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Everything posted by mikeatrpi

  1. Good story, Racerx. Thanks for sharing, and the pictures too!
  2. I did the belt on my 95 626, 2.0L. It wasn't too bad. Let's see... Got to remove some accessory belts- alt and a/c + p/s. Valve cover. Jack the engine and take off the side motor mount which was in the way. Timing cover was two pieces. I zip-tied the two cam gears together so I wouldn't screw anything up. "reassembly is the reverse of removal" While I was in there, I changed the water pump and tensioner pulleys. I guess I didn't need to do the pulleys themselves but rather the $5 spring that keeps everything together. Mine had come unclipped and caused a rather unsatisfying noise as the timing belt flapped without much tension. I ordered the parts unnecessarily I suppose.
  3. What's the story on the drawing in your avatar? It looks somewhat akin to the Monza lookalike you built. I really like those pictures- what is the rest of the story? Did you finish the car?
  4. Thanks Mus, nice write-up. I appreciate it because I'll be doing this in the spring!
  5. Vinegar works great to remove rust. Its slow- you need to soak the part for a week or two- but the mild acid is great for nuts and bolts. A 50/50 mix of rubbing alcohol and water is excellent for cleaning between stages of wet sanding or compounds. Its also a good prep before paint. That said, I use brake cleaner and lacquer thinner the most when washing greasy parts.
  6. As in last time- I am interested in meeting you all. I cannot commit to joining a club though, let alone organizing one. Keep me posted.
  7. Epoxy itself usually only needs to be topcoated to prevent chalking due to the sun. If I were going all-out on the restoration, I'd paint the inside of the fenders with epoxy and topcoat with some cheap black single stage. Undercoating is probably just extra weight in this application (that is my opinion, no facts to back it up). Look into the Omni line of epoxy and MAE acrylic enamel for this (and your underbody, floor, suspension parts, etc)- decent stuff and low cost. That said... I brushpainted two coats of Rustoleum on the inside of my fenders, on top of the factory coating. So far so good.
  8. Why would you do all the hard work just to let someone else do the fun part? You should at least consider spraying it yourself. I did mine in my back yard- no booth- and it came out pretty good. Lots of work in the prep, all for just a short while spraying. It is a rewarding feeling too. I say, "why not?"
  9. You'll have a hard time sanding the epoxy, especially if it is still fresh. Usually the manufacturer specifies a recoat window... IE, spray on top of this within 3 days or else you have to scuff and reapply. Just leave it... do your filler then scuff the rest of the car and spray a shot of epoxy (if the instructions say to) then your hi-build.
  10. Good job, the car looks great! Thanks for sharing the pictures, and keep up the good work.
  11. Thanks, I actually have the FSM and found the correct pages after I posted (go figure). I will try to find butyl sealant at the local stores. Mike
  12. Both side windows on my zx are leaking when it rains or I wash the car. I'd like to remove them, clean and reinstall. Is there any trick to removing them or cleaning, and is this the correct adhesive? Thanks in advance!
  13. That blue Porsche looks like its seen a wreck or two... check out the door gaps. Thanks for sharing the pictures!
  14. Welcome to the club, you'll have one of the coolest cars in the parking lot for sure! The car looks really clean too. (lucky californians...) Seeing your picture with the back hatch open, could you tell me if the shocks are supposed to be that orientation? I'm beginning to wonder if mine are upside-down. Does it even matter?
  15. Is that Franks' real license plate? I didn't know they had vanity tags in Europe. I guess he's sold his soul to the devil...
  16. John, I have no value to add other than thank you for making your web site. I'm 1/2 way through reading it, and your writing style is very comical. I wish you continued success in your project.
  17. Its always about the money to them. Glad to hear it turned out reasonably OK for you.
  18. Glad to see you stuck with it. I remember when the "aero mods" happened and you contemplated throwing in the towel. Lookin' good!
  19. I made my own battery cable "kit" from lugs and 1/0 welding wire. You heat the lug end with a propane torch, fill it half with solder, and dunk the exposed end of the wire in. E.Z.-P.Z. The headlights /seem/ brighter- of course its just my mind playing tricks on me. Its hard to quantify any improvement. Helps me sleep at night though knowing the grounds are all good
  20. You have to wash the ospho and residue off after you apply it. If you don't, it gets sticky and paint doesn't adhere. Ask me how I know!
  21. Hi Evil et al., I'm in the process of picking up plates today... and tomorrow I have an inspection appointment and am getting my new tires on. My attendance is contingent on my plan falling into place! I would like to attend, and will post back. I might be away from my desk depending on what time you're calling. If so leave me a message and I'll call you back. Thanks for arranging everything- Mike
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