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Everything posted by datsunlover

  1. They are diferent. The ZX AFM does not have two pins that the 280z ecu needs/uses for the fuel pump shut off switch. (emergency shut off if the engine stalls) I have one in my '75 280 and have jumpered the wires for now (in the harnes clip) so the computer THINKS the switch is closed. Closed meaning "car is running, air flap is open 5 degrees or more" I think there is a slight diference in the flap weight too.. but I think the rest is very close. Also, your car may have the "dual pickup" distributor, meaning there are two circuits the distributor can run on. (advance and retard) Which one it runs on is determined by a "transistor ignition unit" (passenger side kick panel area) that switches between the two circuits using a relay under hood. (passenger side under a black cover on the shock towwer) This relay is switched by... (da da da dum da dum...) The water Temp sensor after a certain temperature is reached. Hope this was of some help..
  2. Well, my 75 280z did the same thing.... you say the Air Flow Meter is fine? Are you sure? I have the Datsun factory shop manual and it gives a detailed list of checks to run on the air flow meter. Resistance readings and such. Also, if the flap inside has been bent (from the backfiring) it will not read properly and confuse the computer. I have talked to an older Nissan guy (used to be a mechanic when these cars were 3-5 years old) and he says that 90% of these type of problems are caused by a faulty/damaged Air flow meter. And your car may not have an O2 sensor (mine doesnt) so if you cant find it, don't be too alarmed! If you cant find the factory repair book, I think I have one somewhere that I could scan.. let me know.
  3. Ok, I had an 83 280zx, and it did the "belching black smoke, bucking around and not idling right god d@#%^ piece if s#&! I HATE YOU STUPID CAR!!!!" thing to me too. I also checked all the wiring, conections, and even started swaping out parts (Air flow meter, TVS, ect) But nothing helped. This was the car that pissed me off so much, I sold it. THEN, The guy I sold it to figured it out: A bad fuel injector! One injector replaced, and the car ran perfect. Now, something else I disvovered (a few years later) about Nissan injector harneses, is that they crack/corode and sometimes dont make contact. This causes similar problems. With the engine running, try jigling the injector clips (where they clip on the injector) and see if the engine runs different. This may be what happened after you replaced the whole harness. Hope this helped.
  4. A quick test would be to switch the rear wiper pump with the windshield pump (if you have a rear wiper!). I did this on one of my 280zx's and it worked for a quick fix.. you loose the ability to wash the rear window though. If I remember corectly, the fluid jug/reservoir under the hood has both these pumps attached to it.. and they are identical units. It should just slide up and out of the engine bay, but dont pull too hard on it cause the rubber hoses will pop of and you'll have a mess dribbling out on your engine bay! (personal experiance!) Hope this helps
  5. Yup, sounds like 180 out to me. My RX7 V8 conversion did that when I fired it up the first time. It was cool.. backfiring out both sides of the car.. Ba BANG! (left) BA BANG (right).. and so on, then 4 feet of flames out of the carb.. wow.. only took 2 min's to fix, so it's easy to laugh about!
  6. Wondering if anyone has any thoughs about swaping a 3.8 S/C motor into my 75 280Z. These engines came in the Late 80's early 90's Thunderbird super coupe, and was usually attached to a 5 speed. (I can pick one up localy for about $600 cause its pretty rough; but runs good) I don't know all the specs, but I am sure the Ford T-bird weighs WAY more than my 280 just because its a bigger car, and usually had power evrything, all options, a back seat, and so on. It would be a Hp/Tourqe boost over the stock Nissan L28, and easily bumped up with smaller S/C pullys, computer chips, ect. I have been a passenger in one of these cars, and trust me.. they go pretty good! Part of my reasoning here is that my insurance Co. frowns on a V8 in a car that is SUPOSED to have a 6 cyl, and they will rape me like you cant imagine... I know I know, "don't tell them" ..but if I get in an accident, or get pulled over there could be a problem. This way, I am thinking it will still be a 6 cylinder on the ownership, and easily hidden. (Larger, but single exhast, a bit quieter than a V8, no hood bulge or anything.. basicaly a sleeper) What do you guys think?
