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Everything posted by gdv350ss

  1. If you enjoy riding off-road or just enjoy watching, check out this excellent video from the Red Bull Romaniacs 2009. Wow!
  2. Sorry to hear about your bad luck. Best wishes for finding the right car!
  3. For my fellow Christopher Walken fans you might want to catch "The Maiden Heist." A silly light hearted comedy but with a great cast. Co-stars William H Macy, another of my favorite actors, and the always excellent Morgan Freeman. This is not Academy Award stuff, but none the less it was enjoyable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nThiiJuAAA
  4. Can someone provide a US supplier where I can buy blind rubber grommets? I know you have all seen them but try finding a place to buy them. I believe they are also sometimes referred to as blanking grommets or plug grommets. These are the ones typically used to seal the extra round holes in the firewall. I've found countless places that sell plastic or PVC ones but I'm looking for rubber ones as they seal better without the need of a sealant. The few places I have found so far are either in Australia or England. (??) http://www.deebee.com.au/index.php http://www.polybumper.com/products/grommets/semiblind_grommet.html Thanks
  5. Wow! I really-really am old and naive all at the same time! Thanks for the enlightenment! Auxilary: Very nice play on words! I really enjoy them and try to put them into play whenever I'm clever enough. (This obviously wasn't one of those times)
  6. Am I the only one that had to google "mordored" ?? I think my age is showing!
  7. Congratulations on the new addition to your family! .....you know they do make 8 passenger minivans?!?!
  8. Here's some more info from previous discussion: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=141351
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-Turbocharged-Infiniti-V8-Motor-Custom-425hp_W0QQitemZ130328382587QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item1e582d4c7b&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 Does this belong to one of our members? Anyone ever seen this one? Looks interesting!
  10. I think it looks great! Kinda of mean lookin! Not sure on the front bumper, may take away from the agressive look. Can you temporarily place the bumper in position and take some pics to help with the decision?
  11. Congratulations! That is fantastic! It is truly inspiring to see all your hard work, dedication and talent rewarded with the landing of your "dream job."
  12. Amazing driving and stunning videography!! Enjoy! :-} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUCsXnSqSys&feature=player_embedded
  13. 1963-1967 Corvette Coupe, white please ...IMHO one of the most radical automotive design break thrus ever! I also would love an Astin Masrtin DB9S, drop dead gorgeous body lines
  14. Green is an excellent choice for the Datsun Z, IMHO. I think green w/ black flares would look great. I've been thinking about the "right" green and particularly like this one: Honda Element Green
  15. David, Excellent workmanship and great pics to help motivate the rest of us! How did you mount the rear of the body to the rotisserie? I can see the square tubing coming thru the taillight opening but can't tell how its secured. Thanks!
  16. "Rags" from this site already has them. Sorry guys.
  17. I'm just outside of Lancaster, PA.
  18. Thanks for the input. I didn't even think about that as an alternative. My thought process was focused on sectioning out the area that would include the old spring perch weld. I didn’t even think about just grinding that weld down flush and sectioning higher. It is definitely the way to go! I'm so glad HybridZ is around. It helps people like me "see the forest even with the trees"
  19. Another question before I push the "cut the strut housing" button. When sectioning the appropriate length (~1.5"-2") from the strut housing, it seems that you can choose to place the new welded seam at one of two locations: 1. Cutting just below the original spring perch weld and the needed amount above (places the new weld about 1" above the bottom of the threaded sleeve) ....or.... 2. Cutting just above the original spring perch weld and the needed amount below (places the new weld close to where the threaded sleeve stop would be welded) Here's a sketch that should help make more question more understandable. This shows using the more common ~5" long threaded sleeve. Which one is better/stronger? Thoughts and/or comments please.
  20. I'm about to section the the struts on the 240. I'd like to use the Koni 8641-1031 struts that were on the front when I bought the car in the shortened rear housings. The car was a roller when I got it and therefore I have no real knowledge of whether the Konis are functional. I can hold and compress the shafts by applying down force with my arms and they do smoothly go down and fully return at a nice slow metered rate. Is there some bench type test I can do to confirm that they are good before I section and install?
  21. Thanks for your prompt responses! Chris, she took a job with a pre-K school program.
  22. My 21 year old daughter moved from PA to Austin, TX about a month ago. She has a 2003 VW Jetta which is "making a funny noise" when she's driving. Being new to the area she doesn't have any idea where go for service. She's trying to avoid the VW dealership because money is extremely tight for her right now. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced - honest auto repair facility in the north central Austin TX area where she could take her car? Your recommendations are greatly appreciated! Thanks! .
  23. I wonder how bad the rust is at 50 fathoms below......... the paint?
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