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Everything posted by 74Adam

  1. Is it currently installed in a car so that you can hear it run? I would be cautiously optimistic, but it might be a really good deal.
  2. Thanks Matt, I'm going to keep on it a bit longer but I'll keep that in mind. It's just going to be a slow process for me either way I think :-/
  3. Since I am running fuel only, do I need to be concerned with any of the ignition settings? Obviously, I would set the trigger wheel=0 (i.e., no trigger wheel) and I would set the rev-limiter algorithm to "none" since I have no control over that. But what about the settings under "ignition options". Do I need to worry about any of these? There is setting called "coil charging scheme". This seems relevant since "standard coil charge" is one of the choices.
  4. Thanks Matt. Do you think the default setting of 66 microsecs for the PWM period is ok (with resistors)?
  5. Sorry, that really was a stupid question....lol. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in this stuff you can't see the forest for the trees. Dexter, I'm sure you are right. I feel comfortable about a lot of my settings but I am struggling with the PWM stuff. My understanding is that if you have resistors in series with the low Z injectors (like the stock Z has) that you don't need it. But, you have to enter something. My settings are as follows: injector open time-1.0ms, battery voltage correction-0.20, PWM current limit-75%, PWM time threshold-1.0ms and PWM period-100. I just re-read the megamanual on injector criteria and realized that I may need to set the time threshold to 25.4ms. Essentially, treating the injectors as if they are high Z. Do I understand that correctly?
  6. Hey guys, I am getting started on my megasquirt journey and will probably be asking some stupid questions so please cut me some slack. My situation is that I have a car with MS already installed and "setup" but it barely runs. I was under the impression that I would be getting a car back that was dialed in and ready to go, at which point I could learn the intricacies of MS at my own pace. As it turns out, I am going to have to figure it out myself. Maybe that's just as well. I have the megamanual and have been reading through it as well as reading a lot of old posts on here. I have tunerstudio loaded and have been playing with it for the last couple of weeks. I hooked it up to the car last week to pull the existing settings from the MS and saved it in a file so I have a reference (even if it obviously isn't a great one). The car: 78 N/A 3.0 liter, mild performance build Everything is stock except the 240SX TB "Dumb" cold-idle valve Fuel only (for now) Firmware: V2.600 So, the guy set the dwell at 1.0ms, which seems low (acceleration compensation of 0.2ms). The megamanual says a rough range is 2-4 and I have seen many posts on here that seem to reflect that, but most people are using aftermarket coils. I'm thinking I could set it at 2.0 or even 3.0 without toasting anything. Would appreciate any thoughts. thanks
  7. Can someone post a basic N/A set-up? my specs: L28 (3.0 stroker, mild performance build) Fuel ONLY Stock ignition Stock injectors/manifold MS2 with 2.60000 firmware I just need to compare the base settings and VE table to make sure I don't have something out in left field. I know I'll have to get it dialed in afterwards. thanks
  8. The title pretty much says it all. I have the 60mm throttle body but it doesn't have a bypass for idle so I am just going to get a needle valve from Mcmaster and plumb it into the manifold. Is 1/4" too small, 3/8" just right? I don't want to get so large that if I barely touch the knob the idle jumps up 500 rpm. And this is a megasquirt application, BTW. Thanks.
  9. Ok, so I am starting to get my head into the fuel injection system; learning enough to be dangerous but not much more. So, I know it's common for people to have to troubleshoot if their injectors are firing and that the stock connectors can be finicky. It got me wondering: if you wanted to make things really simple and ensure that you KNOW you are getting power to the injectors could you just wire them directly? If you have a battery with the additional side posts you could just get some ring terminals and run two lines that each branch off six times and if you wire in new connectors on top of that it seems like a reasonably low cost solution to being able to rule out a potential issue. I don't know, maybe it's a terrible idea and would burn something up. Would it need to be fused......if so, how much? Just thinking out loud..........
  10. BLOZ, do you just "intercept" the stock wiring output from the distibutor and run it to one of the input pins on the MS connector plug?
  11. Yeah, the cover was my problem. Well, I can tell you from experience that the 4.0w bulbs, especially if you pop out the green lenses will be much brighter. And that is without Dave's relay kit that apparently frees up some more current.
  12. Hey Phantom, have you thought about using LED's instead? It's neat that they come in different colors, definately gives you some options.
  13. You know, it never even occured to me to think about how to get the gauges out with the dash intact. Pulling the dash sounds like this huge ordeal but it really isn't that bad so I just did it that way. One problem I can think of is that I can't remember how much slack the wiring to all the individual bulbs provides. I mean, you have approximately 4 to 6 bulbs per gauge (I can't remember exactly how many it is), then you have to be able to rotate them to get them out. They don't simply pull straight out if memory serves so you need to be able to manuever a little bit and I just don't know if you have the room.
  14. I assume you're planning on popping out the green lenses? If so, that will certainly make things brighter along with the 4.0 watt bulbs. As far as dash removal, I can't really add anything, steering wheel, speedo cable, HVAC ducts, wiring harness (I think it's three plugs), and four big ass bolts. You need a long socket extension and a swivel helps too.
  15. Ahh, good eye. I wonder if the company that made that unit is still around? Yeah, I don't see the crease either?
  16. You know, I'm one of the few people (apparently) that actually likes the 280 bumpers. Don't know why, they just never bothered me. I agree with you on the megasquirt/turbo. Maybe install the headlight and parking light relay kits and new LED bulbs. Make sure the stereo rocks.....can't think of too much else it needs besides the transmission. I don't need another Z so somebody on here needs to get it
  17. I didn't believe it either but look at this ZAP 280 on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-?cmd=ViewItem&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D4%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D4308769928616642272&_trksid=p5197.m7&item=150702170165 Check out the description and then on the 7th pic look at the turn signal stalk. I realize this is a special edition but still. Maybe a dealer add-on? TonyD, you seem to be master of the obscure Z-car minutiae....any thoughts? As a side note, that's one hell of a nice Z aside from the automatic.
  18. Hey Adam, I don't have an answer but I would also like to install a blade style fuse box into my 78, so I'm curious to see what you come up with. I suppose if enough of us hassle Dave, he might make a fuse box for the later years like the nice one he came up with for the 240. Probably won't happen since the 280 fuse box didn't have the problems that the 240 did. Also, have you looked into a brand called "Blue Sea"? They make what looks like really high quality electrical parts, including fuse boxes. Their stuff is marine grade, if the name didn't already give that away cheers
  19. Could a locksmith rekey it for you and replace the sleeve (or whatever they do)? Edit: Just occurred to me that if you do that, maybe the locksmith could match the new lock to your ignition key. Voila, one less key on your keychain.
  20. Those other drivers have to be going "is this real life?" I checked out some other youtube clips and it has FOUR racing seats!! ha ha ha
  21. I think the EP-35 does that, I just don't know if it makes an audible sound? Apparently, not all of them do.
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