and yes it was a b!tch, one i was able to extract the other i had to drill out and retap :shock:

  7. well i called MSA today and once again got their world class customer service (they even called later to see if things were ok). its great that they are technicians and know what they are talking about, they told me to go ahead and try the header and if it popped out my studs the would replace the header and the studs...


    i tried it, it worked!!! well so far :)


    my advise to anyone in this type of situation is to call MSA first


    also i wish motorsport auto would make some "I ♥ MSA" stickers cause i sure do

  8. i know, i know, im an idiot. but besides that, the blinkers look larger in that pic. idk, guess im just retarded...:shock:

    when i first saw that pic in super street i thought that too but i think it is just that they are new and still are still bright amber


    i cant remember what his name is but the owner frequents here, he could clear things up

  9. I bought a 3-2-1 header from MSA that was warped like that. In fact it was warped so badly that the y-pipe wouldn't slide on nearly as far as it should have. In order to use that header I would have needed longer studs in the front and rear holes... there wasn't enough "meat" sticking out to get the nuts threaded on.


    They replaced that header no questions asked, but I had them send me a 6-1 header instead. The one they sent me was slightly warped but nothing like that first one!


    I wonder if the ceramic coating process is warping those headers, or if they get warped when they are welded together.

    it might be, were both of the ones you got coated?


    lol im going to call them at lunch tomorrow (then it should be 9:00 there) and see if they will send me a legit one... i just hate the fact that i have to wait 2 weeks now for a header i ordered a week ago...


    i love you MSA but this is NOT COOL!!!

  10. I emailed them but i don't expect a reply today... i wanted to get this done today but if it is messed up id hate to be out $324 or even worse end up with a warped head...


    ill call them tomorrow and see whats up... i just would expect that this would be something that would be a quality control check point and that's why i thought it might be an intentional design...

  11. i went to put the header on yesterday and noticed it wasn't flush...


    its bowed by about 4-3mm if i push one side down flush, but if i push both sides down i can get it to within 1mm flush with the surface...


    is it supposed to be like this?





    MSA closed at 1:00 yesterday so i couldn't ask them and i really wanted to get this done today... thank you

  12. "So do you brake check tailgaters?"


    HELL YES! lol that's the only thing the big 280zx bumpers are good for...


    i could see why she was pissed, i mean if im getting on the interstate and there is a slow car in front of me i try to, as you did, let them make up there mind... but what if while you were doing this some A-hole speeds by you on the left lane? that's basically what you did, kinda...


    but yeah im usually the one doing the road rage... i do the reverse tailgate, i get in front of them, get next to a slow semi and keep the same speed as it... then let the pissing off commence


    also when im turning into school there is a 4 lane road and a shared turn lane in the middle... its common sence that you put your blinker on and wait until you get to the end of the turn lane to get in it (because someone in the on commming lane could have to use the turn lane too)... but of course fresshmen just learning how to drive dont know this so they ignor your blinker and pull up beside you...if theres no one in front of me and theres a green light i drop a gear and cut back in front of them mid turn... i have had to do thas twice this year...






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