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Bad Bad Day...


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Well today started easy enough... Normal gig. I ended the day driving home from Reston, Va. (2.5 hours) which is a real bear. On the way home I ended up hitting a 4x4 post laying in the road. No way to avoid it as it was in a blind corner and I had an Excersion blocking the left lane. Flatted the rims on the right side on my Honda Civic. They are customs and I'm not sure they will balance... Not good. Anyway, I get home and the wife is in tears... Her 89 year old grandmother has been diagnosed with Cancer of the liver, Kidney (Her last one) and intestinal tract.


Now I am logical and am thinking "Damn, 89 years old... I hope I live that..." but she is thinking of the pain her Granny is in and Donna shares the many qualities her Grandmother has. Kindest, gentlest woman you would ever want to meet. Donna is just thinking of the pain, and the suffering the woman will now endure over the coming days.


I'll be out of pocket for the next few days as I stay close to her side. Love your loved ones, often. Tell them what they truly mean to you every chance you get.


Mike :cry:

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Alot of elderly deaths around me as well lately, one similar (bad liver issue) which was my girlfriends mother. When it got really bad though thankfully it didn't last long, from the time her skin got darker it took about 2 weeks, she knew for 2 years apperantly and didn't tell anyone (old mexican woman, stubborn).

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When it rains it pours... And I work for Morton Salt :?


Mike my heartfelt prayers go out to you and yours. After losing my wife last year and going through a hellish time I truly belive there is a God.


There is a reason for everything on this earth, we are here for only a moment in time, a blink of Gods eye. I pray she finds peace, if she believes, I KNOW she will find it. I've seen a glimse of heven through what the Lord has shown me, it is a beautyful, peaceful place. I know where my former wife is, she is watching over me constantly and I am greatful for every moment we shared on this earth.


I have felt the hurt of losing a loved one, but just keep this in the back of your mind... The destination is more wonderful, peaceful and fulfilling than this earth will EVER be. There is no hurt, nor are there tears in HIS kingdom. I pray, I too will have the prividlige of entering HIS kingdom one day, when I am called home. Amen.



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Mike, I'm really sorry to read this. If it weren't in the wee hours of the morning (when I just read this), I'd be on the phone.


Please give Donna our best - we'll be praying for her. If you say her grandmother is like her in demeanor, then I agree, she'll be losing a very kind, sweet person.


Denny, very sorry to hear about your brother. So young to get cancer! I'll be praying for a quick, full remission for him.




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