Amazing how AP spins the story (which originated in the NYT). The word "torture" is used throughout the article as if every agrees that torture was used in Gitmo on the detainees. The only effort to back up this default assumption is this statement below:
But, I did a search of the American Red Cross web site and news releases and couldn't find what their definition of "torture" is. But I did come across this: (,1082,0_448_,00.html#protect)
FYI... IHL stand for International Humanitarian Law which the Red Cross defines as the Geneva Conventions (1949) and the Additional Protocols (1977).
So, again, we have an example of a news article from AP that makes a basic assertion in its headline and in the text that is unsupported by facts. The American Red Cross has not said that the detainees at Gitmo have been tortured in any way, at least from the web site.
Now, the International Red Cross is whole 'nuther story. They've been accusing the US of torturing the detainees since we set foot in Afghanistan in December 2001.