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Everything posted by 260ZRED

  1. I know this is not the correct place for this but i figured it would get the most enjoyment here as this car deals mostly with this forum. enjoy it while it lasts.
  2. This is the one that I made. i would be willing to do everything shipped for $400 + $25 core (be sure to remove anything you will need befor sending me yours) PM me for details. this one is actually set up for a 240sx throttle body.
  3. so why when I do this nothing works.
  4. 260ZRED


    From the album: Polishing

  5. 260ZRED


    From the album: Polishing

  6. 260ZRED


    From the album: Polishing

  7. 260ZRED


    From the album: Polishing

  8. 260ZRED


    From the album: Polishing

  9. 260ZRED


    From the album: Polishing

  10. 260ZRED


    From the album: parts car death

  11. ok well i am an idiot as i know see the stick, thanks.
  12. this is excelent info and I am grateful for your time and input but I am a little fuzzy on what you mean by dialing in the cam. I undestand you probably mean finding the proper timming but my cam timming is set stock with a brand new timming set. I am aware the cam sprocket has 1 2 3 possitions but other than that??? what head were they using also? cam is factory for early zx. (dont remember if n42 is head block or both? maybe block was n47?)
  13. would work but there goes my 10.75:1 compression ratio
  14. was actually thinking of stacking head gaskets till there was no more tap tap then pulling the head and put a little putty or clay on top of the piston to get an idea of clearance. then measure the amount of gasket I added, although i am not sure where I would go from there. thanks for the addvice.
  15. ok a large problem. here is the set up. l28 block w/ flat tops e31 head shaved just for suface 2-3 times l28et valves (P90a) sh*t load of port work Before we get to far into this i already know that I used the wrong valves as they are to short. I was told i actually need n42 valves, is this correct. Are they the same dia? here is what I did.... 1. I set the head on the block with no head gasket and no head bolts. 2. set the cam timming. 3. set the lash 4. turn the motor over by hand VERY slowly Well.....after about 1/4 of crank rotation she stoped. tha intak valves contacted the piston. so I pulled the head back off and repeated the previous steps with a brand new head gasked but still did not bolt it down. the same thing happend. So the bottom line is i should have resurched this. DOES ANY ONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS??? I really want to stay away from a thicker head gasket and pistons. I alread have a crap load of money in this motor. but if pistons are my only fix please tell me where I can pistons that will keep my compession around 10.75:1 Thanks Much
  16. notice he does use a 150 shot Glad to see a (fast) mouse in a Z32 =)
  17. I want to be able to datalog 4 sensors: 2 temperatures - a)1 before intercooler & 1 after and 2 pressures - a) 1 before ic & 1 after This is to test the IC efficiency. My current running MS setup already has: temp ( and pressure ( as the input sensors. How can I add two more? (the temp a and pressure a) I dont need to MS to base calculations off of them, just to display and datalog them vs RPM. For the temperature, I would need to buy a duplicate of the GM air temp sensor, correct? For the pressure, how would I go about that? Can someone point me in the right direction here? Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/M400X-Skycar-VTOL-Prototype-Aircraft_W0QQitemZ250036057352QQihZ015QQcategoryZ26428QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  19. When I said "affect performance" I really meant "Will that spyware/adware/100 installed programs I dont need have a chance in hell of making it over to MY partition to make is slow?" This computer will be for 2 users. I just want to run 1-2 programs and insall nothing.. no updates.. no-no-no nothing! The other user typically has over 40 programs running in the background, and at least 4 various file sharing clients, not to mention copious amounts of spyware/adware and latest versions of flash, winblows media player, etc. Is the only way out to buy a 2nd PC or does partitioning work in THAT regard for my purpose? Thanks again for all your replies. I guess I had a different perspective on performance.. to me a CLEAN and clutter free system IS 'performance' as most of the people I know cant make use of what they have already! My own 1.3Ghz Athlon PC, 224mb ram, boots windows xp from a cold start in under 18 seconds, while my friends P4 2.8 Ghz, 512mb ram takes ~5 minutes!! (because of the above mentioned "upgrades") Thanks, Igor
  20. Here my question: Does partitioning a hard drive hurt the performance of the 2 different partitions? I.E. If one of the partitions is allowed to accept all cookies, all updates, a whoke bunch of install'd programs (flash, possibly spyware, adware, ETC); and the other partition is kept clutter free... will that hurt the performance of the "free" partition? (besides from having less HD space of course) Thanks in advance for your replys (anything will help greatly) Igor
  21. Garrett, What are you running for your exhaust manifold? Is your 3" exhaust all the way back? Any mufflers at all? Can we take a pic of your intake set-up? Big congrats on the numbers.. =) Igor
  22. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nissan-240SX-1970-nissian-datsun-240-z_W0QQitemZ320020934936QQihZ011QQcategoryZ6396QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
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