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Everything posted by Ferrariferg

  1. I believe so. I cant explain it but my car (Shelah) always seems to react to every little thing I do. She runs better just from cleaning her. Its weird.
  2. I spent one week in Texas so my skin knows all too well what the Texas sun can do. Very nice car.
  3. Beautiful work. Would love to see an entire L28 polished like that. Isn't it an all aluminum engine? everything but the exhaust manifold anyway.
  4. Very nice. Now if only I had a different engine and the money for a set of these.
  5. Thats a kool idea. I might do something like that someday. Thanks for your help everyone.
  6. I would love to find more of them around my area. Maybe they are abundant in your area but not all. I could use a junker for spare parts.
  7. Thanks for the tip. I also heard there is a couple places near Monroe that specializes in z cars.
  8. I was wondering if there is a way to reprogram the digital speedometer to tell me speeds above 85MPH. I do NOT want to change to analog. I like digital. Thats one of the reasons I liked my car. I just want to know if it is possible and if so how? I also heard somewhere that the speedo will flash 115 if you reach it. Anyone know if that is true?
  9. I think UV Dye is for AC systems. Not sure they have it for oil. Could be wrong though. Check your local auto parts.
  10. This could help me tremendously. Not a single junk yard within a 35 mile radius of has any type of Z except for some 300's and maybe the occasional totaled 350 (Not much help for a 280zx owner). Been trying to get a parts car since the day I got my car but haven't found anything worth getting. Why is it that PNW has so few Z's?
  11. It was working before I messed with the radio. Its no big deal to me. I just like to keep as many things working as possible. My hazzards work fine. But hopefully I will never have to use them. lol.
  12. There really isnt a reason to rewire unless you are wanting to have a higher output sound system. I don't want anything with a lot of bass or anything. The old wires are working just fine. I can crank my rock all the way up and I dont get a bit of static or distortion. It's much better than what was in there. As far as the antenna. The only trouble I have with it is that the cable is about 3" too short. But that is an easy fix. I do have another problem. My dash dimmer doesnt work anymore. Anyone have any idea why?
  13. They are harder to get to in the 2+2. You have to pull the rear panels off. You can pull the grills off but you cant get them to stay in because they are clipped in the back.
  14. Well I just stayed up all night to get my new stereo installed. I had a hell of a time trying to find any useful information on what wires were for what. None of my books (Service Manual and Haynes) had any diagrams. And I did NOT want to rewire my car or run it off the battery like a lot of people do. So since i took the time to figure everything out with a test light and multimeter I figured I could post my findings for everyone. You will have 2 Connectors. 1 six pin and 1 eight pin. 6 Pin (Not all Wires are used) Blue with Red stripe- Constant Power/Battery Yellow with Green stripe- ACC Power 8 Pin (Speakers. Some wires are used by multiple speakers) Blue with Red stripe and Blue with Black stripe are Front Right Yellow with Red stripe and Yellow with Blue stripe are Front Left White and Blue with Black stripe are Rear Right Green and Yellow with Blue stripe are Rear Left Ground is the Solid Black wire that comes on your stereo harness. Just attach that to the car with a screw. As far as the antenna goes I'll leave that up to you. Some people like to retain the factory Button and others don't. Hope this helps someone. I know I could have used it. Kyle
  15. Sounds like your burning oil. I think you might be in need of some new piston rings. That might also be why it wont run right when its cold. Does the smoke stop or slow after it warms up?
  16. lol. Thanks for that little tid bit. I didn't know that stripes really had any meaning. I love learning little facts about random things. Very nice car by the way. Red and White are always a winning combination in my book.
  17. Very nice. But not my style. I'm an old school kind of guy. I love gobs of chrome and bright colored paint jobs.
  18. I would really appreciate that. My current ideas are: Candy Red, Gloss Black, Red with Black stripes, Or Blue with White or Silver stripes. Here is a picture of the kind of stripes I want. But I want them spaced out to match the lines of the hood. I also like the small accenting line on the sides of the stripes.
  19. It looks really kool. I'm trying to get my dad to buy it and a couple of my friends to teach me how to use it.
  20. I'm not gonna do any way out there mods or anything to my car. Just a basic rebuild and a custom paint job. I've already started to tackle some of the rust. I had to remove my battery tray to get to a hole in the wheel well under it. Here are some pics of the infected areas. Before removal: After removal: Not sure how I'm gonna fix this. Might have to go to the junk yard and pull it out of theirs. I want the tail lights from their 81 anyways. I think they look better.
  21. I had to pull mine out today due to a big hole under it. Its amazing how much damage a simple thing like a battery tray drain tube falling off can do. Hope all goes well with your repairs. BTW. Thanks for posting the pic. Helped me to find an invisible spot weld in the tray.
  22. I don't have photo shop and I wouldn't know the first thing about it. lol. I would love to learn how to use it though. I have seen some really cool things done with photo shop.
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