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Everything posted by Austenp405

  1. Nice work man, wish I had the time or the patience to do something like that. Keep it up, and it'll all be worth it in the end.
  2. Side View as is: Front View as is: Front view as I plan to make it (as expressed with MS Paint):
  3. Very impressive.It'll be cool to have another HybridZ running around Colorado.
  4. On the same note, do you have any shirts left? And any pics of the decals?
  5. Here's something I was just goofing around with. It's a spinoff of a paint scheme that I saw in an old Z Car Club magazine. It's far from perfect, but I was bored in class. It's the second pic in the album. http://www.kodakgallery.com/ShareLandingSignin.jsp?Uc=qbv67en.83ljc4qz&Uy=-oo4gsm&Upost_signin=Slideshow.jsp%3Fmode%3Dfromshare&Ux=0
  6. The first car I ever saw that had scissor doors and wasn't supposed to was an Integra in a Sport Compact Magazine. This guy was a mechanical engineer and actually designed the doors to slide up and roll forward besides the front fender. There was no side-side play and the door was perfectly neutral. If you have the skills and the time to make it perfect, it's a thing of beauty. If not, I wouldn't bother.
  7. To anyone that is seriously interested in fiberglass, I would highly recommend this book: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2228&item=4506833049&rd=1 . A lot of it is related to commercial procedures, but it really helps to understand the entire process of what is going on, all the way down to the chemical level. It also has a lot of information on building molds, as the author talks about his short run of fiberglass bodied cars. I spent many nights reading in bed with a highlighter in hand.
  8. Wow, that is nearly identical to the one that I'm doing. I even used the same plug process. Now I know that it will work, and can see what mine should look like. Keep up the good work.
  9. As everyone has said, nice car. The only thing I don't like is that the Speedo in the middle would drive me nuts.
  10. If you look at the rear picture in full size it doesn't even look photochopped... it looks Ms Painted... poorly
  11. Looks sweet. I've been using the "camouflage" flat black that comes in the spray cans and it's had awesome coverage and consistancy.
  12. Have you tried the dupli-color chrome paint? I did a goalie mask in it, and it came out awesome. I know that helmets and cages are nothing alike, but it might be worth a try.
  13. I never would have thought about painting my car that color, but for some reason, it works. That would look killer with the black accents!
  14. I like those even more than what you've done before. Good work.
  15. For sale: 240Z with a full scarab kit along with some... extras... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=80766&item=2489143585&rd=1
  16. I haven't had computer access for a while, so unfortunately I'm having to "follow" your buildup after you're done, but I must say thank you. Everytime I've looked at your car (even in the past when it was in primer stages) it's gotten the adrenaline flowing and encouraged me to work on my 280zx. Thanks again.
  17. I actually like the headlights, but the body kit makes the front end look way too wide for them. It looks like they are placed towards the center of the car.
  18. That is exactly my reasoning for starting with what most of my friends consider a pile of sh.... useless metal. But, when I'm done with it, I've always got my trusty 300zx to keep me occupied until the next basket case comes along.
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