A story hit a little closer to home on this one boys and girls. One of my dad's good friends lost his daughter early Friday morning after midnight. She's pretty much like my cousin in fact since our families were pretty close together.
Some of you in Southern California may have heard of this story already but my cousin was in the backseat of a Celica when the f*ckhead driver and his buddy were racing down the 60. So the Celica veers off into the shoudler to pass someone and hits a guardrail. All of them were friends but somehow my cousin is the one that dies from all of this nonsense. The two assholes are in jail now.
Please, we enjoy fast cars and fast rides, but keep it safe guys... my cousin just lost her life because someone wanted to go in a FWD car. We all know RWD owns all, but seriously... no one has to die. Keep it on the track or you'll end up on a rack (in the morgue).
(Some vid clips in articles below)