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Got pulled over :-( kinda long


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Well, I was leaving the parking lot of Wally World last night around 9pm (I still work for Disney part-time) and was a little stressed after waiting tables for 5 hours, but in a good mood none-the-less. I made a right turn at a stoplight and shifted outa first into second, then shifted second to third and was doing maybe 25-30 mph (speed limit is 40) and just stomped on the gas... (race gas and 20 lbs of boost) ... tires broke loose, spun 75-100 ft, I let off the gas and see the red and blue lights in my mirror. Ahh Crap!! :o

Officer pulls me over, is talking through the speaker system in the car and tells me to get out and hold my hands out where he can see them. I get out of the car and he tells me to walk back toward him. He asks me if I was drinking and I wasn't as I had just left work. He asked if I was racing a buddy of mine or showing off to my girlfriend, and I told him no, I was just playing around (there was noone in front or beside me). The officer takes my license, calls it in, tells me that there are 3-4 different moving violations he could charge me with (he threatened me with reckless driving, unlawful display of power, etc) and asks me which I would prefer. I told him that the least expensive option would suite me fine. After a few minutes he came back to me, handed me my license and told me that when he was younger, they would look see whether any cops were around before screwing around. He then told me that this one was on him, to behave myself and have a good night. I drove home nice and goodly like. Today i dropped the boost back down to 10 psi and filled the tank w/ pump gas so I won't even be tempted.. Whew :D

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Man you're lucky. Cops don't usually give breaks, esp. to reckless driving. That's cool. Count your blessings!! Insurance companies don't appreciate that kind of stuff either!!

It's been more than 18 months since my last ticket (totally bogus one too), so I'm eligable for traffic school again....I'm saving that for when the V8 Z is on the road :D


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Your a very lucky guy Mike. A reckless driving ticket sucks big time. It is a mandatory court appearance where you are at the mercy of whatever judge you get. Keep that boost down and be a good fellow drivingskid.gif

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Your lucky he let you off. I was coming home late one night from a friends, we had been bench racing and I had told him my freshly rebuilt engine (still an inline at that time) was feeling very strong. So when I had a straight stretch, no body around to "endanger" I lit it up in first, then second, and as I was reaching for third the lights came on. The officer was sitting in a deserted parking lot with his lights off and gave me a ticket for "squaling" my tires (his discription). And procceded to give me a battery of sobriety tests, and when I passed, lectured me on how I was putting others at risk. I'm very careful when I "street test", I was on a empty road, non residential area, with no lights to be seen!

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I am feeling pretty lucky about the whole deal. All I can say is... "Lesson Learned" hopefully others will learn from my mistakes so they don't have to learn on their own the hard way....but I doubt it :wink:

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Guest Want aZ

Ive had similar occurances, I know Terry will know where I am talking about as he is from Little Rock.


Many Years ago, I had a friends Alfa Romeo Spider, He swears it was stock, but I had pulled up to a light on University Ave, Just Under the Interstate adjecent to the Mall...I was in the outside lane (Right Side), There was a Fairly New Z28 on the left, said he wanted to go, So I did, the little Alfa pulled him by 3 car legenths, had the green light going across Markham, was still going like 80, well anyway we both got pulled over, the cop talked to him first, athen came over to me , asked what we were doing, I was straight with him, told him I was racing this other guy, who evidently was giving him a line of crap...anyway bottom line, I got off with the Cop telling me that I should drive the way the car should be driven...the other guy got a ticket for excessive display of speed, and recless driving....when all was said and done, I told my buddy that I was driving the caar the way it was supposed to be driven....


Was lucky that night...

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That intersection of Markham and University is so rough now, that taking it at 40 mph will jar your teeth. Yesterday afternoon I took the HybridZ out for a Sunday drive. Got onto the on-ramp to I-630 and nailed it all the way through 3rd gear. Not 300 yards later, an un-marked with the blue windshield lights was in my mirror. He pulled up behind me and then went on around and got off at the hospital exit (whew!!!) I spend more time looking behind me than in front of me now days.

