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Everything posted by zguy95135

  1. Repizzle, You posted that a few months ago
  2. I wanted to keep this thread alive Quick pic I took messing around with the Sekonic light meter and new D80
  3. yea, my roommate bought it. Awesome game! I looove my new camera, now I can finally get more serious into photography now that I have a proper SLR
  4. What I got *xbox360 wireless network adapter * black Chucks *The Hurricane *Die Hard Trilogy *F.E.A.R. (360 game) *Portable Vacuum and... Nikon D80 :D * 10.2 megapixels - Nikon bag - normal accessories -512mb card - 18-55mm zoom Nikkor lens - 55-200mm Nikkor lens
  5. Awesome! Just be careful with the tranny...
  6. Here's some shots I took tonight, some friends and I did a night photoshoot at the abandoned factory near our school.
  7. I wish I could post pics of the interview lighting I did today, it came our REALLY well. Unfortunately its all on slide film.
  8. Oh my god Cygnusx1. Thats awesome
  9. Silver based 35mm film (the crappy old scanner makes them look really bad ) Digital (point and shoot Panasonic Lumix) Some OLD ones from back when I played airsoft
  10. Now someone just needs to do my idea... Cadillac Northstar V8 mounted in the back of a EG Civic . A mid engined Civic, Clio stlye would be awesome.
  11. Btw Here's a great site for digital camera reviews. They dont have every single brand new model there yet but its a huge database. Plus what I really like is that they actually have galleries for each camera so you can see what they really look like. http://www.dcresource.com/reviews/allreviews.php
  12. Really? My Panasonic is really fast, plus I think its the only ultra small p-n-s with image stabilization (works GREAT btw). We've gone through a lot of point and shoot digital cameras in my house, and the ones that are about 2 years old are really slow but the newer ones are quite fast. My mom's Cybershot (DSC-S90) is about a year and a half old and is quite quick. My Panasonic Lumix the fastest I've seen. http://s9.photobucket.com/albums/a97/zguy95135/Night%20Photoshoot/ Night shots using a 1 second exposure (on fireworks setting), tripod (except the first two) and no flash. (keep in mind they look much better uncompressed, photobucket takes away some contrast, and gives it more grain then it actually has). They are shrunk down from 3072x1728 to 950x534.
  13. Here's some more pics I took today with my camera as I drove back to Norcal with some friends. and the my friend doing the pose of course If you have the cash for a DSLR by all means go buy one, I know if I could afford it I would. If not then a good point and shoot is great.
  14. If you don't want or need all the manual settings of a D-SLR then the camera I have is a great choice. Some test pics Panasonic Lumix FX07, 7.2 megapixels $350. The Leica lens really sold me on it. Its about the size of a pack of cigarettes btw. The pictures look just as good full sized too, the only bad thing is that low light pictures leave something to be desired.
  15. http://torontointegras.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=22318 I know what he did was technically illegal, and I don't think he should have taken their money but still. For everyone who had their car stolen its a little good, old fashioned justice
  16. Really? Damn. That thing is hawt.
  17. I like this one http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/car/231497866.html
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