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Everything posted by pparaska

  1. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  2. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  3. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  4. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  5. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  6. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  7. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  8. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  9. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  10. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  11. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  12. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  13. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  14. Just a heads up, everyone. A few people insist on huge signature pictures. The management is looking at plug-ins to the forum software that will limit the size, or possibly not allow signature pictures all together. So if your signature pictures seem larger than most everyone elses, please do something about making them smaller. A few may end up taking away signature pictures from everyone if people don't start policing themselves
  15. Who cares if someone is TRYING to use ENOUGH punctuation that it looks like they are TRYING to get their point across? The moderators do, and I bet a huge portion of those that read this site. HybridZ really isn't a class in English Grammar or Spelling. But it is a place where we will bust the chops of people who want to be cute with slang, text messaging, etc. or just string all of their post into a string of all lower (or upper case) text, with no beginning capitals, no sentences, no periods. Love it or leave it, I say.
  16. Well, Dr_Hunt, those guys that came over on boats way before my ancestors kind of screwed it up for you guys, no? Now you have to speak English to converse with all of us transplants! Definitely doesn't seem fair, does it. Unfortunately, in many things the majority rule is best. Never said it was ultimately fair!
  17. Well, Bruce at Modern Drivelines just let me know that there's at least a 3 week wait on getting G-Force gearsets (to him) so that he could do my T-5. I hate to say this, but if it doesn't get better in 3 weeks, I will be sending the T-5 to G-Force. It's a shame they can't get better supply to their customers like Modern Drivelines, etc.
  18. John, I'm glad you spoke up on this. My only real gripe comes from those that are too lazy to try to write so that others can easily read their info. Or ones that like to be cute, and use street slang that many don't get. I personally don't believe I should have to try to decipher intentional street slang. In fact, it offends me when someone thinks I should do so. You are getting to another issue that I have strong feelings about. The US has ALWAYS had immigrants that came here only knowing a language other than English. Many that felt the need learned English and almost always encouraged their offspring to learn it. Today, I see a PC trend that says Americans should bend over backwards and provide forms, signs, etc. etc. in other languages. I say BS. The official language is English. Learn it, or be left behind. I should NOT have to learn the language of an immigrant because THEY choose to not learn the one that the wide majority of people BORN in the US already speak and write - English. (My ancenstors arrived here 100 years ago, speaking Ukrainian and German. They learned English, to better get along, better access services, and to try to "melt in".) What I'm saying is I feel the US should RESIST what you are observing - that this country is changing in language. To me that is only due to either the laziness of immigrants or their feeling that the US should change IT'S language for them. Both of which I feel are ridiculous for someone coming into this country asking for all of the benefits it provides. I realize this is a political statement, but at some point we will all have to deal with this issue on the forums we enter. Therefore, I feel it is apropos to the discussion. But that said, I don't think that this site or any other should berate someone who does not have English as a first language about their grammar or spelling. That was never the intention of Rule #9. Rule #9 was to keep the street slang out, and to ask people to present their question and info in as clear a form (of English) as they can. What we have going on lately is laziness and "the cool factor" of using street slang, text messaging short cuts, etc. This is what we want to stop. Not posts by those that don't have a native command of English - we have always said we'd give them slack. I think if you look at the cases where we've asked people to tighten up their writing, it is always the case that the person was being cute with street slang or text messaging shortcuts, or just being lazy about breaking up 10 thoughts into something that had 10 periods and Capital letters in it. This site has standards - the clear exchange of technical info about these cars. It's management cares not to deal with the cutesy BS that many forums allow. We are here to communicate effectively so as to allow the most people as possible (that read English) to access the info, not to have a cute forum for people to practice their street slang and text messaging skills. Of course, when someone is unable to write English clearly because of their background and language skills, we should never put them down.
  19. My .030 over 509 block would have been fine if: A) it hadn't had a sleeve in one cylinder I hadn't run it lean at WOT. Oh well, live and learn. If you're starting out on a 400, I think going with a Dart Sportsman block that's already machined for 4.125" bore is close enough to the price of an old 400 block and all the machine work needed. In my area, machine work is quite expensive.
  20. Case in point : Post number 12 here: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=108582 I'm going to start deleting these posts.
  21. A stock SBC 400 4-bolt block is actually more failure prone than a 2-bolt.
  22. Mike, sorry to hear you're in such bad shape , but really glad to hear your dad is doing well! Modern medicine is great, but credit goes to you're dad living correctly too! My 87 year old dad is a picture of health. Of course, he takes great care of himself - if only I could live by his example...
  23. Doug, there seems to be some kind of setting that only gives email notification for subscripitions that have either been that have been repiled to since you did, but not after a certain time period. I can't find a setting for it in the UserCP or in the adminCP tools I can get to. But you can go to see all of the threads you're subscribed to by clicking on "Quick Links" on the menu bar under where you log in, and then click "Subscribed Threads".
  24. Yes that is amazing. But I'd hate to see a technical question or answer come through like that!
  25. Well, that "other" post just got put into the Toolshed, by me. Instead of the original author taking some kind advice about using a bit of grammar, he got defensive and flamed back. To me, that's the greater issue - show respect for those you are asking help from. He didn't do that. So I closed that thread. I'm not a great speller. I USED to use Word to check spelling and sometimes will check a word with it. I have i-e dislexia, well that's what I call it anyway. I seem to get the correct order of i and e wrong about half the time. I think that kind of stuff is almost transparent to most people, since I use capitals to start sentences, periods to end them, use paragraphs, etc. I'm not a stickler for excellent grammar. As long as I can easily read the paragraphs someone posts, I'm happy. But if someone: - uses a bunch of street slang, so as to be almost unitelligible by anyone not in their circle or age/demographic group - uses "text messaging" (r = are, etc.) - runs all the words together with ellipsis (from Wikipedia : "in printing and writing, the term refers to the row of three dots (…) or asterisks (* * *) indicating such an intentional omission." ) - refuses to break up thoughts into paragraphs then I have little sympathy for them, IF they are capable of doing so. If I see that someone is from outside of the US or says that English is not their first language, then I give a bunch of slack. But if someone says they know how to use decent grammar, but refuse to post with it, well, to the toolshed with them. After all, if someone either wants information or is trying to give good information, they should give due diligence to providing posts that are easy to read, as if they were written in a magazine, etc. Being cute or lazy will only get you less attention or looked down upon.
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