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Everything posted by Owen

  1. What model car does it come in and what year? I may be able to look it up. Owen
  2. Don't know if this is the same as the "honey", but I've used Evercoat's filler mixed with some polyester resin/catalyst from Home Depot. I got this from some online autopainter's bulletin board. They called it "slurry'". Sanding non-mixed filler was easier tho. Owen
  3. Keep the pix coming Myron! Owen
  4. You know about Froogle too right? http://www.google.com/froogle?hl=en&tab=wf
  5. Can you SEE the passr. screen from the drivers side? Me and you seem to think alike, I'm going with a rear mount camera as well. Also thinking about putting one in each mirror facing forward to see around the car in front of me. I'll have a hood ornament too, not one as cool as yours tho:D Owen
  6. I wish I could brag like you! My Z suffered some electrical problems, wire came loose but it's all better now! We'll have to meet up some time, Owen
  7. Yeah thanks! If I ever become a home-owner I'll try to sponsor a few events. (Tim, do you know a good lawyer?) The blue ZG is a local guy but not HZ member, I brought him and some of his friends up after attending their gathering in the morning. Hmm, I don't see any pix of my Z there...oh, never mind Owen
  8. I think some company sells an extension which bolts on, but if you can make it yourself for cheap, it's always better! I need to do this to mine one day. Owen
  9. Hey Hanns, Been a while, hope you're doing well! If you were to do it all over again, I'd still tell you to go twin, it's just so sexy you know? You can probably still use intercoolers if you can rotate your turbos, check out the pix of the Z with the TT Q45 engine. But...you're not trying to go any faster are you??? Owen
  10. Nice work! So you ended up going with the center console part facing the driver? What about the swiveling screen, etc? Keep the pix coming Owen
  11. Thanks Phanton, that looks good! Anyone have part numbers of off the shelf things that will work on the older V8 blocks? Or you guys who don't have pix posted, can you email me them? Owen
  12. Just awesome...too bad I couldn't see it in person (hope you got my message last week). Oh well, next time! Owen
  13. Anyone here sucessfully used a low-mount alternator bracket? I'm guessing that the X-member is in the way. Owen
  14. Sweet, keep the pix comin! PS, theres also some kinda sealer you can spray on the foam, forgot what its called tho. Owen
  15. Myron, on the green stuff, cover it with plain ole masking tape and then wax it or use PAM or WD40 as some people here suggested it. Is the blue stuff you're using compatible with the resin sold at Lowe's etc? The stuff I had melted... Owen
  16. Do a search here and on Google...there's tons of info. The custom speaker box guys on the net have tutorials etc. Such as, http://audioforum.termpro.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/ubb/forum/f/32.html Owen
  17. OK, I was JUST in Pearland last week! Now I know who to contact next time I'm out there! Thanks for the props Myron, and actually, I use the GREEN foam It doesn't melt with polyester resin that you can buy at Home Depot etc. Aircraft Spruce is a good source for both foams, Michael's (the craft store) sells the green as "florist foam" I don't think the swivel would be that tricky, just make a box, mount the screen in there, and have the whole thing swivel. I'd rather see it pop up out of the dash like those OEM ones, press a button and up rises a monitor...when you're done, it sinks back into the dash. Cool! Owen
  18. And then there's the McMaster-Carr stuff that works just awesome. Don't know the P/N but it's here somewhere. Owen
  19. Looks good Myron! Don't mean to throw in any new ideas into your mix, but it'd be cool of the top portion of the console was angled toward you like the newer Supra consoles. A fiberglass dash is a lot of work, I'm just using the plastic dash cap sitting on an aluminum frame. The gauges are mounted to the frame and line up with holes on the dashcap. Owen
  20. Sounds like you have a pretty good idea already of what needs to be done! Forged parts, low compression, turbo sizes...as for a cam, I'd go with a really mild one, maybe a little bit more than stock. For the turbos you'd probably want a .60AR on the hot side. I hope the tranny/diff can hold up to that power! T3/T4s didn't come stock in anything did they? Owen
  21. I would keep the wheels JUST FOR the lips! Wheels with lip look a lot better on our older cars, IMHO. Owen
  22. Owen

    Neat trick

    240ァZ Hmm, doesn't work on my PC. Shows a Japanese character, which makes sense I guess since I have the IME thing for Windows. Do you guys see the degree symbol on your end? Owen
  23. Don't know if you're OK... But that sound in the vid is probably due to the type of BOV, sounds like one of those newer sequential BOV thingies. Owen
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