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Posts posted by zeeboost

  1. Back when my Z was sporting primer, I ran the F-40.




    From what I've experienced, you either loved it or hated it. I thought it looked decent on my car, (though I'd never run one on an s30) but now that I have it painted, I've been contemplating mounting it back on there. It almost looks too clean to run that same wing. I've been leaning more towards something like the overboost 280zx, but I don't know if we even get that wing in the states. (Never searched, either...)

  2. Darth - I talked to Dan about his taillight setup before I ordered the lights (I think that was when). But anyways, he had a lot more work done to reshape the rear panel to where it contours with the 300zx tails. He was able to pull it off because a) the s30 is curvy, the s130 is boxy, B) his flares really help add to the look, c) his tails are still proportional to the rear, IMO, and d) he didn't buy knockoffs. I honestly didn't know the difference until someone on here pointed it out. They're molded in, so there's nothing I can do about it now, but I definitely would've forked out the coin to get the OEMs in there.


    Davy - I'm hoping there may be some other tricks I can use, but all around I think it'll look a bit goofy. At least the rest of the car makes up for it :-) . I've been toying around with the idea of a pantera hatch, and if I get one, I'll most likely try to convert the rear to round tails. However, I've seen skyline lights on the aerotech zx (I can't remember which generation they were) but I know I didn't care for them...although it looked better than the way these 300zx tails mount.


    GOMI - The bumper is a plain jain MSA II fiberglass bumper. I don't care much for the stock bumpers on these, and I don't think it would've looked right without it, given the way the rest of the body is. On a stockish-bodied 280zx, I think the shaved rear looks great. Otherwise, yeah, the bumper is a bit boxy and bulky, but it fits the s130.


    I was hoping to get some better pictures by now, but by the time I was able to get to the shop, they were pretty much closed for the night, and had several vehicles surrounding my car, so I wasn't really able to get a clear shot of the rear...just a couple of the sides and front.

  3. The Zs were part of the factor that my girlfriend and I broke up - we were pushing 9 years on our relationship. She loved the Zs, loved that I did all the work on them, and usually supported me, but I think I just ended up buying too many projects, got in over my head with them, and a lot of what little free time I had (generally worked 70-80 hours a week) was spent messing with the cars. True, they weren't the only reason behind the break-up, but they were definitely a contributing factor.


    Ironically enough, this shifted my priorities to where I realize that they're just materialistic things, and even though they're a fun hobby, they really don't bring me true happiness. I've already given one Z to my brother, since he's about to turn 16, and should be down to 1 or 2 soon enough - hell, if I can find enough buyers, I may be out all together.


    Don't mean to gloom this thread up, but all I'm saying is to just remember that these are just cars. Even though she may be cool with it, don't let it reign in priority, unless you don't care to keep her, but then you might as well dump her anyways. This is strictly off my experience, but I know a couple of other people that let cars get in the way of their relationship / marriage (again, I'm sure there were other factors, too), and in the end, I really don't think they were happier with the car. Again, could be just me...


    I'm sure several other people here have found a nice balance (although I'm sure an offset one) between the two, so I'm sure they'll chime in.

  4. Call me a hater or whatever you want but my .2 cents, you butchered the shiz outta your car I mean why change a good thing. 300zx lights need to stay on a 300zx.

    This is completely my opinion, to each their own.


    I agree. The concept/drawings looked good on paint, but in reality it didn't turn out near as good as I was hoping. The thing that pisses me off is that as soon as the lights came in, the shop immediately molded them, without my say in it. In my opinion, I think it would look a lot better if they would've at least put them in a bit higher on the tail panel.


    I really didn't care for the way the stock lights looked in the rear, but I couldn't come up with a decent substitute either. Not even the dual round lights really fit (ferrari/elise/skyline). This seemed to be the best alternative on paper, but not so much in the real world. I'll see if it looks any better once they've fixed the silver on top.

  5. I read an article on Cameron and the plot and decided I wasn't going to rush out to see it. Looks like I was right on the money based on your description.


    Same here, I predicted the plot pretty much as soon as I saw the trailer for it, BUT, I don't regret one bit spending the money to see the movie - the CGI and detail is still mind-boggling. I would still recommend to anyone to watch this in the theatre while it's still showing.

  6. I joined before my join date shown, forgot my name and pass word, then joined again.:icon14:


    Ditto, same thing here.


    Cool find! Those older formats remind me of when I was in high school, still looking at this website. It kinda depresses me to realize what's happened since then...not much more progress and a butt load of more Zs.

  7. I remember a military spouse was at the hobby shop in Japan. Her husband was deployed and he asked her to change the oil while he was gone. She did alright and used a whole case of oil plus some to fill it to the rim of the oil cap. Luckily we noticed before she fired it up and we drained about 8 quarts too many out of it. :lol:



    Lol, bet that was a nice smoke screen.


    I remember one of the senior techs at my shop who told me back when he was in high school, they had some new guy change the oil. He didn't supervise the noob, but when he went over to check the oil level, he pulled the dipstick and oil started spewing out everywhere, haha. They found out the noob did the same thing (filled up to the top).

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