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Everything posted by Bartman

  1. Makes you wonder! Not only did the buyer list the engine as 4.0 liter, in the description he says 'V4 4.0 liter engine'. I thought maybe it should be 2.4, but from I can find it came with a 2.2 liter engine.
  2. I called Vintage Air in regards to pulling in outside air using their systems. They told me that all their systems are designed to work only with recirculated air. I mentioned about opening fresh air vents while using the system, and he didn't think that would be a good idea because condensation would form on the evaporator that would wind up dripping off the unit (he made an analogy to a cold soda can sitting on a picnic table).
  3. Based on what I've seen and read so far, the evaporator doesn't have a provision for pulling in any outside air. So it looks like it will only be able to recirculate the air in the car. But then again...since I redesigned my intake I can now use the stock fresh air intakes to bring in air from in front of the radiator support into the footwells. So I could use these to bring in fresh air while my VA system is running.
  4. It's up to you, but I would hold out for an f-body aluminum head LT1. If nothing else, it's worth it in weight savings alone. Especially putting extra weight on the front of our light Z cars.
  5. Here in California we can not only get personalized plates you can get special interest plates as well. I got a coastal special interest plate (whale tail) with GOT Z V8.
  6. I think so, but I will verify tomorrow or Saturday. Yes, the hoses will need to make a fairly sharp bend to go through the firewall. This is another factor that suggests a cental placement is better than pushing it too far towards the passenger's side. I think the bulkhead plate will be located a distance away from the evaporator to minimize the 'sharpness' of the turn. To prepare in advance for your install, you can view the instuctions on Vintage Air's web site in pdf form at this location: http://www.vintageair.com/DownloadsSection/Universal%20Series%20Evaporators/Gen%20II%20Series/66005-Series%20HCD%20(Inet).pdf Yes that's the blower and it's very compact, but I bet it pushes more air than that big stock unit.
  7. I think I got the evaporator in the position I want it. It clears the gas pedal, but it's still pretty close to the center. Like fastzcars said, I think with this position the floor vents will work just fine without any hoses. Even the glovebox will still fit. Not only that but look at the passengers side below the dash...that's right nothing! No more stock blower sticking out from under the dash. I mocked up some temporary mounts to hold it in place for now: It looks like I will have plenty of room to install my vent hoses on the top and plenty of access on the passengers side to run my hoses into the engine compartment. So far it looks like this is going to work out quite well.
  8. I put an odyssey battery behind the passenger's seat. It could even fit under the passenger's seat and it doesn't need to be vented since it's a drycell. http://www.odysseybatteries.com/battery/pc680mjt.htm
  9. I actually started playing around with evaporator placement last night (after I removed the stock unit). I initially placed it so that the center of the two floor vents lined up with the center of the car. It seemed to fit okay, but fastzcars initially had it located here and wound up having to move it over to avoid problems with the gas pedal. The instructions say to install the unit up as hish as possible with the blower housing against the passenger side kick panel. This would definitely require a hose to get output from the floor vents to the drivers side. I would think this would also be a problem routing the air to the passengers vent. I'm still thinking as close to the center as possible without interferring with the gas pedal...I'll play around with it more tonight.
  10. Some of you may be wondering why I'm going to all this trouble and expense to install A/C in my car...well today is February 8 and it's already 88 degree's here. I can't wait to get A/C!
  11. I'm not going to debate which diff it is, it's already been discussed extensively. If you want to believe it's an R230...that's fine with me. All I know is whatever you call it, I have one in my car.
  12. Unfortunately a lot of posts still refer to the Q45 diff as an R230, but the current consensus is that it's really an R200. Here's a thread that discusses this in detail:http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=93863
  13. I was able to remove the dash last night: Man, I hope I can get everything back together. I'm working on getting the evaporator in now. There are two small diameter rods between the top and bottom of the dash that will probably be in the way of the evaporator...it looks like they will have to be removed. quick240z wanted to see pic's of the back and bottom of the evaporator, so I'll post them here in case someone else wants to see them as well.
  14. I should have used you to do my exhaust. What's really interesting to me with that exhaust you did for the Camaro is the merge. You actually kept it dual in and out an 'X' pipe and then merged it into one downstream. Maybe it's scavenging twice? Either way, nice system and you can't complain about the results.
  15. I think if you get the engine that came stock in a truck, you'll have an iron block. Generally, you want to try and get the engine out of an f-body (easier swap). Of course, you could always put in a 472 caddy like grumpy's been talking about.
  16. I'm sorry, but I can't buy your experience with duals and then call it "fact". Dual exhaust has been used for years to increase horsepower, and "if done correctly" I still think that it does. There are many factors that need to be considered in determining the proper size and routing of both single and dual exhaust. I agree that scavenging is important in exhaust, but you can still use scavenging with duals. In general I think the best system is duals with an 'x' pipe. For those that want to learn more about the physics of exhaust here's a link to a thread that contains some real "facts". http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=98786
  17. Here's a link to a shot of my engine in place. Do you think this qualifies as mid-engine? http://mysite.verizon.net/bzandbergen/images/LT1_install2.JPG
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