  7. I have to agree with that last post. I got my first car (and first Z too!) when I was 17. It was a beat up 81 280zx that I was the 13th owner of. Yes, lucky number 13! But when I finaly learned how to drive it, I was amazed how these cars can handle and accelerate in stock form! Back then I didn't know anything about cars... but the Z bug got me good. Over the next few years, I went through that one, a parts car (that was actually in better overall shape.. I was stupid ) and a near perfect one that wouldn't run properly (bad fuel injector). After selling that last 280zx, I vowed I would someday have another Z car. It took me the last 5 years, but I finaly got it! And yes, it does help to know something about American V8's. I knew nothing when I started my RX7 V8, but most of my friends were Chev guys, so I got a lot of free help and advice. Also try to do all the research first, instead of buying things (like '350's' that are actually 305's but I didn't know about the block #'s and just took the guys word!)and getting burned. It eats up cash in a hurry! Just keep on asking questions and learning all you can, and you'll end up with a great ride in the end
  8. Well, I think you are in for some fun, but you're in the right place for info and help! I am considering a v8 in my 75 280 (just picked it up this summer), but I do have some knowlege of a V8 swap already: A chevy 350ci in an 85' Mazda RX7. I built this about 3 years ago (sold it last year ) and what a project it was! I was in a similar situation, and wanted it 'bare bones' cheep as possible. I will say that it is a lot of work, but it is possible to do a budget v8 swap. Here's my rundown of the cost (as close as I can figure in my head) and parts finding; $300 -Car; (blown motor, gas tank leaking) $400-Motor/transmision mounts for Chev V8 into RX7 (at this point, I could not weld so I bought a pre-fabed kit) $300-Motor and 3 spd auto, (wanted a standard, but this setup was comlete,running, cheep, and availible from ANY local wrecking yard) $450-V8 Rad; (Howe aluminum 4 core stock car rad.. a little pricy, but worth the money for peace of mind) $200-Exhast; (Got some 'cherry bomb' mufflers, some universal pipes and clamps, and just ran straight duals exiting out in front of the back tires) -Misc; electric fan (scrap yard), Guages (universal fit for V8's), auto shifter (scrap yard camaro), ect.... about $200 So thats $1850... and Im sure there was some stuff I forgot, but thats the big things/expences. Then throw in a bunch of my time hacking, cutting, hamering, fitting, re-fitting, building, breaking, re-building, ect and a year later I have a V8 Mazda RX7. What a blast to drive.. and it feels great to say "I built this". I start this beast up, and the roar snaps necks across the parking lot! Guys come walking over "WOW! Is that a small block in that little car?!?!" The double take is very cool too, when you leave the Civic at the lights and get to the next set before he gets 20 feet! Anyway, I think you can get an idea of the cost involved. Rest assured: There are always hidden costs, but don't loose hope! Go for it man, you will learn a LOT by even attemting this kind of thing, and have something to be proud of in the end. Its also something you can keep adding to, working on and making better over the years (if you can hang on to it!) I always regret selling my RXv8, but now I have my Z so Im happy. I think the Z is a way better looking car than the RX7 anyway! Hope this helped. Take car man!
  9. Well, like I said, it was just an idea.. and I figured since I have access to a turbo volvo (read: $CHEEP$), I was toying with it.. I have another idea too... (yes, I have a friend in a local wrecking yard!) but I'll start a new post for this one.
  10. Anyone ever though of using an old (mid 80's to early 90's) Volvo turbo? The 200 and 700 series volvo turbos are pretty tough, and came factory with a fair size intercooler.. and although they are only a 4 cyl engine, it is a 2.3l; good for about 185HP or so.. so the turbo is pretty beefy. You could even buy a kit from Volvo called the 'Turbo Plus' that allowed it to boost up to (i think) something like 10 PSI. I have hardly ever heard of them failing (although Im sure it happens), and still see lots of these cars driving with 250-300k on them! I was thinking that it might be workable on my 75 280.. just pull everything I need out of a wrecked volvo, machine/modify my exhast manifold for the turbo, and "cheep out" and get a thicker head gasket for my L28 to lower the compresion.. The only hitch would be the computer end of things.. but I know Volvo used Bosh, so something may be possible... What do you folks think?
