Alrighty- so the frame, floor, welding, fiberglass, etc work is done on the car! I took this week off work to paint it.
I bought PPG MP170 epoxy primer (with the mp175 catalyst). The data sheet says 1 coat- can I do more? Also it says non-sanding...? I would like to spray 2 coats of epoxy primer, block the car with a guidecoat, and then do one more coat of epoxy primer, and wet sand it smooth. Is this ok?
I also bought MAE acrylic enamel, to go on top of my epoxy primer. I'm planning for three coats. It gives various drying times- dust, tack, tape, polish. Do I remove the masking at the "tape" time (4 hrs)? Do I need to polish the car? I have a power buffer but I've never used it before.
I know I have a lot of questions, so I'll keep searching and reading. I will post pictures when its done Thank you very much!