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Everything posted by zguy95135

  1. Drove down the beach this afternoon because it had finally stopped raining. Again, all shot in RAW with the D80. There's a few more on my Flickr, check them out if you want. http://www.flickr.com/photos/67988953@N00/
  2. San Felipe, as in San Jose? If so I live(d) right by there
  3. A few quick pictures I took of the beach down near where I live shot on the D80, and in RAW instead of jpg (which I used to shoot them as jpg's, its so much nicer after post processing when you use nef).
  4. It was a Ziex 512, yea I know what you mean, Im disappointed especially since Ive had one other person tell me the exact thing happened. I have them equipped all the way around, and still mostly new so I think I'm going to get this one replaced and hope it doesnt happen again. The old ones I replaced were fine, so I'm just gonna hope for the best =/
  5. sorry for the double post, but heres some better pics. o_0. I know the inside of the rim is really dirty, but thats they way I got it and its baked on there.
  6. There's plenty of clearance, I mean, I've been driving with it lowered since September.
  7. Just a bad tire? I was driving down the freeway in my CL, and it just blew out randomly. It seems to have melted on one little spot, and then exploded. It was a brand new tire too
  8. Definitely get a 3ccd if you can. But no matter what kind of miniDv you buy, consumer or prosumer, its never going to be able to handle highlights very well. The UER (usable exposure range) of minidv is so little, only 3.5-4 stops at best (as opposed to HD which is 5-7 stops, and Film which is 7-10)
  9. I've seen most of the guys in the link John Stimson provided drive IRL. The red/orange BMW 2002 (KHB racing) has quite a driver
  10. Yea, but its still sad. They were only ten.
  11. It was approx $450 out the door. Yea theres the little holes for the door trim, but its going to be replaced with a new set
  12. haha, actually it was taken off so it wouldnt get paint on it . All the trim except around the windows was taken off, and the old weatherstripping was cut back so what when the new stuff goes on it'll overlap the paint and look cleaner.
  13. Yep, its metallic. I didnt even notice until we got the car home. Its laid out really smoothly too.
  14. Painted "Viper Blue". My dad bought the car in September and did all the bodywork himself, it was pretty dented up, lots of little dings and the front of the hood was bent in a little. Now the all new weather stripping and parts are going back on. Looks pretty good I think. Especially since it was painted at Earl Schieb . The place we took it to does a really good job, especially if they like the car. Not bad for a $450 paintjob
  15. Wow, I can't believe its been almost four years... I haven't been very active in the last two years though.
  16. I remember seeing that before, thats amazing. This is pretty darn cool too It must have taken forever to do
  17. Some pics from the photoshoot I did tonight, all taken at the EVC campus in San Jose, CA Theres a few more in my Flickr, but these are my favorites. They're HDRs that I adjusted contrast, saturation and tint on (I like high contrast) except for the first and last two, which are normally exposed.
  18. piper5177, thats an awesome photoshop . The Civic pictures I did on the computer, I tried using the in camera layering but it doesnt work that great. So I just downloaded the trial of Photomatrix Pro. Its really a great program, I might have to buy it I just took this really quick this morning to see how one would come out during the day. I didnt use a tripod either (mine's broken).
  19. Sorry for the double post, but I added two HDR shots from a quick photoshoot of my friend's Civic http://www.flickr.com/photos/67988953@N00/
  20. Here's my very first attempt at a HDR test, I took it a few minutes ago (12:30am). Not too bad, considering I didnt really get the exposures at exact increments.
  21. Wow 11 exposure, that must have taken forever to make in photoshop. Very cool I like the sort of surreal feeling, kind of like http://flickr.com/photos/valpopando/sets/72157594303021106/detail/ or http://www.flickr.com/photos/valpopando/
  22. Has anyone here tried doing HDR photos? The D80 can do it in camera, so I think I'm going to start experimenting with it.
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