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Everything posted by 240Z_Master

  1. Hey some of you experts, what about this puppy? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1,1&item=8028680232&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT
  2. That is the better stronger way, one of the reasons I won't make the transmission bracket for other people.
  3. There should be vacuum ports that it can read off of after the horns.
  4. If the back portion fits into the tranny, then you're fine. The mechanical sensor works off of the cable, or might be able to do some clever welding. Who knows. I'll do a write up when it comes time.
  5. Certain systems have different ways of doing this. I'm still confused on the whole topic. As for me, I plan to plug all but 1 of the vents on top of the gas tank. I'm still going to be concerned with the return line and the surge tank though. I might route the return from the surge tank, back to the original gas tank.
  6. Well now if anyone has a spare either way, I need one! Preferably mechanical, or electrical with sensors, I don't know! ARgh! I've got a mechanical Autometer guage, but if I get a good working electronic sensor, then I guess I will just upgrade to electronic speedo too!
  7. I just don't know where to look then, slanted eyes give me a problem every now and then
  8. All of a sudden this thread just got too geeky for me, lol.
  9. I don't see your photos, maybe you have to publish them also to your profile (kind of a 2 step process).
  10. Whoa that helps me out a lot, question. Does the electronic speedo sensor work with a straight up electronic speedo (autometer)?
  11. Never thought of that, but that sounds like a super cool idea.
  12. Uh, where it's always located, on the transmission.
  13. James Thagard makes intake plenums all the time.
  14. If anyone can take the time to snap snap some photos that would be great!
  15. You can use the HybridZ member photo albums.
  16. All RB26's should have top feed.
  17. Trust me, this guy knows what he's talking about. Check out Pete's Fuel Rails.
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