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Everything posted by v8wannabe2

  1. Here's mine, as for org tips. Use the volume and not just the area. The rear wall shelving I got from two stainless steel laundry racks I picked up for $50. The white containers are cheese packaging from a large kitchen. Compartmentalize as much as you can and choose a specific storage spot. ! Keep in mind how often use use something when picking it's place on the shelf/storage, and lastly...plan it safely, got a fire extinguisher?
  2. Make it a show your shop / offer organizational tips thread...
  3. check out this page, it has pdf's on the various years towards the bottom of the page http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/electrical.htm sounds like an interesting project your working on.
  4. Your on the right track, sometimes you have to "split the difference" widen both door gaps a bit to move the fender forward to give more room for cowl/hood kinda idea. I had to greatly elongate the holes for the hood to get it how I wanted it. Keep tinkering with it till you refine it to what you want.
  5. Ther rear quarters are non-moveable so start aligning from there. Do the doors first then the front fenders. The challenges usually come with the hood and cowl. I used spacers and had to elongate some holes to get mine the way I wanted it. The whole process can be time consuming, if you end up with evenly spaced gaps it will be worth it.
  6. I plan to do a coilover conversion and would like to have a spare set of struts to build up. What do you want for the 4 struts (minus the brakes and accessories)? Easy shipping, I'm in Alberta.
  7. Check the flooring section on this link, lotsa good info. http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/
  8. Some people golf, I play in my garage. I've run out of ideas for new additions for the Wire Z, so for now I'll consider it done. Here's a pic of a non Z project I'm working on.
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