Ok so I'm a little frustrated:confused:, ever since I finish my wiring the car started with no problems but had idle issues. It fouled the spark plugs running rich and made clicking noises(sounded like coils grounding) when I rev, so I started diagnosing the problems.
1. Coils- bad resistance| so I replaced them with new coils/ Power to coils is 14.7v so im getting enough power.
2. New plugs
3. Water Temp sensor- Good
4. TPS- Checks out fine.
5. ACC removed and cleaned.
6. Tried 3 dif MAFS. 2 s2 MAFS hunt for idle, 1 s1 MAF blown through runs better but still runs rough.
7. Bought Nissan Data scan to see if I can pin point the problem. But i cant even connect to the ECU (pissed me off)
8. Today I tried to adjust my idle but my freaking ECU doesn't have the LED light or idle adjustment screw. I cant find anywhere in the FSM how to set the ecu into diag mode (more pissed)
So now I'm kinna mad at my car and want to kick it hard:fmad:, can anyone help me out?
I'm thinking of finding someone around here that knows RB's and just pay them to get her fixed.
If anyone has any suggestions or know someone that can help me out around here ill appreciated it thanks.