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Everything posted by Tx1021

  1. Just noticed this is no longer in the project forum.... Could a mod please move it over? Thanks!
  2. Well holy bump from the past.... The Z has sat for quite some time since I'm in school and have had internships out of state the past two summers... But I'm stuck at home this spring break and staying in state for the summer so the project is back on :rockon: The engine and tranny never fit quite like I would have liked so it got pulled today and we cut out the complete "U" bracket that used to support the old mounts. If the weather is nice the engine will be going back in in a day or two. If the weather isn't nice I'll start working of the inside getting it ready for POR-15 and possibly making an aluminum dash like Myron's. Overall I'm pumped to get back to working on this thing and maybe actually see it run at some point in the nearish future.
  3. It is definitely worse to spray than most things but its really not too bad. Just buy a cheap gun you can throw away after. If I remember correctly, we had to run solvents through the gun twice while spraying the engine bay just to keep it going and by the end the gun was pretty clogged up.
  4. Looks good, POR 15 really is great stuff
  5. It looks really good, can't wait to see it done.
  6. This is off topic but I thought I'd post about Rota's quality. With owning a Suby I see tons of threads regarding Rota's quality. From what I have gathered, Rota produced a bad batch of wheels in their earlier years that had a tendency to crack. To counter this they replaced, free of charge, any of the wheels from that batch that customers felt concerned with. Since that batch there has been no evidence of Rotas failing. As stated above many Subaru owners use Rotas as their track wheels and none seem to have problems. If you want to read up on your own just go to http://www.Nasioc.com and search for rota quality or something similar. So, in my opinion, Rotas are a great, fairly inexpensive wheel and I will be getting the Rota torques in Yamaha black for my Wrx when its time for new tires.
  7. Lol at noodling... My friend took me with him when I lived in Oklahoma. I didn't do it but he did catch some impressive fish.
  8. Looks nasty... now you've got me all worried bout breaking mine lol How were you launching it? Popping the clutch or slipping it, and from what rpm.
  9. I'm really not a fan of the the f40 wing... its too modern for the z imo. I would have to say that the Bre style are my favorite.
  10. No, i thought about that, but I just need something to keep them from getting inadvertantly turned on or off. Plus the cover is notched so it fits on a certain way, i could grind it off but then there woud be nothing to keep it from spinning around.
  11. I think spacing the cover away from a smaller toggle would work. Ill try it out. I have been going to Autozone and checkers and they do have good selections, i just wish i could buy a switch without being asked what kind of car I am putting NAWZ on
  12. Cant believe i missed this thread... Way to go, those are some great numbers for a stockish lt1. <<----- Goes back to garage and keeps working
  13. They are out there somewhere... I really should bookmark more things. Those look like they would be a good alternative tho. Thanks
  14. Sorry, I dont think my first post may have been very clear. All of these covers force the switch into the off position when shut. The ones I found awhile ago had covers that did not interact with the position of the switch at all. So you could turn the switch on then shut the cover and have the switch stay on.
  15. I've been looking for a convered toggle switch like the one in the picture with the ability to stay in the "on" position when the covered is closed. I know they are out there but I lost the site. Anyone know where I can find one?
  16. you should definitely search, but here is a good thread to get you started anyways http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=127360
  17. Ah, i was close.. Where did you get the adapters to make these work?
  18. Im pretty sure its a cobra replica rim for 80's mustangs. Like these http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/AFS-79-93-Mustang-Wheels-Cobra-R-4-lug-BLACK-17-new_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43957QQihZ013QQitemZ230222430378QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Slammed68 please correct me if im wrong
  19. Well hurry up and get some real pictures taken... jk. Its gonna look really nice.
  20. 2006 Impreza wrx. Great in the snow, and it is still pretty quick
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