I wondered if anyone has undetaken some scientific tests to see which stock intake flows best. It would be interesting to see how they compare on a flow bench.
I have heard the LD28 intake is supposed to be good for torque "due to long runners" but I am looking for science fact, not just phrases that someone has said and everyone just reals off as fact I want proof! if anyone has done any proper testing it would be very intersting to compare all this data.
I also heard that the late gloria, i think it was gloria, intake manifolds were very good for torque, again would be great to see this on a test sheet.
If we have a bench mark then we can also compare how custom intake manifolds perform against the Nissan/Datsun ones.
In particular i would be interested to see how a 280Z early N42 intake performs against the 280zx NA intake. It's been said that the "sausage" plenum of the N42 gives a more even distribution of pressure than the tapered N/A manifold which looks as if was designed to accelerate flow into the distant #6 cylinder in NA use. But would like to see how true this is.