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Cops can be cool... sometimes.


I got out of a pretty hefty ticket a about a year ago in my 280Z.


I was driving in a 45 mph zone, no speedometer hooked up, and i got angry at the guy in front of me... so i pulled into the other lane and floored it in 3rd gear, hit fourth, got up to around 3.5K... about 75 mph... and i see a cop at an intersecting street... DOH. he lights me up and i pull into my neighborhood.


Luckily i knew the cop (he arrested me for discharging firearms within city limits another year or two previous, and we got along well on the ride to the station... lol) I told him that my speedo wasnt hooked up and i didnt know how fast i was going...


on the outside i was calm, but i was sweating bullets... i had a pretty good amount of mary jane on me, and i really didnt need to get arrested for that. Plus i was under 18 at the time... which means i would have lost my license.

He let me off with a warning...


I have been quite a bit more careful on the road since then.

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He pulled up behind me and then went on around and got off at the hospital exit (whew!!!) I spend more time looking behind me than in front of me now days.


I've had some of those! I say too, that I watch my rear like a hawk when I'm on my way home from long trips on the interstate or freeway.

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Guest Zpeed

a few weeks back, driving the Z around for a bit, did a u turn to go back home, went a bit fast around the u turn, and threw it into 1st getting loads of smoke and sideways action.... not to my knowlege the officer in a unmarked cop car pulls me over, gives me a bit of a lecture, i said i didn't mean to do it etc, it was a bit rough road and rocks led to wheel spin etc etc.


lucky enough he gave me a ticket for not having full control of vehicle which is a AU$135 fine, and was lucky as if i said i meant to do it, it would've been my license and would've have made to go to court for it as the coppa wasn't that pissed off with it and he liked the car he had one when he was younger.. haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

most people dont believe me when i tell them this. with no exageration ive been pulled over 15 times with no moving violation. ive gotten a lot of fixit tickets considering the apperance and sound of my z. ive been pulled over for everything i know you can get pulled over for, ie speeding, wrekless driving, drunk driving(i wasnt drunk they thought i was), etc. i have horrible luck in everything else.

i also went through a lot of acting school as a kid.

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My friend used to be a COP and he did the same thing, pulled some guy over for spinning tires, and gave him a lecture about spinning tires in front of a COP.


I just got done with a ticket here, which cost me 213 bucks. Just speeding, but I did not have proof of insurance in the truck. Had to go to court, judge offers me traffic school, and I asked if I could just pay the ticket.


Ticket was 213, traffic school costs 80, plus you have to come back to court and pay 113. I figure getting out of the hassle is worth 20 bucks, and since I turn 37 this year, a speeding ticket won't even affect me insurance wise.



Once though when me and a friend were heading into town from his cousins shop, we were motivating along in our turbo car's. When we got off the interstate, before the light changed, a cop pulls up behind us. I knew that was bad because he had to have seen us.


Anyway, we both got pulled over and were given a lecture. He said he was doing 110 and we were pulling away from him. :D (more like 125) He didn't give us a ticket, but I was glad since I had a suspended license, and had he run it, he would have found that out.


That still brings a smile to my face to recall him saying "I was going 110 and you left me like I was sitting still" Ah the fun of owning a turbo datsun.

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Hey and he was driving one of the caprice's that were supposed to be so fast too.


I know what he was doing. He had this little rookie with him and he probably told him something arrogant like "let me show you how to bust these guys".


What is really funny is we were just clowing around, and we never knew he was back there. Its just a good thing I never tried to pass my buddy, then he could have gotten us for racing. Either way, he never even got the radar gun on us.


My buddy was driving a ZX and when the cop asked how fast we were going, he says " I don't know my speedometer only goes to 85". What an idiot. Still funny though.


Turbo Datsuns rule.

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