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WoooWoooo - this is pretty funny


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first i got the flows, and then you hear the WOO WOO... thats just great, hey at least people are worrying about those stupid whistling tailpipes and not me.

ok dictionary, define this.


I done been beatin those on the under RAW, while i was off the hen and fresh roasted off a twizzler talkin bout "man your boy drive a slucket, aint no way your baby daddy can blow like this here and still represent like a true savelle" I had to tell her that coming short on my briggity is a pity cause there aint no suckas allowed in my city-

A Sucka Free City and you finna catch a hot one

the twizzler swisher was boostin mines when i was up in the room blastin those like a true soldier.


now use those websites to decode what i just said, i dont think you can.

S.F.C locals... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....................................quiet.

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Guest livewire23

damn, I was just about to translate, but then I figure Im probably a local. I'm still not used to the fact that all y'all people in the rest of the country ain't really feelin how it goes down round here.

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In the article about the whistle tips being outlawed:


One muffler dealer told us he is relieved. Muffler shop owner John Rodgers has installed about 30 whistle tips. "I find it annoying, but I would rather take their money than have them go down the street and go to the next shop," he says. "They [the police] bring it to a stop, that's great, 'cause I don't like it."


This is capitalism gone astray. Big freaking deal if the shop down the street makes a bit of money on the losers following this ridiculous, anti-social fad. This shop owner could have refused the business and went home with a clear conscience.

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...You folks can rap all you want in SFB. I don't want or need to learn more useless slang. In my little part of the world if a person sounds like a hoodlum, dresses like a gangster thug, and acts like a gangster thug, then that person must BE a gangster thug, and shall be treated likewise... I hate ebonics and the whole violent urban 'THANG, I don't care if it is the SHIZNITT or not! :evil:


We have a language in this country. It is called ENGLISH... I suggest we all use it...



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We have a language in this country. It is called ENGLISH... I suggest we all use it...




Mike, I beg to differ. You guys speak "American". It has strayed far enough away from the 'Queen's English', that it can no longer be mistaken for same, esp. the written language. :D:D



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I guess some might see using all the wild slang as a source of entertainment.

I'd rather use my brain power and time to learn something else.


I'd rather everybody speak straight Americanized English or the King's English in the US. Although all regions have their own style and a bit of slang or colloquiallisms. But if someone from across the US can't understand but every 5th word of what you're saying or writing, I would call that extensive slang in the form of purposeful obfuscation - and a waste of my time. IMO, this is usually done to "be cool" or set your bad self apart from other mere mortals.


Don't even get me started on teaching in other than English (other than ESL classes) in US schools. You immigrate, and you learn english. Just about every one that's emmigrated into this country from across the world did that, unless they already spoke english. And passed English on to their offspring.


Just my opinion.

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Guest livewire23

I don't know, there are people in this country with accents so thick i can't understand more than a word out of every five they say. You ever tried to understand what country folk are sayin? I can't understand a word they say. :shock:

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I don't know, there are people in this country with accents so thick i can't understand more than a word out of every five they say. You ever tried to understand what country folk are sayin? I can't understand a word they say. :shock:


You mean kinda like that one dude on "King of the Hill"? I can't remember his name...I'm not much of an aficionado.



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I understand - it's the intentional gangster language that gets me. Accents and colloquiallisms make travelling interesting - wouldn't have it any other way! Except the next time I go to Boston, I'm taking a big box of "R's" and hand them out to the locals - a big shortage of them up there :). J/K


I had a professor in college who was Italian. Had been in the US many years, but must have spoken Italian at home since he moved here. His accent was so thick I couldn't believe it the first day of class (Physics lecture hall with 200+ people in it). Great, I'm a first semester freshman, in my first college physics class and I can't understand hardly a word the guy is speaking (in English).


About the third sentence into the first class, he said (very slowly):

"I know that my accent is quite heavy. Don't worry, in a few days, you will understand everything I say." It was incredible, but he was right. We all got used to his thick accent very quickly. Great teacher too.

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