  11. Hey BLKMGK: I have found an LSD!! Woh hoo! I also found the engine and trany from the same car! (I hope) A guy dropped off the whole rear-end/frame/suspension unit the other day, and low and behold I got the whole deal from my boss for $50!! I talked to the guy scraping it, and he has the engine and 5-speed at home... he scrapped the rest of the car a few monts ago (before I worked there too bad really..) Anyway, he wants #350 for the engine/trany/computer, and all I need to get is the wiring harness. (it went to the crusher with the car) That is my question for today: Will any harnes from a 300ZX work? ie: one from an automatic car, because there are a few in the back of the yard my boss said I could rip through. If anyone knows, give me a shout ok? Thanks! ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  12. Well, yah I thought so too... I'm gona check out an 84 Maxima this week, and I'll find out if it's RWD. I'm prety sure some came with a 5 speed too, from what I've heard. if anyone else can back this info up that would be great.. ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  13. Yes I know the Maxima has the same 3 liter, but I cant seem to find one with a 5 speed...and if I did, is it the same trany as the 300zx? I was thinking of a whole 300zx so I could use the brakes and evrything too... I don't know much about the Maxima.. is the braking system the same as the 300? I always thought the Maxima was front drive...Anyway, thankes for the info.. I like the sounds of $300 'unblown' HP... Are you serious? All he did was a cam and port job? (Well, intake and exhast of course) Wow.. I'm impressed! Well, if anyone knows about the Maxima, let me know..Thanks! ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  14. Well, some bad news on my "would be" doner 300zx... it apears the previous owner tried to make his auto into a 5 speed... it didn't go over to well. That car is junk now. Too bad really... oh well, I guess I'll just keep looking! Oh yah, something interesting I found out... Fender flares from an AMC Spirit will fit my car.. and most likly a Z car too. (Actually, they're a litle big for my car) They stick out about 3" and look really cool. And they're rubber too.. (not fiber glass) so they won't break off or crack. It's cheap, and it looks good. ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  15. Well, actualy I'm thinking about buying the whole car from my boss. It came in on a flat bed today, because it won't run. (and the floor does not exist anymore!) I talked to the guy who was scraping it, and I think it's just a minor problem... (I didn't tell him though).. if it runs ok, I could use the mechanicals from it... and the clutch master, brakes, etc. It's an '84 so my Z rims should fit too... I'll check it out tomorrow and let you know. Anyone know about the fuel pump? Thanks! ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  16. Well guys, I am thinking about the 3.0L Nissan.. but I'm having trouble finding a suitable car.. Any 300ZX's around here are either to expensive (IE: In amazing shape, so why would I rip it apart?) Or they are high mileage rot boxes. (We got one in today at the scrap yard...sorry BLKMGK, it's all white!) I know a turbo would give me more power, but a high milage turbo is most likly gona need a rebuild (cause no body seems to know how to look after a turbo around my area!! Grrrr...) I agree, I could get the motor/trany mounts from Nissan, but what about my fuel pump? Will it be the same as a 300zx or will I have the hassle of changing it over? (I know for a fact, a new fuel pump for my car will cost me about $400. God damn dealership!) Oh yah, just a question.. anyone know if the compuer cotroles the fuel pump? Or is it just wired to the ignition switch? Sorry if this is a stupid question. And I know the 300ZX has a hydraulic clutch.. will my present system be up to the task? Like I've said, I was thinking Chev for simplicity.. Carb, cable opperated clutch, cheaper parts, etc. I guess a bonus though would be hooking up all my guages... Nissan to NIssan right? Lol. I'll keep you all posted. ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  17. Thank you John, and I'm sorry Scottie if I offended you.. You see, I have a friend with an S10 (well, had.. he wraped it around a tree last fall) And he had the 4.3 w/5speed. He had a mild cam, some head work, high comp pistons,intake and exhaust done. He said it cost him about $1800 after taxes and such. At the time, I was drving one of my '81 280zx's. (the nice black one; it's on my site. If you wana take a look, just copy this link into your web browser (it should work): http://www.geocities.com/apartmentdweller/datsun3.html) I wanted to do some similar work to my Datsun, (My friend w/the S10 was constantly blowing my doors off in the red light drags) but to get anywhere neer the same power to weight ratio / HP out of my 280ZX it was going to cost me mega $$$! I know Nissan makes great motors, I love them! I'm just saying that a Chevy engine is going to be cheaper/easier to get performance parts for, and will most likely be more reliable in the long run. (FI engines always give me headaches) Besides: Out of the box, a stock 4.3 (properly geared mind you) will stomp on my 200sx's 4 cyl. I don't think anyone can dispute that. Even if I just did an intake and header w/exhast, the 4.3 would make my little car go like hell! And I wouldn't have to worry about breaking something, because the engine isn't stressed too much.. right? I will admit, I don't know too much about Chevy products, (which trany is best for me, etc) but that's why I came here: I hope I can get some advice, and learn some things from you people ok? Thanks for any responce guys, I'll be in touch! ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  18. Ok Scottie... I understand your point of view. Actualy, I can get a whole doner car (4.3, 5 speed, etc) for about $100 because I work at the yard, so I get a discount. I will be able to have the work done fairly cheap too. I know that you can get a lot of HP from a 4 cyl turbo.. but I have never been much of a turbo fan. You have to be to meticulous with the maintenance, and watch evrything carefully. Also, I like the idea of a carb and naturaly aspirated rather than fuel injection and electronics all over the place. I figure, if I'm going to have to do mods to fit a turbo 4 cyl... why not just go bigger from the start? Honestly man.. to get 400+HP from a 4 is a little out of my price range for this project. ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  19. Well.. I think a good running 4.3 would cost about $250... give or take a bit. If you wanted one for a rebuild, it't be about $100 I guess... I'm thinking about the 4.3 because it's basicaly a 350 with two cys chopped off.. so it should handel the stress of 200-300 HP. ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  20. Ok GNZ: I know you can get a lot of HP out of a four cyl.. but it would cost a lot of $$$. Sure, I could do the cam, shave the head, put on headers, k+n filter, maybe even a turbo, the whole 9 yards. But it would still be a 4 cyl, and longevity concerns me. I mean, a 2.0L with 300 HP is going to be a little stressed dont you think? (just curious, how much did your buddys silvia engine cost him?) John Scott: I think I will go with a 4.3, but it's not set in stone yet. I heard about a 2.8 w/190hp the other day... some guy put it in his tr6. That would be great..next to no weight, and lots of power! And I do know the 4.3 is wide, but it's the length that is my problem. (Firewall to rad suport) Also, if I get a 5 speed (with the 4.3), what is the gearing like? (I know little about Chevy, I am sorry) I mean, I have always liked the Nissan trany for the good ratios.. Well, any help is apreciated! ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  21. Well BLKMGK... I'm soooo sorry man... we crushed a 300zx today. A nice red one (with t-roofs and all!) it was an '88 too.. shite... I can check on monday.. but It's sort of.. under a buick now.. I'll ask my boss about it though, cause the diff may have survived the crusher. Also.. I do live in Canada.. so how would I get it to you? (assuming I find a diff before my boss/crusher does!) Sorry again man... I'll keep you informed though ok? oh yah.. anyone have any thought's on a 4.3 swap? I can get a whole s10 for about $200.. (god I love working in a wrecking yard!) ..because I think Glenn is right, and the engine bay is just too small. Thanks ppl! ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  22. Well, I was down and the Nissan dealership today (making a nuisance of myself! lol ) And the guy told me some of the 200sx's actualy came with the 300zx engine and drive train. I'm sure it would fit fine, but I want an insane power to weight ratio.. I'm thinking a 4.3 V6 if a 350 wont fit. I work at a wrecking yard, so getting a whole doner vehicle is no prob. I've also heard some bad things about the 300zx engines (high milage ones anyway: those are the ones in my price range) Also, my boss said he could build me a 4.3 with about 250-275HP... for under a grand... Well, I'll see what hapens. I'm planing on pulling out my 4 banger next weekend. I'll keep you all posted, and thanks for the support! Matt Gorissen ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  23. Um, just a question here BLKMGK: I got an email today saying you had posed a reply to my topic "I want to go fast in a 200sx" It's in the Miscelaneous Tech section. But there is no such post there... do you know what is going on? (is it just a problem with the site? of with maybe my computer?) ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  24. Well, thanks for the support guys! I have never atemted a project like this.. so I have a lot of questions that may sound.. well, stupid. First off, I was on the JTR site, and they suggest using an atomatic trany, but I need my 5 speed. I can get a whole car (I think that's the best way) with a 350 and a 5 speed trany, for about $1000. The car (78 Firebird) is shot for the most part, but the mechanical's are good. Does anyone know if JTR's motor/trany mounts would work for my 200SX? Also, I think I'd have to raplace the stock rear end.. but does that mean I have to go to a solid rear axle? I like the indepentent suspension that is already there.. can it be used? As for suspension changes, I want to lower the car about 1 -1.5". But I don't know how heavy the front end is going to be with a V8... any thoughts people? I have many other questions, but I guess I'll let you guys digest these for now!! BTW: I have a pick of the car as it sits now (my 'artists rendition' of it ayway!) If anyone wants to see it, just e-mail me. Thanks for any help! ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
  25. Well.. I had a 280ZX, and now own a 200SX... and both cars made the same "clunk" sound. It bothers me too! I asked the Nissan dealer about it... the guy said "possibly", the rear frame/unibody is twisting or bending slightly, or the mount is shot in the rear end. This would cause the it to sway around a bit, and hit the floor. Personaly, I think it has something to do with the rear suspension... but I cant find anything wrong with my 200sx. (or the 280zx I had) I have yet to loose a part of my car, and it still drives well. I think all you could do is replace EVRYTHING in the rear end of the car... suspension, u-joints, bushings, ect. but that would be expensive and may not fix the problem anyway... I think it's just a little... quirk with Nissans. Dont worry man, you are not alone! ------------------ The crazy datsun guy
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