As the ad says:
On November 4th 2013 my husband's 1972 Datsun 240Z was stolen from the parking lot at the Attleboro, MA Amtrack train station. While he was at work serving our country someone was stealing his car, a car we bought with our hard earned money, a car that was my gift to him upon returning from deployment for being every bit the father and husband I could ever possibly want him to be. This thief took a piece of highly sentimental property from our family and since our car insurance policy doesn't cover theft, they also made off with the $6000 we had invested in it. My husband is a dedicate family man, an exemplary Coastie and a phenomenal friend. He doesn't deserve this. PLEASE do our family a favor and show your appreciation for my husband's service to our country by sharing this post with as many people as you can. If you or anyone you know saw something that day or spots the car in these pictures please call the Attleboro Police Dept Tipster Line at 508-223-2233 ext 2239. The car was last seen with the FL plates pictured (Exp 9-13) there is some unfinished fiberglass work on the driver's side of the car just under the windshield and dents in the fenders where Sears Auto damaged it when we got the tires replaced recently. Maybe if enough people pass this along, we can recover the car and make a Guardian very very happy:)